Date: 3/29/2001 8:00:00 AM
From Authorid: 28946
i will try this. sounds like good old relaxation and i need it badly! thanks . penny44  |
Date: 3/29/2001 8:24:00 AM
From Authorid: 26203
great idea thanks
love koala  |
Date: 3/29/2001 8:25:00 AM
From Authorid: 29404
Sounds just about right!...God bless Arenakitty |
Date: 3/29/2001 10:27:00 AM
sounds right to me---7. Belive in yourself and that theres more to life then what you see infront of your face~~BOOMBOOM~~
Date: 3/29/2001 11:23:00 AM
From Authorid: 15394
Hey take that reduction of sensory input and fill it to the point of distraction.... while you can hear taste smell touch and see, when you are aware of it all, including the intake of air~the "see" past all of this while keeping it conscious... this will automatically use the opposite side of your brain!! kinda might wipe out two steps while fulfilling a necessary "hole" at one time.....anyway great post and really good points!! ~ just an opinion by the way on my part ~~  |
Date: 3/30/2001 10:08:00 AM
From Authorid: 30959
Good formula! ~Purple Rain~ |
Date: 4/18/2001 5:51:00 AM
From Authorid: 21759
Yeah, it is a good formula. Especially the right brain left brain part that is very true. SunGod |
Date: 5/10/2001 11:44:00 AM
Good Post -Small Gray- |