So far from society, yet so very close, as well..., People everywere, though I hide, in mine own hell, afraid to be noticed, by anyone..., yet yerning, to be noticed, by anyone..., lost touch with reality, forgot humanity, rage and pain, enslave me, while all this time, lonelyness eats away at me, looking into so many, possabillitys, choosing none, waiting to see, what will come, hopeing that it will be my end.., praying for love to.., see within me, to be within me..., cant decide, what to do.., go outside, perhaps meet you.., stay in here, safe and sound, from all the pain.., emotions could bring.., afraid to be by myself..., afraid of love and happiness, though the things I fear..., are what I want, ill sit in here, and wait..., maybe somone will find me, release my fears..., or ill just be forgotton, and left with my tears, in the end will it matter?, I ask myself..., afraid to answere.., I go to sleep, dream of things, that bring me pain, for only in dreams, do I see them..., only in dreams will they.., remain. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 21320 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .