Ok,my mom came home one day and said that we are moving. I was totally happy about it!! But one of the weird things are is that it's my X-b/f's old house!! But I always liked that house,so it's not a problem.
Well, we are supposed to be all settled in by May 1st,2001, but I think it's haunted. I mean, like things making noises. Well, the first thing was a glich, because there was an old smoke-alarm in the house that made a REALLY annoying high pitched sound, so we through that away.
Then, whenever my Step-Dad and I go over to put blinds up or clean at night or even in the day-time, the door makes noises JUST like it was opening! But when my Step-Dad or me or my mom looks at it, it looks perfectly normal.
Well, one time when it sounded like it was opening, I didn't think about it because we new it was just a noise, but I heard a footstep after it. so did my mom. so, we looked and there was nothing there!! I couldn't believe it~!!
I'm not sure if I think it's haunted or just a noise....I'm just confused...I've never lived with ghosts before, but hey! I'll give it a shot if that's what it is!! What do you think it is??
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