Date: 4/4/2001 5:06:00 AM
From Authorid: 15823
I agree Diana. Although I havn't seen much of what you say, if it happens it's downright rude and should be stopped. As you say - a simple 'like' or 'don't like' response is fair enough. |
Date: 4/4/2001 5:09:00 AM From Authorid: 600 Hi Diana. I agree with you. There are times that I've been totally appalled at the vulgarities posted or left as comments. It's unfortunate that a few can reak such havoc. <---sp? I normally leave the rude comments on my posts unless they are profane so that the rest of the readers can see the low mentality range of the commentor. There are many youngsters here who I absolutely adore and am so proud of, but there are a few that seem to delight in causing trouble. Perhaps one day if the world is lucky they will grow up and realize that disrespect is not cool at all. Try not to let it get to you so bad. If they are members they will end up having their accounts removed. |
Date: 4/4/2001 5:36:00 AM From Authorid: 23610 I've seen a few times too...and I agree...I think people who want to take this kind of attitude need to find another site where everyone talks that way. This is obviously not the place for them. There are a lot of wonderful and intelligent young people here so it's not all the young ones....but the few give the rest a bad name. I do have to say though...that I have also seen this type of behavior from some that are older than 12 - 14. And that is really disturbing because you would hope that by now they would have learned more and show more intelligence. -Lady Nyx |
Date: 4/4/2001 5:41:00 AM From Authorid: 23207 I agree with you..I have posted my moms saying before, If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all..Sometimes thats the best way. I have a hard time just saying I liked it or I didn't. But that is me, and I never say anything mean...Trouble |
Date: 4/4/2001 5:47:00 AM From Authorid: 15677 oops totally |
Date: 4/4/2001 5:47:00 AM From Authorid: 15677 oh i tatally agree with you these new youngens with thier fowl mouths really get me mad ... i used to came her every free second i had now because of the newbies mouths i tend to stay away more |
Date: 4/4/2001 5:50:00 AM From Authorid: 16865 I completely agree with you. It is very irritating. I tend to not get much time here anymore but when I do, I would rather read stuff that is worth reading and not a bunch of crap posts and replies. |
Date: 4/4/2001 5:58:00 AM
From Authorid: 31077
Yes I totaly agree!! I had someone that said that on one of my posts yesterday and I was shocked not knowing who,how old nothing..It was on my homepage I just made and thought I'd share and of all places to find it being posted!! I was so hot I couldn't believe it but then checked there profile and seen no homepage no postings (yesterday anyhow) and thought well who are you to say when you have done nothing yourself! LOL anyhow Im cooled down its morning lol Great post ~Family Matters~ |
Date: 4/4/2001 6:04:00 AM From Authorid: 160 I also agree but this is an ongoing problem. Someone who shall remain anonymous has really been disrespectful to me, but I cant expect the administration to oversee every comment made by this person so I have had to just grin and bear it. There are lots of ignorant and rude people in the world and unfortunately a lot of them congregate at USM. Also, I think comments should have some substance to them. I have learned a lot and the opportunity is there, but a simple I liked it or not isn't enough, they just need to learn manners. |
Date: 4/4/2001 6:05:00 AM From Authorid: 177 Yeah, I know about some of the pee brains out there. They lack in maturity and some times in intellect. There have always been a few of them. They tend to be virtually unable to construct a coherent sentence. I think their own lack of writing ability makes them frustrated, and they take it out on others. |
Date: 4/4/2001 6:53:00 AM From Authorid: 19273 It isn't just the kids. I have gotten some rude comments and had one person call me "sick" and she's supposedly 35. I am fourteen, and honestly hate it when people say "Oh, you're only fourteen. Your opinions don't matter and you must be rude like every other fourteen-year-old out there." All teenagers are not rude, and all adults are not nice. |
Date: 4/4/2001 7:01:00 AM From Authorid: 25438 You know what I love. Speaking from a "younger" point of view we do get on the offence when old members...sorry older members, come at us and make comments including the words youngster or doubt our intellegence because of our age, when in all actuality we may have expierenced more than they have, been through more, and for that matter, had more education than them.. "Someone who shall remain anonomous" has disrespected me and questioned my knowledge due to my age many many times. Blue Knight |
Date: 4/4/2001 7:08:00 AM From Authorid: 25828 blue knight i agree that there are some younger folks that have experienced more than most adults do in a lifetime..and usually when one says that it was mostly negative experiences that opened ones eyes...my eyes were opened very young...and i've only benefited from it..I never got frustrated at older people..i was always very confident and tried to express my points of view with as much respect as i could..(all due respect, that is)..so..just perservere and remain confident..if you're not one that is being rude or disrespectful then carry on...point is..yes some younger folks have much more life experience than adults..~heather |
Date: 4/4/2001 7:16:00 AM From Authorid: 25438 ALSO I have noticed alot of adults on this site being just as disrespectful if not more than just telling someone they suck....they actually try to get personal... Blue Knight |
Date: 4/4/2001 7:39:00 AM From Authorid: 160 The fact is that there just is no way that age and experience can be accomplished by someone that is younger and inexperienced. You may have gone through more and even this is doubtful but you do not have the understanding to enable you to sort out things that you have when you get older. When I was 21 I thought I had the world by it's tail (a very old expression) Little did I know that it had me. I would not go back in time to exchange the experience and knowledge that I have today. And I would not assume that I am wiser and smarter than someone that is twice my age. We all have a lot to offer. If we can do it without attitude. |
Date: 4/4/2001 7:43:00 AM From Authorid: 18155 It seems the quality control has slipped badly and things are getting through that would not have gotten through months ago. This 'G' rated concept, though nice in theory, is not practical in reality, base on the language I have seen used. Not only language but manners have a lot to do with, which the 'foul mouth creatures' don;t seem to have much of, or any at all. Either change the rating to 'R' or start removing the ones that use inappropriate language and abusive attitudes. |
Date: 4/4/2001 7:52:00 AM From Authorid: 25438 I am aware that older people have expierenced more in terms of amnt. But let me tell you I don't know of many people who have been through the hardships that I have and I am not even 20 years old yet. I have been on my own since I was 17, abused in everyway possible since I was 8, lost 5 friends in a car accident, been hospitilized because of my ulcers due to stress last year, have been in shool and worked a third shift job for 1 and 1/2 year of my life. I have expierenced alot of crap in my life that most people don't know a thing about and when one of those subjects comes up I DO know a heck of alot more about it than a 90 year old that hasn't been there....and thats just the bottom line....Blue Knight |
Date: 4/4/2001 7:53:00 AM From Authorid: 25438 And just because someone is twice or three times your age doesn't make them more intellegent...B.K. |
Date: 4/4/2001 8:16:00 AM From Authorid: 15033 Now wait a minute here, I can't let this one slip by...number one, there are people on this site claiming to be 14 or slightly older and it is suspicious in my way of rationalizing, as to why they would lie about it. Number two, NO youngster has ever been through more than an adult twice their age. The only things they have been through more of are the same experiences repeated over and over because they didn't learn it the first time. Sorry, but I won't defend that way of thinking...the younger ones would never strive to see what needs to be learned so they can mature with that notion in mind. I have no beef with any younger person, I admire the majority here for the most part. But I can't help noticing why the ones that don't get along with people don't because they think just because they read it or heard it somewhere it is set into them like a golden rule, and they should be respected when they come off talking down to an adult. Nope, doesn't cut it....Love, |
Date: 4/4/2001 8:18:00 AM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 21376 OK to those who have read the older ones disrespect, I was talking obout the ones I have seen and no disrespect to the younger ones Foul volger languange is appalling and NOONE should be disrespected and thats all I am saying... I am sorry to all those who think I am bashing them.Its not my point... The disrespect of others is... Diana |
Date: 4/4/2001 8:20:00 AM From Authorid: 160 Ditto to Thunderthighs, just kidding, Thunderhead!! |
Date: 4/4/2001 8:30:00 AM From Authorid: 25828 this is just for the adults that seem not to think that young ones can me even MORE experienced..age has NOTHING to do with it...i'm with blue knight...i had experienced more by the age of 12 than most adults ever experience..and it does teach you more and help you understand 'people' more...some just go through a lot more..and there are adults that never do because they've had a normal childhood...there are many that don't have a normal childhood..and yes, they can be wiser to the ways of 'people' than adults that haven't had their eyes opened in such ways...intelligence can be measured at any age...and as a child I never had ONE adult or CHILD no one..ever get near my IQ...so...age matters not...and IQ really matters not as far as experience goes..just in that it helps to process experiences....hardships occur...they change people...as to young ones being rude i haven't experienced it much...if it happens it shouldn't, but couldn't let the "no way" young ones could be as experienced pass...I know from experience..~heather (and to be honest it's not good in ways...I can't and haven't ever identified with people my own age...somewhere my experiences left them unrelatable)..~heather |
Date: 4/4/2001 8:36:00 AM From Authorid: 31673 It's no surprise that the younger generation is becoming more and more arrogant and rude and more disrespectful of people. I've been surprised by the sheer number of teens on this site and how opinionated they are! I guess I thought I knew everything as a teenager too. And I did experience a lot of hardship growing up, but I didn't realize just how much I DIDN'T know until I became and adult and was able to look at the world through grown up eyes! I totally agree with you Diana . . . when I get someone talking smack to me and then look at their profile and see that they are 13, I just makes me irritated, but then I have to laugh to myself because I know one day they'll grow up and see how little they really knew as a teenager! Melodious |
Date: 4/4/2001 8:38:00 AM From Authorid: 15033 Well, Heather, once again, it all boils down to HOW they interpret their experience, and what opinions they form about people. Most lack the insight to make any real progress with it in the young teen years...like to see how you debate that one. |
Date: 4/4/2001 8:38:00 AM From Authorid: 20873 applaudes ths post and 32 degree's !! thanks, dina |
Date: 4/4/2001 8:42:00 AM From Authorid: 25828 the outlook changes when you become an adult..your priorities change..that is true...it does help to temper you and make you more tolerant..that might be the issue...teens (as was I when i was one) ARE very opinionated....and becoming an adult just makes you more 'understanding' or tolerant of other views...this seems to have turned from commenting on certain ones that are intentionally rude to whether or not their opinion is as important...or as 'experienced'...their opinions are as important as anyone else on the site...~heather |
Date: 4/4/2001 8:50:00 AM From Authorid: 25828 it then comes down to intelligence somewhat..(how they interpret)...and if they just have afew experiences then it might be harder to process...but there are those that have experience after experience and it becomes easier to process...you have to look at the whole picture...and honestly - it probably takes a little while for a teen to adjust and start to correctly process experiences that are as intense as i mean....it gives them a different viewpoint...and it usually hardens them..it's as they become an adult that they begin to soften again ...gotta go for a break...be back later..hate to miss these replies..8-) ~heather |
Date: 4/4/2001 8:54:00 AM From Authorid: 15033 You are right, Heather, all opinions can be respected.. only when priorities have been placed correctly and respect is given those deserving of it here. The post is right on, and I won't get off track by turning it into giving disrespectful people credit where there is none...Intellegence isn't the key word here, again you hit that one on the head...its about wisdom...Much Love, |
Date: 4/4/2001 8:58:00 AM From Authorid: 600 Well, first off, I agree with Thunderhead 100%. I was also a child of much "experience", but it wasn't until I aged a bit that I began to process my past in a differing way. I began to be more compassionate and understanding of others, and much less judgemental. I don't see that anyone has made the claim the the younger members don't have insight to contribute, nor do I see where anyone has said they shouldn't. But the fact remains that regardless of what life has handed us, it's not without wisdom of years that we truly begin to understand. That's why life is a journey and a continuous lesson. I would never presume that I was more intelligent or experienced than someone older than myself due to the fact the I am still a student of life and will be until I die. Therefor, it's with good judgement to realize that those who have lived longer are more experienced in life than I am. That in no way means that I don't have any insight or thought to contribute either. It simply means that I have the ability to "respect" my elders with good reason. |
Date: 4/4/2001 8:59:00 AM From Authorid: 160 There have been experiences that I have gone through that at the moment were unbearable, but I am grateful for today. It brought meaning to my life that I did not think was possible. I used to suffer from depression. I am free of that today. I cherish every minute that I have and am grateful to be alive. I could not say that when I was 20. I was so depressed then that I didn't want to live. So even though my experiences were momentarily painful they brought perspective and meaning to my existance. You only learn that lesson from having lived through it. So to all those that think that because they have suffered and my heart does go out to you believe me you will survive. But give a little credit to the older ones. You may learn a thing or two. |
Date: 4/4/2001 9:02:00 AM From Authorid: 160 Well said TAC!! and Thunderhead as always responds in wisdom. |
Date: 4/4/2001 9:37:00 AM From Authorid: 20104 I totally agree Diana. Not only are they making rude comments, but they are writing stories that are in my opinon just there to make people mad and make them argue with each other. It is very annoying. Jamie |
Date: 4/4/2001 9:45:00 AM From Authorid: 30747 I couldn't agree with you more my friend. Well put. I haven't personally been responded in that way but I know the day will come and I have seen those kind of responses in others posts and just want to send the little monsters to their rooms. (sorry for calling names) I wonder how much their parents monitor thier acctivities...Aunt Be |
Date: 4/4/2001 10:13:00 AM From Authorid: 25438 (Taking a deep breath) O.K. Thunderhead...so you are telling me that a person...lets just say is born into wealth and she doens't work a day in her life..is homeschooled..and married at 18 to a rich suitor. Never has to work and lives a happy life with her rich husband and family has been through more and is more knowledgeable at the age of 50 than a 25 year old whos father was an alcoholic, was working since she was 16, lived on the streets for 2 months, was abused, went to a public school in the slums, was married at 17 and her husband left her at 22. I know this is extreme but so is what you are saying. It is obvious you haven' put as much thought into this as you should have before typing your opinion...Blue Knight |
Date: 4/4/2001 10:23:00 AM From Authorid: 25828 TAC got the right word that failed me for a moment...compassion is what we gain as adults...thank you..8-)...and I agree that 'wisdom' comes with age...opinions of the young are important and often so strongly felt by them...they're nice to hear...i look to certain older ones for wisdom..and i feel as i get older that i can offer some of it to younger people..and that is a shame..getting old enough to feel like you have something to share from the AGE point of view thingy...i'm right there with some older people i've heard say before " you shouldn't do this or that because" andyou think they don't know what they're talking about..and really, they're trying to save you a mistake or some time learning...and with the wisdom comes compassion..~heather |
Date: 4/4/2001 10:26:00 AM From Authorid: 25438 Melodious......I agree..you are grown up...and its good that when people are "TALKING SMACK" to you you should just blow it off if they are immature or young. Blue Knight |
Date: 4/4/2001 10:29:00 AM From Authorid: 25438 None of you people know anyone on here on a personal level. You can feel free to talk about how immature or ill informed you were at a young age, but don't speak for everyone because its not always true. There are people that are wise beyond there years and there are also very many elder people who don't know anything about how real life is. Your commints are a striking generilization and show how ill informed you people of age really are. Blue Knight |
Date: 4/4/2001 10:30:00 AM From Authorid: 600 BK, first know that I am in no way trying to wage an argument with you.......Assuming that the scenarios you've laid out were fact, perhaps the younger of the two would be more experienced in the negatives that life has to offer, but they wouldn't begin to process the info. they've learned or been handed until later in a different way. Secondly, everyone in life has had to deal with hardship or pain, it's part of living. I don't believe that there is a single person on earth that can say, I've never felt pain or hardship. It's just not plausible. If it were how on earth or anywhere else would they learn? Life's lessons are at times painful and hard to endure, but if we allow ourselves the time and space we will learn from them. That takes time and time means years. Therefor older people do posess more "experience" when dealing with certain issues. Again, that's not to say that younger people don't have wonderful views to contribute as well. |
Date: 4/4/2001 10:31:00 AM From Authorid: 600 BTW, I don't consider myself to be "of age" as I just turned 30. Again, when I was younger I thought that was old, now I realize I haven't even made middle age yet. *smile* |
Date: 4/4/2001 10:33:00 AM From Authorid: 25828 some people process the info and learn quicker than others..i wouldn't think that could be disputed...everyone has to deal with hardship and pain..but there are different degrees of them both...everyone is different and aren't we all so happy that we've got all these different viewpoints to ponder 8-) ~heather |
Date: 4/4/2001 10:34:00 AM From Authorid: 25828 oh no TAC, the 'hill' is 30 8-) however, it is flat on top for a ways...i can see it approaching ever so clearly ~heather |
Date: 4/4/2001 10:38:00 AM From Authorid: 600 lol!! hehehe, great now my whole day has been blown! Thanks a lot! lol. Well, at least as long as it's flat my travels won't be too hard from here on out. hehehe. |
Date: 4/4/2001 10:40:00 AM From Authorid: 25828 yes, most folks think 50 but they don't want to admit they've been traveling on the flat top for awhile...30-55...that's what i think...but that's not dissing the 55 and older...8-)~heather |
Date: 4/4/2001 10:40:00 AM From Authorid: 31673 BK - Si, Senor! I guess I've been around my 6 nephews too much! I always tell them to stop talking "smack" to me! LOL!! Melodious |
Date: 4/4/2001 12:50:00 PM From Authorid: 24641 I am only 14.. and i am not rude 2 anyone! Well at least i hope not I've never told anyone that they s*ck or anything like that... so if i have ever upset anyone i'm really sorry didn't mean too. Also i would like to add just because your adults us children aren't the ONLY ones who are rude. I know its mostly us but i have seen the adults say some pretty uncalled for things too... so maybe we should ALL watch what we say & treat everyone (no matter what age) with respect.... Great post love hayley xxxxx |
Date: 4/4/2001 1:04:00 PM From Authorid: 25828 we should all speak with respect, true.. |
Date: 4/4/2001 1:09:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 21376 OK People this wasn't meant to upset all! I am so sorry if it did. My only point wasn't who knows more, Who's gone through more,the point is that everyone here, comes to share their dreams,thoughts,life experiances,poems Etc.Etc. Etc.With each other, you don't have to like a certain post,If you don't, don't even comment!Ya know.Some of you get all bent out of shape thinking others are ganging up on them. I did not mean in any way shape or form to bash any young teen,I just commented on what I myself have seen and found offensive. There is no need to name names this isn't what my post was about its all about! Its about all the un-called for,rude comments about (others) posts I find offensive and totally distasteful.I was saying I saw quite a few these past few weeks that were eventually deleted, No one deserves this disrespect! No one here really does know each other this is true.This was supposed to be fun it has been fun up until now and I personally want to tell (bblessed) Since this person won't, that I am sorry you were so disrespected in your post. ((((Hugs)))) It made me laugh. It honestly was great and I thank you!So please,no more,(PLEASE NOTE)Its not an age thing, its all common decency To your fellow USM users... Thank you all for replying. I just wanted to get this cleared up. Diana |
Date: 4/4/2001 5:46:00 PM From Authorid: 17204 Im one of the younger ones on this site, Im 16. Im sorry if I have ever offended anyone on here. I watch what I say. Not to argue or anything like that, but I have heard some older people on here say some not very nice things too. Cant we all just get along? lol |
Date: 9/18/2001 10:52:00 PM From Authorid: 38751 ok not being rude but i am sick of people slagging off teenages!!!! |
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