For you, I had only love, and when I lost you, only pain was left, yet know I see, you once again, and learn, that after all our planning, to move in, togethr..., you just dissapeared, and found someone new, youll never see this poem, I made, when once again, I seen you, but ive told you that, ill always love you, no-matter what happens, and then I said, we will never met again, goodbye my love, my so-called friend, the truth is known, and emotion must now end, if we ever met again, you will not know me, for the ones who spoke, within your dreams, their offer i have taken, no longer will I be, the one, whome you threw away, discarded, like trash, and put in pain, goodbye forever my love, for this is truley the end, now I slip back within, the darkness, my only true friend, and let it consume, my mind and body, untill all thats left, is a scream by a thousand voices, a thousand souls..., OBLIVION!!!!!!!!!!!!!. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 21320 ( Click here )
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