little sachi was about 3 and a half when her little brother was born. she loved her brother very much and loved to play with him. one day sachi started asking her mother and father if she could be alone with her brother for a little while. her parents being concerned and knowing that sometimes there is jealousy of newborns said no. sachi continued to ask on a daily basis, but every day her mother and father said no again and again. after about a week of this sachi's parent sat down and talked about it and decided that sachi had never been mean to her new brother and that she bore him no malice so they told sachi yes. sachi walked into her brothers room and looked at him and his crib, she very carefuly woke him up. meanwhile in the hallway seeing that the bedroom door was open just a crack her parents decided to watch to see what happened.
they saw sachi lean close to her brother and whisper very jently
"baby what does god feel like? im starting to forget." How it changed my life:he is out there You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 10266 ( Click here )
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