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So Many Of You Are EXTREMELY Politically Confused!!!!!

  Author:  16612  Category:(Debate) Created:(4/19/2001 3:08:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1632 times)

I hear so many people say they are Democrats, and saying bad things about the Republican party,yet almost everything they say is a conservative concept.The following will explain the fundamentals of both the Democrat party and the Republican party....

The Democrat party basically wants more government involvement in citizen's lives.The Democrats wish for more governemt programs and more control over people's lives.See, the word "liberal" makes a person think that that means more freedom right? WRONG.The real meaning of the word "liberal" describes how they wish to spend money and funds.Wasting it on other countries,people that don't want to work, and our spoiled prisoners and all their excersize equipment and cable TV's, and recreational stuff they don't deserve.

The Republican party are the ones who are always talking about freedom, and our constitutional rights.They are for less involvement of the government in people's lives.Instead of having programs predeterminded for you, it is up to the individual to choose for theirself.Republican concept is about less government control in people's lives, and more choices being made by the individual people for themselves.THAT means more FREEDOM.

So now I think I have cleared up a big misunderstanding on many people's parts.The Republican party is actually the one that better fits the views of those who live the Gothic,or Punk type of lifestyle, or basically anyone who WANTS more FREEDOM and INDIVIDUAL choice......freedom to make choices for yourself instead of having the government or others choose for you.

So I don't wanna hear any of you claiming to be Democrats, and then turning around and complaining about how you want more freedom and your constitutional rights.lol.

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Date: 4/19/2001 3:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 24924    It is YOU, that appears to be "Confused" by that very inaccurate "definition" of the two parties.
The Thinker
Date: 4/19/2001 3:19:00 PM  From Authorid: 27403    It is so nice to be corrected by someone who is so obviously unbiased.  
Date: 4/19/2001 3:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 15394    and yet... we have managed to drill where we probably should not, and cut funding to family planning.... hmmm who is for whome???  
Date: 4/19/2001 3:24:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 16612    I am extremely biased.lol.I recognize the Republican party as the more logical,better one.But I think the best is Liberatarian.Because the Democrats wanna take our guns away, and the Republicans wanna cram corrupt Christianity down our throats, so w/ Liberatarian party, we keep our guns, AND have freedom of religion, which this country was founded for both of those freedoms.But I think Anarchy is really the best, because God didn't intend for us to be ruled by a government.We are supposed to live and govern our own actions, and do as we will and harm none.  
Date: 4/19/2001 3:33:00 PM  From Authorid: 24924    *gives Lightworker a high ^5 ! * Tessek, Don't take this as being rude, but WHAT exactly does a 16-17 yr old know about POLITICS!? What you read? What your parents think? Have you held down a full time job, paid taxes, supported yourself??
The Thinker
Date: 4/19/2001 3:48:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 16612    Nope! lol  
Date: 4/19/2001 3:49:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 16612    LOL. But Thinker..I am much more enlightened than most adults are.Most ppl only have an IQ of about 120.  
Date: 4/19/2001 3:50:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 16612    I've been interested in politics since I was very young All politics are corrupt, but it's still interesting.  
Date: 4/19/2001 3:51:00 PM  From Authorid: 24732    Well I'm a Republican. And besides I know some Republicans who have Democrats for parents, so their parents didn't really effect their political veiws. (<>..<>Alien  
Date: 4/19/2001 3:53:00 PM  From Authorid: 27403    I.Q. does not equal enlightenment. Enlightenment may come to those of varying intellectual capacities. What is needed for enlightenment is an unbiased mind. Light and Love  
Date: 4/19/2001 3:57:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 16612    I know  
Date: 4/19/2001 3:58:00 PM  From Authorid: 27403    Hey Thinker, is it very democratic or republican to make Tessek sit in a corner at the convention? LOL! Just teasing you, Tessek! At least you are aware there are political parties, which is beyond some of the young people I talk too. Light and Love  
Date: 4/19/2001 4:00:00 PM  From Authorid: 16865    Well, I am liberaterian. But even then I don't get to much into politics.  
Date: 4/19/2001 4:06:00 PM  From Authorid: 30421    there is so much more to politics than what you have stated..i am going to have to be with thinker on this one  
Date: 4/19/2001 4:07:00 PM  From Authorid: 18737    Well, you might want to continue your political studies, there is only one real political party and that is "Capitalism." *in the U.S.* ... It goes by many names, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, etc. but at the end of the day, the candidate most devoted to capitalism will generally win the election. ... BTW, 100 is the average IQ. *smile* ... May peace and harmony be forever yours. /s/ J.T.
Date: 4/19/2001 4:14:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 16612    Wow. 100? God..No offense to anyone, but it is kinda shocking because it's lower than I thought.lol. I'm surprised how the world functions!lol  
Date: 4/19/2001 4:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 27028    im sorry but i don't think politics should be controlled by ones beleif in religion. it has to be fair as most people aren't christians and don't beleive god. and individual is useless. the people rules * i like politics too strangely o.O* infact what i said made no sense becasuse i can't be bothered to debate but im much better usually lol  
Date: 4/19/2001 4:15:00 PM  From Authorid: 27028    get rid of guns... guns = evil guns = kill guns = death guns = suffer i don't care how much training for use of guns it can never be stopped and all the foolish presidents that exist made no action what soever.  
Date: 4/19/2001 4:17:00 PM  From Authorid: 27028    and also in my other usm postings (check my stories) theres a thing i put called freedom of religion and religion forcing because of one person's personal beleief. read it  
Date: 4/19/2001 4:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 18737    100 is the "benchmark" for IQ, that is the "average" *seriously* /s/ J.T.
Date: 4/19/2001 4:29:00 PM  From Authorid: 15033    Hi TCQ, 100 IQ is intellegent. I think you may be confusing those on-line tests with the real thing...people go there and are told they have an IQ of 140 when in fact a few cute questions does not gage anywhere near the real tests. Those same people would be lucky to come out with a 98. Get rid of guns? *starts twitching*...gotta have my guns...life is nothing without serious target practice...*shudders thinking about gun withdrawels*....he he! Love,  
Date: 4/19/2001 4:38:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 16612    No, I was thinking that the average person had a 120 IQ according to a real IQ test.lol.But I was wrong!.lol.ppl and their 100 IQ's! LOL.heehee.I'm all giddy today and laughing like crazy.I had too much caffiene!   
Date: 4/19/2001 4:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 7341    Hmmm....I'm gonna have to disagree with ya...  
Date: 4/19/2001 5:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 31783    My comment is more about the gun thing than the original post. Get rid of guns? NO WAY!!! Does any one truly believe a criminal gives a flying flip if it's legal to own one? If guns are taken away, the only ones that'll get hurt are the average citizen. You know the law abiding ones that can't afford body guards like some of these celebritys out there. Jetamio  
Date: 4/19/2001 5:25:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 16612    I agree Jetamio  
Date: 4/19/2001 6:49:00 PM  From Authorid: 13897    well, i'm independant here, politics are BAD STUFF!! lol...good luck!  
Date: 4/19/2001 7:50:00 PM  From Authorid: 27678    Thank you. I've also been trying to educate people on the same issue for a long time. The Democrats of today have a basic "socialist" agenda that can't be ignored. Free Girl  
Date: 4/19/2001 10:39:00 PM  From Authorid: 14571    Thinker teenagers can be very intelligent in politics. I started when I was 13 and have studied it ever since. When I was 18 I could debate politics against my political teacher and the entire class and win, so don't presume age equals intelligence. Now what Tessak is saying is true to some extent. On both sides of the political spectrum you can have either a lot of freedom or dictatorship. With so called left wing parties such as the democrats if it goes too far left your left with Communist Russia. On the right if you go too far you end up with Fascist Italy. I'm Canadian so I don't know as much as I would like about the U.S. political parties but from what I do know it is very possible that the Republicans are more freedom loving in some aspects than the Democrats.  
Date: 4/20/2001 2:03:00 AM  From Authorid: 18737    @ H.H., in my experience, there is no real difference in the political parties. They trade off peripheral issues *gun control, civil rights, "pork"* while working behind the scenes to take freedom away from the people. ... An example of this is found in the immigration legislation requiring ALL "new" workers to register *via the employer* with the government. This same language was placed in several other bills *including Hillary's failed "health care" legislation, child support laws, and where else, I don't know* ... The bottom line, the bureaucrats are attempting to identify and track all Americans through a variety of "ruses" designed to appeal to "liberals" or "conservatives." ... And that is "real" world politics. The "government" is not our "friend" it is a monster that is devouring our liberties, just the same as governments *dictatorships* have always done. May peace and harmony be forever yours. /s/ J.T.
Date: 4/20/2001 8:09:00 AM  From Authorid: 2030    Well done Tessek, yes the media and previous administration through their lies and skewed reporting have confused many and in particular younger people as to the real direction of the Democratic and Republican parties. And sadly many more "mature" folks are confused as well. As for me, and with your outlook and values you should check into it as well, the Libertarian Party and values make the most sense. Of course the media and both existing parties do their best to keep a lid on them. Major points in the libertarian platform. The ruling document for the government of the US should be the constitution and the bill of rights and these laws cover all citizens. Everything else (all other amendments such as equal rights-you allready have them-federal right of taxation etc. are not needed and should be obolished. In other words people know how to live and states can pass their own laws and if a person is not in agreement they can move to another state and still be an American.Taxes based on income are unconstitutional. Fair taxes based on spending and consumption make more sense. Or at the very least a flat percentage based tax with no brackets (everyone pays the same percentage)As a result of a fair and equal tax system the IRS could be abolished. States collect all taxes and forward the governments' share to them. Gun ownership remains a fundemental right as spelled out in the constitution. The US military should be used for national defense only or as requested by Allied nations. Many more issues but all based on idividual rights and RESPONSIBILITIES.  
Date: 4/20/2001 8:12:00 AM  From Authorid: 25828    I'm independant...to me it doesn't matter the political affilitation if the person is an idiot..or vice versa if they are not an idiot..I would never vote down a party line without taking the person into consideration i'm voting for...the govt. is too involved and always will be...so the best we can do is get someone in there that is intelligent and aggressive...and hopefully has a good track record in their endeavors..~heather  
Date: 4/20/2001 12:07:00 PM  From Authorid: 24924    Contrary to popular myth, democracy is rooted neither in justice nor in the protection of individual rights, but is rooted in the principle of authorities with power to force the deemed "will" of the majority onto specific individuals. (The United States was not founded as a democracy, but as a republic that was a hybrid between democratic and free-choice, free market principles. Today, most of the remaining nonforce, free-choice elements of freedom in the United States are being replaced with Fascist or Socialistic elements of force.)
Tessek, Upon further reflection, I tend to agree with you, in that so many are politically confused. The blurring of the two parties, in that each one has such similar stands on many issues, plus, the FACT that each candidate will say he stands for anything that he knows will get the most votes, and make campaign promises that he knows very well will not be the case once he is in office. Someone wrote that he likens the two party system to that of a room with two doors, and it doesn't matter which door you choose to enter, cuz you will still wind up in the same room anyway. The candidate who has the best speech writers, the best spin doctors, the candidate who can best show poise and the best image, and look right into the eye of the camera and tell the best LIES, is the candidate who will win. The Thinker
Date: 4/20/2001 1:05:00 PM  From Authorid: 12835    BCAR, was that intelligence that just came out of you. I guess I'm going to have to quit hanging out with ya. And Thinker,( hold on to your hat ) I agree with you!!  
Date: 4/20/2001 4:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 24924    *Faints!* ^^^^^^ *smiles at St Pete**  
Date: 4/20/2001 5:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 2030    Once in a great while St. Pete Once in a great while. I guess you're amazed that I'm more than just a pretty face. And also I have to go with Thinker on his last reply as well.  
Date: 4/28/2001 7:12:00 AM  From Authorid: 24924    George W. Bush = The President Quayle we never had.   
Date: 7/20/2001 6:03:00 PM  From Authorid: 31145    I'm neither democrate nor republican, I have NO interest at all in political things. I really dont care what the government does, or who they choose to rule the country.  
Date: 12/27/2005 7:54:00 PM  From Authorid: 16376    I don't belong to either party but I have problems agreeing with Republicans on anything....  
Date: 12/27/2005 8:25:00 PM  From Authorid: 12341    Politics are are all the same, every party has an agenda, and I haveb't seen one yet that really benefits anyone but the person holding current office. Taxes just get higher and higher. I pay more now for my home per month than my first house payment, not counting federal and state taxes. We have very little deductions and pay through the teeth in taxes for what we earn and for the home we own. I have little use for either party, or any.  
Date: 2/7/2008 7:33:00 PM  From Authorid: 12072    lmao I think we democrats would respond better if this weren't so blatantly biased.  

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