Date: 4/15/2001 4:04:00 AM
From Authorid: 7952
Hiya Anrew =) i do agree with you...if time travel was possible it would be one of the most confusing creations of all time!!! the smallest things changed in the past would effect our future in a major way! =) hugs~  |
Date: 4/15/2001 4:23:00 AM
From Authorid: 17673
If time travel was possible the outcomes might be fantastic, with medical research and such but on the other hand it could go really wrong if someone was to change history, because the future would then be different we lernt a lot from history, like if someone was to go back in time and stop the world war which would mean stoping the advance in medical resaerch such as blood transfusions, the future would change too. it is confusing and scary too !!!  |
Date: 4/26/2001 2:08:00 PM
they say if you go the speed of light, you are actually going backwards in time, i had an obe, for the first time, ive had practice-with lucid dreams of course, but LD's make it easier for the first obe- and i remember going threw a black tunnel like really fast and that may explain why i read somewhere that people who are professional astal travelers can read threw like old books like from a long, long time ago for 5-6 hours or so and wake up and only 3minutis have pased, kind of cool. |
Date: 5/6/2001 5:19:00 PM
From Authorid: 34078
you're catchin on  |
Date: 6/27/2001 2:43:00 AM
From Authorid: 33305
What you just described is called the 'Gran Paradox' |
Date: 11/20/2001 8:17:00 AM
From Authorid: 41067
That is a classic example of a temporal paradox, if the part wasn't invented, he couldn't go back, so then the part would be invented, so he did go back, so then the part wouldn't be invented etc etc. This is all about Causality. Interfering in the past, no matter how minutely, always alters the present. Cause and effect.  |