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the Civil War

  Author:  9059  Category:(Discussion) Created:(4/23/2001 3:53:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (6379 times)

OK we are gunna do this and its gunna be fun! YOU (yeah you! lol) are in the civil war! you have a choice! are you with the Union or the Confederates? wich ever one you pick PLEASE reply with your choice and a reason! when you reply act like you ARE this person I will give you an exaple by writing mine right now! :0)

I am a solder from the Union. I was given the choice and chose the union! Why? Because I fallow god not my crop. I come from Washington DC fighting because they wanted to succed from our US! 7 states have left and all because they whent against gods word. Lincoln is a good man. my family is worried I shall not come back I fear that as well, but my country comes before my life and I shall fight against the evil. the union crossed there fingers for our last fort. shots fired we when to war. many of our comanders have left to fight for there birthplace. we now march to bull run and I fear it will be a bloody battle I know my family is praying for my safe return home to them.

See like that! treat it as a journal! :0) it doesn't have to be that long though! lol

Scrappy Doo

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 4/22/2001 2:52:00 PM  From Authorid: 17417    I too am a Union Soldier,I fight for God and country and choose the Union to be a part of abolishing Slavery...I am just 17 years old and although my Momma worries about me she understands I have to follow my heart and my convictions..The only thing I trully worry about is Momma wrote me my brother Jed joined the Confederacy and I pray I will not have to face him in this terrible upcomming battle...<<<<How was that Scrappy?????This is A Great Post...God Bless,I Remain,In Spirit,  
Date: 4/22/2001 2:52:00 PM  From Authorid: 25856    I'd probly b a Union  
Date: 4/22/2001 2:53:00 PM  From Authorid: 16912    Uhhh probaly the Union! ***hugs*** Sassy  
Date: 4/22/2001 6:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 18155    Thanks for the correction. Appreciate it. As a member of Sons of Confederate Veterans, I would do what 18 members of my ancestors did and volunteer for service in the Confederate Army, as North Carolina provided more troops than any other Confederate state and had more loses than any other.  
Date: 4/22/2001 6:20:00 PM  From Authorid: 7574    Um, which ones which? Is the Union the North? Well, whatever the North is, that's what I'd be....lol...but it isn't the Civil War, and I'm not a guy, so I don't really have to worry bout none of this!  
Date: 4/22/2001 6:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 16865    I fight for the north only b/c I don't like slavery and big ego's. Of course if I ran this country they'd have been kicked out long before they could have succeeded. Just my opinion there. Let them rot in the hot suumer sun.  
Date: 4/22/2001 6:27:00 PM  From Authorid: 20921    I would be the Union, i really dont think slavery should have ever happened! LOL@ Dotchi  
Date: 4/22/2001 6:30:00 PM    If I were a member and had the time to, I'd say Confederate because barely anybody will say it. People automatically associate the Confederacy with slavery, but only 6% of Southerners owned slaves in the pre-Civil War years. The war wasn't fought over slavery, it was fought over the high tariffs the North placed on items coming and going to England, cutting off a major trade partner of the South; the war was essentially fought over states' rights vs. federal rights.
Date: 4/22/2001 6:33:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 9059    I would like to reply to the last coment I got no it was fout because the sout fired shots on fort sumtner (sp?) I have a text book and have read the chaper MANY times and know the reason it was fought  
Date: 4/22/2001 6:38:00 PM  From Authorid: 17213    I would have to fight for the South. Now don't get me wrong, I am all against slavery. But, like it has been said, the war was not over slavery. I just refuse to fight for greedy industrials. No offense meant, I live in Alabama, so I get a little caught up in pride sometimes.  
Date: 4/22/2001 6:39:00 PM  From Authorid: 2183    I am an 18 year old Union soldier. I trust that God will have an upper hand in the ultimate fight, yet I feel I must do my part. I owe all my respect and gratitude to the boys in the revolution and seeing patriot take up arms against fellow patriot causes my tears to meet my pillow each night. My family is my first love, my country is my second. I put my heart into fighting for them both. I have a strong feeling that I shall leave this world on a distant battlefield far from home, yet I know that I will somehow find my way back. And when the sky turns black and my eyes close for the last time I shall be praying that my beautiful country, the greatest country on earth, will find peace once again.  
Date: 4/22/2001 6:39:00 PM  From Authorid: 28946    i joined the union army. i truly believe every man,woman and child should be free. Rev. dixon preached on this just last sunday. He also reminded us about how peopleswere sold into slavery and were beaten and starved. i don't understand what killing my brethern will do to stop this but Rev. Dixon said i have to go. ma and pa are of the Quaker religion but said it is up to me now that i am a man.i'm 16 years old now and i pray i will live to see my 17th birthday. see, i'm going to a place they call Gettysburg. i hope the Lord will look after my loved ones. i just finished a letter to my ma and told her i think i made a mistake in joining the fighting. i told her after Gettysburg, i'll come home.

