OK I have been trying for awhile to have an OBE but it wasn't working, so I looked up some more on the internet and I found this thing about Auras and chakras, so I was reading on and I found that if you imagine a light blue light going on your thraot leading to your brain, that it helps with OBE's and lucid dreaming. Well I tried it for about three days and finally on the third day I did it!!!! I was dreaming a regular dream and all of a sudden I said "you know what I think I'm dreaming!" so I looked at my hands and tried to "zap" in a phone(read about ESP Girls lucid dream) so I could call me house, well i couldn't do that so I imagened somthing on my hand to I could prove I was dreaming. The whole time I realized I was dreaming I could hear my actual self breathing! strange huh? well n e ways i pictured a smiley face in one hand and a cartoon in the other and then I showed my friend and told her it is all just a dream then i woke up!!! So was this really a lucid dream??? Well if it wasn't it was still cool!!! ok well if your still reading this thnx!!! :p glad to know someone cares!! :p lol
Mystical me How it changed my life:really hasn't just made my dreamin more interesting and hopeful!! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 13432 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .