One of the greatest legends of the 1960's was the rumor that Paul McCartney was dead. Believers found clues in the Beatle's album covers and in the songs.
*The cover of Abbey Road was interpreted as a kind of funeral procession. John dressed all in white, represents the minister;Ringo, in a dark suit, was the undertaker; George, in a denim work shirt, was the gravedigger; and Paul, in a siut but barefoot ( because,supposedly, that is how they bury bodies in England), is the corpse.
*The Abbey Road album cover shot shows a parked car on the street. it's license plate reads "28 IF" meaning that Paul would be 28 if he were still alive.
*If the Stg. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club album is held to the mirror, the characters on the drum in front of Paul read "HE DIE".
*On Paul's Sgt. Pepper uniform is an arm patch with the initials "OPD" for "Officially Pronounced Dead".
*At the end of "Straberry Fields Forever", John can be heard saying "I burried Paul".
*Play "Revolution 9" Backwards and the phrase "number 9, number 9," becomes "turn me on dead man".
I hope you liked it!!!Stay tuned to my next story called,"The Infected Needle In The Pay Phone".
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