I woke up crying early Saturday Morning because of a dream I had. I dreamt that my friend Mary was looking for a sales receipt. She mentioned other things but I could not remember. I remember seeing her face and I woke up crying. The reason I was crying is that she is no longer with us. She died in a car accident in late January. I was angry because she died for two reasons. One, she was full of life, she had everything to live for. She was in her 30's, was a school teacher and a nurse, and she loved working with kids. The second reason I was angry with myself is that I could not cry when I was told of her death. I found to my shocking surprise that a tv show made me cry more than my friend's death. I will always hold on to the last memory of Mary: her always smiling, laughing face. She was never angry, always kind. I still don't understand why God wanted you to leave this earth except to be one of his angels. Rest in Peace Mary. -Payne How it changed my life:I was able to grieve for my friend and I am more in peace and no longer angry at God. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 17506 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .