I recently read this book, Lennon In America: Based in part on the lost Lennon diaries, 1971-1980 by Geoffrey Giuliano. If you ever wondered about John Lennon's life in the US it is detailed in the book. He liked living in the US because he had more freedom here than he did in England. The book highlights his battle for his green card which was very political. In other words, Nixon was threatned by Lennon. There are some very interesting revelations such as John Lennon was interested in the paranormal. He and Paul McCarthy had an agreement that whoever (sadly John died first) died first, that person would try to contact the other beyond the grave. Lennon had a secret word that he would use so that Paul would know it was him. Paul was asked about this by the author if John ever tried to establish communication after his death. Paul's reply, "No." The book mentions the so called "Lost Weekend" when John separted from Yoko, how he felt about his fans, music, and a Beatle Reunion. The lack of not being raised by both of his parents deeply affected him and that spilled over with his children. The man was a genius in every sense of the word but he was also tormented. If you are a fan of John Lennon, you may find this book to be interesting. Payne You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 17506 ( Click here )
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