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OK everyone I have updated it ~~~ all of you love doctors out there I need your advice.....

  Author:  31151  Category:(General Advice) Created:(3/23/2001 9:43:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (973 times)

Ok. I work in a convenience store/grill and there is this guy who comes in everyday to get something to eat. Or used to. I thought he stopped coming in because I was asking to many questions, but today I found out he hurt his ankle and hasn't been at work. All my friends at work say if I'm not there then he doesn't come in but if I'm there he comes in and they always make me fix his food and take his money. But everytime I am around him I get nervous and can't think of anything to ask him. And after he leaves I can think of all kinds of questions to ask him. I need all of you love doctors to help me out. Pleas send me some advice....

Monday: Here's and update on my boy... Today I went back to work and of course he came in, well I rung up his stuff and asked about his ankle, but the line was so long because it was a busy part of the day and we didn't talk. The conversation: Me-How are you today? Him-Oh, just trying to stay warm. Me-I heard you hurt your ankle! Him- Yeah, with a laugh and he left.

I will keep you posted, and let you know what happens! Thanks again for the advise, I'm trying different things from you guys every day to see which one may work. Plus I know If it is meant to be God will let it be. Thanks again.

Wed: Hey guys well I tried another one of your ideas and here's what happened, So I was off of work yesterday and I didn't get to see him, but today I seen him and got the courage up to ask him a very important question. You see I noticed a picture (Prom Picture) in his bilfold when he got his money out to pay and I asked him "Hey, is that your girlfriend? and to my surprise He Said YES!!!!!!" I couldn't believe it because I was told he didn't have one. You talking about being shocked to death. Well I was!!!! So all I could do was nod my head and smile. He said have a nice day and I said you too, and he left. So now what. I guess I will be on a mission to find another now, huh. Who knew!!!! Thanks guys for all the help at least now I know.

If anything changes I will let you know!!!!

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Notice: This Advice is free advice and only for (Fun). It is provided by person or persons not affiliated with the Unsolved Mysteries website and neither Unsolved Mysteries or the persons giving the advice will assume any responsibility for consequences for the actions you take as a result.

Date: 3/23/2001 9:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 30986    AAhhh, young love, I remember those days.... Can't think of any ways to help, except getting up your nerve and asking him out or something... maybe to a non date like event as friends. just to get your nerves up more so you can ask him the good questions....lol,,, cya,,,,<kysta>  
Date: 3/23/2001 9:52:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 31151    Thanks for your advice, although I doubt very seriously that I could ask him out, because I am so shy. But maybe if I just put my mind to it I can do it. Thanks for your advice I will take it into consideration. sundreames  
Date: 3/23/2001 9:53:00 PM  From Authorid: 31260    Do you like that guy?if the answer is yes than ask him how he is doing .if its no than keep doing what you are doing
Date: 3/23/2001 9:56:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 31151    I do like him, alot and that's the problem. I can make small talk, we talk evertime he comes in but I can't seem to ask important stuff like does he have a girlfriend? And I can't seem to ask him out. But thanks for the advice. sundreams  
Date: 3/23/2001 10:01:00 PM  From Authorid: 30986    Well, don't ask him directly if he has a girlfriend ask something like, "So how's your girlfriend doing?" if he has one you'll know and if he doesnt' you can get your nerve up to ask another question or talk to him more...... <kysta>  
Date: 3/23/2001 10:03:00 PM  From Authorid: 22868    I say you must have something for him if your friends see the change in you. Well that being the case why don't you stop ask yourself what is it that you want. Besides do you know his name? Better yet think of simple questions one step at a time and before you know a conversation will develop, after all that would be the ideal thing for you. One other thing it is okay to be silly that could break the ice. good luck  
Date: 3/23/2001 10:08:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 31151    Hey thinks for the advice. I do know his name but just his first one.lol I will try to ask a few simple questions and hope it will spawn into a conversation. The only thing is he picks up his food and everyone else's and heads back to work. But thanks for the advice. I will definitely use it. Sundreams  
Date: 3/24/2001 12:21:00 AM  From Authorid: 29404    I'd suggest something to the extent of ..."I'm really nervous, but I like talking to you, or , I like seeing you every day, would you like to get together after work sometime and chat?"..Good luck, Arenakitty
Date: 3/24/2001 1:41:00 AM  From Authorid: 30081    just talk to him the way you did before ask him hows his ankles doing n stuff .lol i dont know tell me what happens k kooool ~kittee~  
Date: 3/24/2001 2:18:00 AM  From Authorid: 16619    Tell him you noticed he had`t been around & were worried about him.Then tell him he looks tense & needs a night out. Then hopefully he`ll get the hint & ask you to join him.Let us know how it works out. t2.  
Date: 3/24/2001 9:00:00 AM  From Authorid: 31280    A simple answer indeed. When lost for words, ask questions . It shows you care. Remember to key into what he says. Wait till he asks what you think, and then answer him. The easiest way to start a conversation, is to ask a question first!
Good luck
Date: 3/24/2001 9:57:00 AM    hey i'm feelin' ya girl! try to find out where he hangs and just be at the right place,right time (don't stalk him or nething, just be cool 'bout it). timing is everything. try talking to him and drop a few hints that your into him without being too obvious. just remember my favorite two sayings: "if it's meant to be, it'll be" & "EVERYTHING happens for a reason" lol and good luck!!
Date: 3/24/2001 3:38:00 PM  From Authorid: 23367    You should write down your number..whether it be your cell or home phone.........to add a "touch" to it, write it on a napkin....have it ready though before he comes in.....hehe.....

Date: 3/24/2001 6:43:00 PM  From Authorid: 30747    Take a deep breath and smile for goodness sake. Ah to be young again. I remember the butterflies and faint feeling when a cute guy came into the shop I was working at when I was young. I must of looked like an idiot stammering over the order and dropping his change. I actually got alot of dates being dorky like that because guys didn't think I was perfect and unattainable. I'm no pshycic but I got a feeling he really does like you and it won't be long before you hook up. Good luck. Aunt Be  
Date: 3/24/2001 9:09:00 PM  From Authorid: 30312    Just tell him you would like to get to know him and that you see him almost everyday. When he does come back in you will have something to talk about...his ankle! =0)~  
Date: 3/25/2001 3:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 31332    Use the ankle! You said that you think of things to say after he is gone..write'm down and memorize the best ones. Start with the ankle then progress eventually starting a conversation.

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