I dont acutaly remember when this happend but it was this year.Befor I turned 13.I rememberd exsactly what i was wearing though.I was wearing my blue geans and a black tank top.I was all alone in my house my mom had gone to the store with my little sister and my little brother my oldest I dont remember where she was i think she was over at a friends house and my other sister was at Gymnastics practicing.I locked all the doors and cheched the windows my dogs were inside and so were my cats.It was pitch black out and i was watchen tv.I heard a soft and faint at first scraching at the back door i was startled at first and i walked to the back door slowly and opend it.There stood a black creature.It looked like a cat but it was to big and it wasnt a dog because it had a short snout.I screamed and then closed the door looking it.The first thing i though was to call my friend Carly and tell her.I was so sceard I didnt now what to do I told her what happend and it made me feel a little better telling her what happend.After I got off the phone with her I went and sat in a coner my animals were no where is sight.And I was all alone unless that black creature was still out side my door.I stayed in my corner untill my mom home.I didnt sleep well after that.I never told my parents because they would think that it was all a lie and its not.I remember writing a storie called Dawns Gone and thats when the nightmares started.And I have been seeing thing and hereing people call my name when no one is around so I beleive thst the dead that cant go home are watching me and it scares me to even think about it.I still see that black creature its only been about 4 months scins i first saw the thing first and the dreams started.So now I hardly sleep and Im allways on the look out for the Black Creature. How it changed my life:Im allot more awear and pay more attention(Im on the lookout more often) You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 29104 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .