We started as friends
I think I felt it that early
He was still mine
But it didn't matter I hung out with you anyways
You were sweet and said the things he never wanted to
You made each second great
And settled yourself into my heart
I knew we could never be more then friends
But I still had a secret
A secret that would ruin one life but start a whole new one
a secret that could shater and build ones life
I grew away from him we saw less and less of each other
so, I saw more and more of you
I thank god for the time I spent with you
but still loved him
I couldn't say no to you when you gave me an answer
but also couldn't say yes to his needs and wants
It's right but wrong,
Healthy but weak
I sit on the brige that links the 2 worlds
I have had the best of both
but no matter what I decide
it will allways be the wrong choice in some way
~`~Scrappy Doo~`~
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