Date: 3/29/2001 9:17:00 PM
From Authorid: 30527
ESP is a trait which, I believe, all persons possess, although very few persons are contientious of thier ability, or don't know how to use it. What you are referring to, is a method used by many psychologist to test for ESP. It has a name, but please, I studied this long ago, and some details are sketchy. Anyway, you may possess ESP to a degree, or perhaps you are picking up on the "vibes" or natural energy from the cards. I don't know how many different types of cards you use, but the ratio of mere chance would be 50%. This means out of all of the cards, you should be able to guess about 1/2 of them correctly. The more the number of total cards, and the more different types of cards, the less the guess percentage would be. Try your guessing technique using a regular deck of playing cards. Don't concern yourself with the face value of the card (ie; Ace, 5, 9, Queen,etc just concentrate on the color of the card, red or black. If you can correctly guess more than half of the cards, then try guessing the suit of the card, (Clubs, Diamonds, etc.). Doing this will help to sharpen your ESP ability, if you have ESP. It will also increase your odds of answering incorrectly. If you still can answer the majority correctly, then ESP may be your answer. You should be able to learn more on this by researching psychology techniques, or perhaps another reader can direct you to a web link........ High Speed  |