Date: 4/25/2001 10:25:00 PM
From Authorid: 34341
Cool...she obvously has a high degree of manual dexterity to be able to use a pencil, and is obviously very observant besides. If she is doing things more often with her left hand, there is a good possibility she will be left handed. If she is, don't worry about it or communicate the idea that you think she's doing anything wrong--just be happy she's attempting things at such a young age! <glock> |
Date: 4/25/2001 10:28:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 5656
isn't that cool, I can just sit and watch her for hours doing that.. |
Date: 4/25/2001 10:30:00 PM
From Authorid: 14752
My children all used their left hand as well as their right when they were that age, but I read in a child magazine that they don't establish a preference until ages 3-5. |
Date: 4/25/2001 10:35:00 PM
From Authorid: 34537
it is neat and you should be proud of her. only time will tell if she is left handed. |
Date: 4/25/2001 10:37:00 PM
From Authorid: 34487
I don't think this is too odd. My mother told me that I used a crayon at about that age. I am now an artist so maybe she'll be very mechanically or artistically inclined. |
Date: 4/25/2001 11:10:00 PM
From Authorid: 29526
it does sound like she is left handed.moon angel |
Date: 4/25/2001 11:46:00 PM
From Authorid: 26303
This is normal as far as I know. She has probably watched you or someone close doing this. As far as if she is left handed or not, it may be too early to tell. But, both my child favoured a hand at the same age, and are using that hand to write. One's left handed the other, well, right handed. LOL ~Aussie Girl |
Date: 4/26/2001 2:33:00 AM
From Authorid: 14226
i dont know very much about babies im only old enough to babysit others children. but by the sound of it looks like your abby will be left handed. love |
Date: 4/26/2001 8:38:00 AM
From Authorid: 33088
Hi G.B; Maybe instead of "Is this Normal" you're wondering if this is USUAL in a child so young. The manual dexterity sounds a bit advanced, but if she is growing up in a house with lots of books, computers, and examples of people writing, that may explain it. I certainly wouldn't worry. My son was doing similar things at that age, so I bought him a blank book, and he "wrote" in it every day, and that book of scribbles is now one of his fondest childhood possessions. He's 17 now, and tormenting me endlessly this week, because he is writing a movie script that is a parody of every spy movie ever filmed. (ARGGH!) He does this as a hobby, not to submit to Hollywood, or anything. But who knows? Maybe someday... So, your daughter is probably exhibiting promising signs of creativity. Perhaps you should wonder if it is signs of genuis? (Do us parents ever wonder if ANY sign is NOT of genius? (HaHa!) Love, Amaranth |
Date: 5/2/2001 10:55:00 PM
From Authorid: 27046
Its normal my son has been holding any kind of writing utensil the way that you or I as adults would use it since he was a year old and I handed him his first crayon...........Azairyia |