how was this? penny44
Date: 4/22/2001 6:50:00 PM  From Authorid: 28767    This is different I am actually a women pretending to be man becuase I hate sitting home and doing nothing for my country, i am a union soldier. Why because I just want something to do and I need to get out of the house. Also because slavery is wrong. snow monkey  
Date: 4/22/2001 6:52:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 9059    lol Snow Monkey that is the uniqest answer yet! lol  
Date: 4/22/2001 7:07:00 PM  From Authorid: 25390    Hello, my name is Scarlett O'Hara, and I'm a helpless Southern Bell. Not because I want to be, but because women are nothing in the Civil War Period!! Someone give me some jeans and a gun man!! This is not fair!! Loose the hoop skirt!! =Odd=  
Date: 4/22/2001 7:17:00 PM  From Authorid: 8828    actually scrappy, Fort sumter was the actual beginning of the war, but that one person hit it right on the head! The war was a little bit over slavery, but MAINLY it was over the succession of the states and rights. Like they said, only a SMALL percentage of southerners were rich planters that owned slaves..the rest were poor farmers that didnt necessarily agree with slavery or disagree with it. Also, General Robert E. Lee, (for the South) was not an enemy of Lincoln, they got along pretty well, and Lee did not agree with slavery, he just grew up in the south and agreed with some of the rights issues. Many Southerners followed God and not their "crop." I am not saying I was on the side of the South necessarily, but you have to see that the south wasn't necessarily this big evil bad guy. People just automatically think that because when they hear the south they automatically associate it with slaves. Also, women were very involved, especially during sherman's march to the sea...   
Date: 4/22/2001 7:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 20750    I am an 18 year old I am ready to fight my cause!!! I am with the union and I am female!!! wheres my post?? LOL  
Date: 4/22/2001 7:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 30606    I am with the Union, I am just with the Union!! LOL!! spazebabe  
Date: 4/22/2001 8:03:00 PM  From Authorid: 33803    I am also a soldier in the Union. I must admit I am scared to be in a war. (Especially since I'm a girl.) My parent's said they'd pray for me, day and night. I look at the stars, and I realize how bug this world is! I'm so lucky to live in the US! Other people are suffering in countries like China. I will fight for our God!

*Dark Angel*

hehe. Was that good enough?
Date: 4/22/2001 8:19:00 PM  From Authorid: 1574    YANKEES! Ya'll are just plain YANKEES! I'm a confederate Soilder of the South! and Proud of it! General Lee is a fine man and an out standin' leader! When We're through with you yellow backs up north, you'll see how a real soilder fights! Lincoln can high tail it back to Ohio and he can stay there! The south will win! Resistance is futile!  
Date: 4/22/2001 8:24:00 PM  From Authorid: 23037    i was walking around like an idiot protesting the war and got shot before it even got started , and i dont even know which way the bullet came from , eet  
Date: 4/22/2001 8:31:00 PM  From Authorid: 32789    very intersting scrappydoo!
i am a soldier for the confederacy. we have decided to secede from the union because we do not agree with the way our america is being turned into a nation of slaves to a central government. we shall fight for liberty. lincoln is a racist liar, his racist quotes have been in all of the newspapers in america. his propaganda
about freeing slaves really sends my ire up! for he himself owned many slaves! his true intent is to enslave the entire population of america so a few greedy northern industrialists can own this 'plantation' and all americans shall have to toil neverendingly in their factories and mills
FOREVER! we must fight this evil plague with all of our might! or our american liberty is doomed forever. meru
Date: 4/22/2001 8:38:00 PM  From Authorid: 32789    i posted before i read all of your excellent posts. i must point out something interesting...
it seems most of us who choose confederate
are older than the union! i wonder if this is because we can actually remember the stories told to us by men who actually fought in this war.
also younguns i must repremand you for believing textbooks! when you finish college you will see what i mean. the winner ALWAYS writes their version in textbooks! never forget this. it takes RESEARCH to find the truth in this day and age.
you have the internet at hand...use it!
i love you guys! meru
Date: 4/22/2001 9:01:00 PM  From Authorid: 28775    I am an 18 year old soldier on the Union lines on the grounds of Gettysburg. It is July, 1862 and it's really hot outside. Some of the other soldiers are eating God only knows what they found in the woods where we are currently stationed. The Reb army is somewhere about 10 miles to our South and seem to not be moving very quickly but then again, it is getting dark outside. Anyway, I am in my tent and just wondering if I am going to live through another day of battle. My said fighting for the rights of my countrymen was worth dying for. I don't know anymore. I don't understand why anyone would want to die for something they believe in, if they are not going to live to see the outcome of their struggle. It's just wierd. I feel like I am being a hypocrite for saying that but, here I am fighting alongside everyone else. Some people are here because they feel it their patriotic duty, some are here just because it was a way for them to get out of the house. Some are here because they feel that that cause for which they are fighting is actually worth it. Some are here because that they thought that they would be considered as one who dodged the draft. I am here for most of those reasons, but probably "freedom" is the main reason I am here. I think that all the colored folk should be subjected to happiness once in awhile. Anyway, if I am still alive tomorrow, I will probably write in here tomorrow...

