This is a funny/cute urban legend....Enjoy!
Dear Mom and Dad,
I can't believe it's been three months since I went off to college, and I can't believe it's taken me this long to write to you. But I have been VERY busy.
Now,before you read any further. I want you to sit down. Are you sitting? Ok. Here goes.
First of all I'm fine now. The doctors say the concusion I got when I dived out of a window during the dorm fire is healing nicely. Things were touch and goduring those two weeks I spent in the hospital, but my eyesight is almost completely normal now, and I hardly ever get migrane headaches anymore.
Nobody died in the dorm fire, because Jimmy Ray, the night clerk at 7-11, saw the flames and called the fire department. He called the ambulance for me, too. He came to see me every day in the hospital.
When I got out, Jimmy Ray invited me to live with him(since my dorm room was totally destroyed). It's a basement apartment, and he has it fixed up like a dungeon with chains and cages. An because everything I brought with me to schoolwas burned up, Jimmy Ray bought me a lot of new clothes. He says I look great in black leather.
I've never met anyone like Jimmy Ray. He's so interesting, you'd never suspect he dropped out of school in the sixth grade. I have fallen in love with him and decided to get married. The wedding will be very soon, since the baby is due in seven months or so.
I was afraid we'd have to wait, because when we went for the blood test the lab found that Jimmy Ray had some sort of infection. But he says that's all cleared up now.
I know you'll welcome Jimmy Ray into the family.I wish his family could be at the wedding, but his mother ran off with a door-to-door bible salesman when Jimmy Ray was still a baby and it doesn't look like his daddy will make parole in time for the ceremony. Our society is so intolerent of repeat offenders.
Now that I have brought you up to date, I want to reassure you. There was no dorm fire. I did not suffer a concusion. I am not engaged. I am not pregnant. I don't even has a boyfriend. I am, however, getting a D in biology, an F in French, and I will have to repeat English Composition. I just wanted you to see that as bad as my first semester in college has been, it could have been a lot worse!
Your loving daughter,
Stay tuned to #10,called,"No News But Bad News" Another cute/funny one...
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