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what do you think of people who force their religion on others?

  Author:  35054  Category:(Religious) Created:(5/3/2001 9:03:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1458 times)

HEllo, I've noticed alot of people here do stuff like quote the bible at people they think are wrong. I don't quite understand why. Not why they do it, but why they think they are right? I don't go and quote budda (bhudda, buddha, my spelling never was really good.) or muslim, or "satanic stuff" at them, so why do they insist on trying to save the souls of people who are perfectly content to be who they are, and are perfectly happy questioning every thing in sight? (Such as myself) I am not christian, nor do I wish to be. That's my personal preferance. I'm not trying to ofend any one, and sorry if I do, (I was only using christians as an example, not as the main complaint.) so sorry for any ofense, and if you message me, I will personally apologise for any ofense I may have caused you. -Kit

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Date: 5/3/2001 9:55:00 PM  From Authorid: 23610    I have to agree with you there Kit...I have never understood it myself. Especially in cases where someone says they don't believe in the Bible and then they get a response to them quoting the Bible. How are they expected to take that seriously? I've been disturbed by a few things I've seen here lately where some have actually told others that they will not go to heaven...and actually will go to hell for not believing as they do. Now how are those soothing words of comfort supposed to convert anyone? The logic defies me. I believe that people should just let each other have their own beliefs....whatever they may be....and try a little more kindness and understanding. Hostility never converted anyone. -Lady Nyx  
Date: 5/3/2001 9:57:00 PM    Christ is the only Way to the Father and life eternal...there, I didn't push this upon you did I? I simply stated a fact and if you feel it was forced upon you, could it be because it is the truth after all?
Date: 5/3/2001 9:59:00 PM    Don't be angry with people who are actually trying to save your immortal soul...it means they care...God bless+
Date: 5/3/2001 10:01:00 PM  From Authorid: 23610    I disagree...when you care about someone you accept them for who they are and don't have expectations that they change to become like you. -Lady Nyx  
Date: 5/3/2001 10:06:00 PM    So do you accept an alcoholic for who he is or do you try and help him with his problem?
Date: 5/3/2001 10:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 23610    I totally accept an alcoholic for the way they are. An alcoholic will drink until he/she decides to quit....you can't do it for them.....but....are you comparing people who aren't Christians to alcoholics? Is this another one of those nice soothing compliments meant to convey love and concern to those who do not believe as you? And you wonder why they don't want to listen. -Lady Nyx  
Date: 5/3/2001 10:16:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 35054    thank you Lady Nyx,finally some one understands... and to that other person, look at what you're saying "I'm telling you a fact"??? I'm sorry, but that's not a "fact" I believe in, but you're still trying to push it.  
Date: 5/3/2001 10:25:00 PM  From Authorid: 3125    What I wonder about is "Why do so many ask religious questions then say someone is trying to push their religion on them when they give them biblical answers?"If I answer a religious question,I tend to use what God has to say about it in His Word..And ..Yes..I firmly believe that the Bible is the Words of our Creator..Sincerely Rusure  
Date: 5/3/2001 10:32:00 PM  From Authorid: 23610    I hear ya Rusure....and you are entitled to firmly believe that....just as others are entitled to firmly believe that it is not. No use squabbling over it...or trying to convince them otherwise....every person is entitled to their belief and respect for their beliefs...withoug being told that they are going to hell. -Lady Nyx  
Date: 5/3/2001 10:44:00 PM  From Authorid: 21132    I agree with you about people pushing their beliefs on others,Love and respect, should always come first. Sometimes just the way you live can share God's love better then saying anything at all. But There's a difference I believe between pushing your beliefs on someone and sharing with others that you know might share and believe the way you do. Maybe they only share the idea that God is real and nothing else, like as far as not going to Church or something like this. But that doesn't make them a bad person. We all start at different places in our life's and we all fall short. This section of the site, Called (Religious/Religion) This means to me,that people in this section will be sharing spiritual stories, about their lifes or other peoples life's touched by God, the way God has moved their hearts so they want to share it. It's something I can't help but do, sharing God's Love with others as he truly has touched my heart in many ways, but I don't think I've personally pushed anything on anyone and if I've none so I'd just like to say I'm sorry. It's difficult to understand how chirtians feel, It's something a person need to experience, when the holy spirit, moves your heart and God's starts to work in your life after giving your all to him, your life. Prayer's being answered, maybe not always in the way we'd hoped but knowing God's hand was in it. But pushing it on others is wrong, sharing is another thing, I believe, altogether. This is just the way I feel about this, Thanks for reading & God Bless : )  
Date: 5/3/2001 10:46:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 35054    I'm not saying they're bad people, I'm just saying it's annoying.  
Date: 5/3/2001 11:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 23610    Sharing is something done between to people who are both interested in partaking. If the other person has not shown an interest than it is not sharing...it's pushing. -Lady Nyx  
Date: 5/4/2001 12:43:00 AM  From Authorid: 27678    Nope, not gonna go there. Free Girl  
Date: 5/4/2001 12:50:00 AM  From Authorid: 23610    LOL....awww...but Free Girl...ya know I love ya! -Lady Nyx  
Date: 5/4/2001 6:35:00 AM  From Authorid: 160    If I respond to your question or make a comment I will give you a scripture that backs what I am saying. I cannot take credit for anything that I may be, it is my God that has allowed me the opportunity to the truth and I will always give HIM the credit that he so rightly deserves. Now that is when I can answer a question pertaining to the bible, but when I get into trouble it's Satans fault!  
Date: 5/4/2001 7:06:00 AM  From Authorid: 34476    I agree with Rusure. If someone asks me a "religious" question, then I will normally answer with scripture because I am a Christian. I will quote where I found it because the people that do believe in the bible want to know where my belief came from. It is strictly my opinion, of course, which anyone can agree with or disagree with. I don't believe in being "pushy" about what I believe, but I think that if someone is taking something biblical out of context (in my opinion) it needs to be pointed out to them. If the person with the question doesn't believe that the bible is inspired, it is a moot point anyway. In the little time that I have been at USM I have noticed ALOT of ideas being pushed, not just religious points of view. Some people are always right (in their opinion), and that is how they will reply to any question. --Paranoid--  
Date: 5/4/2001 10:25:00 AM  From Authorid: 16671    As you will notice I usually hang out in debate as it doesnt matter what I write, people want to debate it, rather its about God or not. Even if its not about God, someone will still bring up God and the Bible as they know that is what I believe in. Usually I'm just trying to show the other side of the coin as there are so many posts that are anti God, that I get as fed up with it as YOu do for us that post and comment on what we believe with our whole heart. I will defend the word of God and the Salvation of the LORD JESUS to my dying day. I'm not perfect, never claim to be perfect, never said anyone has to be perfect, thats between them and God. But for people that believe in the LORD JESUS and salavation, its not that we are being pushy, its because we care and because of what we believe, WE, like God, would have that none perish. Think about it, what IF we are right in talking about salvation and what the word of God says, what if those that dont believe are wrong? What if the flames of hell are 7 times hotter than any flame here on earth? What if what JESUS says about grace is true and YOU cant work your way to heaven>? I think a person should at least study out what they are so much against. They may just find that they have been wrong. I found out I was wrong. I didnt believe either. Thank God He got through to my hard head.  
Date: 5/4/2001 11:02:00 AM  From Authorid: 17789    Hey Kit, I believe that one who tries to spread his religion is not for himself but for the good of people that he believes in. Why would someone spend such a effort to make another sees the way of light? It's extrememly tedious and there's no payback, and why did he wants to do that? What urged him to? Nothing, but true faith. As simple as that. Those are generous and unselfish people and they wanted other people to experience wonders which are build up by love, but you know and I know that one can't be convince by words of another until they had experienced it.  
Date: 5/4/2001 9:43:00 PM  From Authorid: 34361    PLEASE don't take it personally! We Christians don't deliberately try and shove our religion on anyone. We're just excited-Thrilled! That our lives have changed so much for the better, we just want to share it! Really! I try not to quote scriptures unless someone specifically asks. Try to look at it like this---What would you do if you won a ten million dollar lottery? Would you scream? Tell everyone you know? After you got the money, would you not be content to tell people how it got you out of debt, how it changed your lives? I experienced a Real miracle! I was actually healed! I want to scream it to the high heavens because how it has changed my life. It's exciting! I don't know about other Christians, but any opportunity I have, I'm gonna wanna share it! I apologize if it seems like I'm pushing it sometimes. I know it's hard for some people to understand. It's a natural HIGH! And I get carried away...Please don't hate us---We just want to share it. We don't want anyone to miss out when they can have it too...Do you understand?