Sedrec Michaels, July 1 1862

Date: 4/22/2001 9:17:00 PM  From Authorid: 3321    I am the wife of a man who is in the government of the United States. Since the South has seceded from us, we have been struggling to regain some sort of semblance of face while trying not to let the South be treated lightly for their horrid actions. This is not about slavery, that is not really the issue at hand. There is so much more to all of this, more than many know what they are going to war for.  
Date: 4/22/2001 9:27:00 PM    The union. Why? because my family came here not to be persecuted for their beliefs and to create a place where a person has freedom from persecution of any kind. eventhough it is well known that the north was the biggest slave state in the colonies, we did wake up, and do something about it. T-BEAR
Date: 4/22/2001 9:31:00 PM    I am a soldier in the Confederate army. Although battered and bruised from many intense and long fought battles in the field;I continue onward in my quest, along-side my Confederate brothers, to crush the Union Imperialists. I spend long hours of my day thinking if this civil dispute will ever reside; I also think about my newly acquired slaves,Kunta Kinta and Shabaz Akeem, and my dearly beloved wife Nicole. As each day passes, I see many of my friends and acquantances die or get wounded in battle;I can only wonder if and when I wil be next. If God has pre-destined my life to die in this god-forsaken war, than so-be-it. For my belief in God along with my belief in the freedom of my cause has given me the motivation to continue onward. If I were to die this day, let it be known, written for historical purposes that I gave the Union Imperialist one h#ll of a fight. Even though munitions' are low, and the war seems far from over, I will never give up to the Imperialist Yankees'. Not until this war comes to a conclusive end, or the gun pried from my cold-dead bloody hands will I ever bow out of this fight!....-Taz-
Date: 4/22/2001 9:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 21575    I enlisted at 17. I came from England 5 short years ago. My Mom's family is here. They are joining the Union forces so shall I. By 18 I was trained and saw my 1st battle at Shiloh. Not long after I was wounded at Corinth Mississippi. My cousins do not return from the war. I do. As written by proxy by my great-grandfather.

The war was about state rights not slavery for the most part. Northerners used the slavery issue to get people rileed up and willing to put their lives on the line.
Date: 4/22/2001 10:23:00 PM  From Authorid: 29526    id rather be a nurse than fight hehe but if i HAD 2 then the union i think slavery is wrong(the union were the 1's who were aginst slavery right?)moon angel  
Date: 4/22/2001 10:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 28071    Dearest Deliah, I have just just been commissioned to regiment 54 of Massachussetts. Tomorrow, we leave Boston and are heading out to Fort Wagner for drill and to receive ration. I miss everyone back in Plymouth. Please, send them my love and best wishes. Hopefully the war will be over in a couple of weeks and then we can get ready for our wedding day. I doubt any of the action will come our way if ole' Johnny Reb knows what is good for him. Don't worry about me, I'll be home soon I promise. With all my love, Private DaVe Longstreet of the 54' Mass  
Date: 4/22/2001 11:11:00 PM  From Authorid: 23610    I am 18 years old and already I am a widow. I have lost a husband, two brothers, and countless friends to this war. Today I had the great fortune to listen to an address by our President, Mr. Lincoln, in Gettysburg. He spoke of honor and valor. He dedicated the field of a great battle where the blood of many were shed, including my brother James, to those who gave their lives for this nation. His words still echo in my mind, "...that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave that last full measure of devotion -- that we highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that the government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth". My whole soul aches for the loss of my beloved husband and my dear brothers. I can only wonder if it can be true that their deaths will not have been in vain and pray that more blood will not be shed on this earth in the name of freedom. I pray for the day that this war will end and pray that in the end the cause will be just and will have been worth the loss of those whom we have held so dear and whom we will never again hold except in our hearts. I pray that this nation may stand worthy of the many souls we have lost in her name...and as Mr. Lincoln has said, will not have been in vain. -Lady Nyx  
Date: 4/23/2001 1:26:00 AM  From Authorid: 10754    I'd say to Hell with fighting, move to New Mexico, and be happy. War brings nothing but death, hurt, and hardship. Peace comes not after war, but exists when one refuses to raise his hand to another.   
Date: 4/23/2001 2:27:00 AM  From Authorid: 15823    I'm a young (English immigrant) Union soldier fighting for Lincoln and the North - but I don't hate the South or Southerners, I just think they're very wrong on this issue.
I want to re-unify the whole US and allow freedom to spread across the entire continent. The sooner we win and end this war the sooner we all can go home to our families - North and South - and once more live in peace.
God Bless America ... and Freedom!
Date: 4/23/2001 2:40:00 AM  From Authorid: 15823    I've just said good-bye to my widowed mother and younger sister as I'm due to march off to the war now. They cried a lot and begged me to stay but I promised them that me and my pal jamie will look out for each other and we'll both be home in less than 3 months. Surely the war can't last any longer! But I'm very scared now.
I'm 18 ... will I ever seem my folks again?
Date: 4/23/2001 2:55:00 AM  From Authorid: 12031    i'm gonna join the union! =)  
Date: 4/23/2001 4:05:00 AM  From Authorid: 28946    actually i had family fight on both sides of the civil war so i better be a reb now.

we were all at a barbecue last saturday and the men got to talking about if the south will go to war. this isn't about equality as some people think and are led to believe. the north (washington bigwigs) want our good confederate land! we treat our slaves well and even give them freedom. we pay them a wage even tho some disagree with us. our slaves even continue to work here after they bought their freedom. this is their home too! its always a war against something tho. but the yankees i really feel are jealous of our way of life. we treat our women folk as delicate flowers and our children as gold! i really hate the thought of war, but i will have to leave all that i love in order to protect all that i love. i hope i will get to come back to my beautiful home with all the trees and flowers. i hope i can get married to suzyanna next month, but if we go to war i couldn't leave her in the family way. i'll write more in you journal,tomorrow.

Date: 4/23/2001 5:03:00 AM  From Authorid: 15823    August 18th 1863: Diary entry.
I've had 3 years of hell and killed more than a dozen men - some with the bayonet.
My pal Jamie went home last week but minus a leg.
I'm glad he made it home as he's his mother's only child and her being a widow, too.
I'm a platoon sergeant now and can't wait to beat
these 'Rebs' and get back home, as well.
This war's gonna drag on for a bit, tho' as these 'Rebs' fight bravely for their homes just as we'd fight for ours ...
We've been told - and the men believe it - that the 'Rebs' intend raping and killing our womenfolk if they ever get the upperhand and win this war. How long more can this go on?
Date: 4/23/2001 10:37:00 AM  From Authorid: 31091    I am a soldier of the Confederate States of America. Those who win wars get to write the histories. We have been taught crap by the winning side! If the war was for slavery then it follows that Lincoln should have said to the South the following: "Just free the slaves and I will let you secede and form your own government." He NEVER said it! In fact Jefferson Davis, president of the South, late in the war, asked the European powers if they would save the CSA, if it freed the slaves. It was too late then but it shows that Davis fought to begin a new nation, not just to keep slavery. I hate slavery too, but the South fought for independence and self government. The Lincoln government fought to
force the South to stay in the Union even if it meant killing every Southerner! Listen to what really happened not just the winner's side!
Date: 4/24/2001 4:55:00 PM  From Authorid: 17213    ok, I didn't do it "journal style" the first time, so here I go:

Tensions are building between us and the North. The folks down here in Alabama say war will come soon. I will fight for the South. The Confederacy. My home. My life! All I have known is our farm in the Black Belt. It is so beautiful down here in the summer with wildlife everywhere. I cannot begin to think of all this changing. It is too good. The industrial big shots in the North are getting jealous of the great fortune we have found in these fertile lands, and we will fight to protect it to the death, if need be. Long live the Confederacy!
Date: 5/18/2001 9:52:00 PM  From Authorid: 36564    I am 11 and have joined the mighty confederacy. Pa talked about states rights, before he got hit by a cannon ball at Ceder Creek. We have just pushed those yellow bellied varments in the campeign we call 'The Seven Days'. I serve with General Jackson, the best general I have served with. I myself am fighting for what pa believed in, I don't even have slaves! This war is a big hoax! General Bobby Lee will whup those yellow bellied yank's all the way back to Maine! I have killed more men than I can count, not to mention a few city slicker boys who joined the war on the Yank's side. We Southerners could take on six Yank's, even for a kid my age! Hurrah Hurrah Hurrah...so I don't know the rest of the song, thats for the drummers to know. May the Confederacy live to build its own government!

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