I have been contemplating,why we are so much happier, with a partner in our lives?Falling in love is an incredible feeling, is it the challenge,the newness of love, the attraction? Do we crave for thought of two being one? Love is a mystery,we go into it, with our heart's full and give and recieve all that love has to offer,yet we first need to love ourselve's, How many of you can say you truly love yourself? If you can, tell me how you know, I would love to know. The recent quote of "If you cannot completely love yourself, you cannot love anyone fully" I am confused, we take our baggage that we all have and it's part of who we are, and as it goes with us into another relationship, the same problem's start to occur,Staying in love, seem's to be the biggest problem, as year's pass we are lazy and so many stop doing what they did in the beginning,I wonder when one or two relationship's don't work out, we still keep looking for the right someone, and I don't believe we will ever stop, maybe it goes all the way back to Adam and Eve, I would love to know your thought's on this, Thankyou Love How it changed my life:As a result of a broken marriage, I now wonder You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 21249 ( Click here )
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