Date: 5/4/2001 9:59:00 PM  From Authorid: 29806    I totally agree with you man, it's rediculous. Since I'm atheist, I find no reason to don a relgious symbol around my neck. But living in this little catholic town, it's hard to walk down the street, even in my school, I'm harassed by the other students about my beliefs. I'm told that Jesus and God exist, and that it is a fact. They say that I will go to hell, even though "god" supposedly loves all his children. But doesn't the Bible say.; "Judge not, lest ye be judged?" Just because christianity is the most widespread religion does not make it the right one. If someone wants to change their religion, then they will do it on their own. And in my personal opinion, I believe that the world would be better if there were no religions. So many wars would never have had happened. -Control my mind, Control my body- ID  
Date: 5/5/2001 8:02:00 AM  From Authorid: 9828    You know, I completely agree KIt. I can't stand it when people tell me I'm going to hell because I don't believe in the christian god and am not christian. Why are they telling me I am going to go to a place I don't believe in? That' snot going to convince me. I also hate it when people answer a religious question about a different religion with quotes from the bible. If I was wiccan and I made a post about that religion why would I want a quote from the christian bible? It doesnt't make sense. As it happens, I am wiccan and I have had many people do exactly what I just said. I hate it when people try to force their views on me. I don't force mine on them, I would expect to be treated with respect for my views, decisions, and the way I choose to live my life. Isn't that all anybody asks, no matter what religion they are? ~`~Ghostie-Girl~`~  
Date: 5/5/2001 5:54:00 PM  From Authorid: 10221    You are taking some of us wrong...cuz God is not a lier....God is all truth and Light and throgh his Son Jesus is the only way to eternal life...without him...you cannot have eternal life, so therefore we throw scriptures cuz those are Gods words...read them for yourself so you know we are not lieing...since those are Gods words...if you don't beleive what you are reading..then you don't believe in what God is saying...if you beleive in your own personal mind..then that can cause you some serious consequenses with God...that's why we put scriputes..to read it for yourself...and if you beleive that these prophets who wrote it, who actually was with Jesus at the time are lying..then i just ask that if you think you know more than God himself...who wants us to know his ways in order to live a good life...have eternal life...cuz if your one of thos who beleive that everybody goes to heaven..except thos who commit a crime...then you really do need God in your life...cuz even a good person can go to hell..if they did not accept Jesus into their life. If you beleive that you know more than God...then you must think you know more than him. If you say no..then are you relying on your own self for the truth? Who knows more than God? Nobody on this earth knows more than God. I know i would want someone in my life that can give me nothing but true spiritual knowledge, someone who will never lie, never steer me wrong..never betray me...someone who can give me spiritual eternal life..a ticket to heaven...the only one i know IS GOD. i have Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior..so i have my ticket to heaven. Do you?
You have not offended me, but chirstians are children of God...only those who REALLY have Jesus...so if you ask a person claiming to be christians if they are saved, and that person don't even know what that means...100% guarentee that they really arn't saved, if they don't even know what that means. God gives spiritual knowledge and wisdom...only these things come from him. God said if your not for him..you then are against him..and on the devils side and are living in spiritual darkeness. so if christians bother you, you then must not be a child of God, cuz then you would love to talk about God to other christian brothers and sisters. God said, we will know the fruit of people, by the way they act. Your post alone shows then that if God would try to talk to you, you would be bothered by him also.
Date: 5/5/2001 6:27:00 PM  From Authorid: 10798    Well, here we go again.  
Date: 5/5/2001 10:26:00 PM  From Authorid: 31732    I will pray for you.
Date: 5/5/2001 10:47:00 PM  From Authorid: 15621    You know....I see nothing wrong with quoting scripture,but there are ways to do things and ways not to do them.......When you do it and hurt someone in the process,you only drive them further away...but some will never understand that  
Date: 5/6/2001 1:24:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 35054    these "god's words" were written by some old men who believed with all their hearts the earth was flat. PS. don't tell me you'll pray for me, that disturbs me thouroughly.  
Date: 5/9/2001 4:15:00 PM  From Authorid: 9828    Um, Flamingo, didn't you catch that some people do not want God forced on them and the like? So, why are you doing it? You say that Christians are the only people who are Gods children, but if I remember correctly it saying somewhere that EVERYONE is God's child? Am I wrong?  

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