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Did Man Live at the same time as the Dinosaur? Logan51...

  Author: 23956  Category:(Ancient Beliefs) Created:(2/24/2001 3:12:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (3604 times)

According to the book "The World Before" by Ruth Montgomery, man did live at the same time as dinosaurs, and that man was not the dominant spieces. Man lived in caves then and that the women and children never left the caves in their entire lifetimes, because of the dangers of being eaten by the dinosaurs, and the other carinivours of that time. The men went out only to hunt, and many of them did not return. The book also states that if the dinosaurs had not become extinct that man would not exist today. Whats your thought on this, and have you ever read any of Ruth Montgomerys books/ Logan51.

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Date: 2/24/2001 3:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 8428    well i havent read the book but does the book post facts on why it believes so?cause if it cant all it is is a story  
Date: 2/24/2001 3:24:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 23956    PePe Ruth Montgomery was in touch with several spirit guides that gave her certain information on a variety of subjects. Logan51.
Date: 2/24/2001 3:25:00 PM  From Authorid: 16865    That would be an interesting book to read. I'll have to check it out before I reply.  
Date: 2/24/2001 3:27:00 PM  From Authorid: 15033    No, but Satan and his Legions lived here according to some documents. He was cast down here from the great cosmos...something like that. Adam and Eve were created after the meteor hit the earth and volcanic eruptions took place along with a flood. Love,  
Date: 2/24/2001 3:27:00 PM  From Authorid: 19273    How does she explain the fact that bones found of dinosaurs predate (by carbon dating) all bones found of men? -muas  
Date: 2/24/2001 3:31:00 PM  From Authorid: 15033    As far as Ruth Montgomery ... I think she drank too much coffee and got confused about real earth history.  
Date: 2/24/2001 3:37:00 PM  From Authorid: 19273    P.S. I didn't mean "men" as in just men, of course...I meant it to include all humans. -muas  
Date: 2/24/2001 3:56:00 PM  From Authorid: 27783    That's a very interesting thought... That book sounds very interesting!
Date: 2/24/2001 3:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 27783    Thats INTERESTING
Date: 2/24/2001 4:39:00 PM  From Authorid: 27706    Thank you for deleting my other comment, this time I will leave it short. NO. -J.D.  
Date: 2/24/2001 4:50:00 PM  From Authorid: 21435    Interesting stuff. I need to check out this author. Write on.  
Date: 2/24/2001 4:55:00 PM  From Authorid: 16612    According to mainstream science theory, man did not live @ the same time dinosaurs did.However, I don't know what is true.I have often questioned the accountability of mainstream theories on many nonconsecutive occasions.-TessekTheQuarren  
Date: 2/24/2001 5:02:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 23956    hers an address for Ruth Montgomery, and other paranormal info, by the way good comments, Ruth Montgomery work is somewhat contreversal, but according to eastern philosophy mankind has been on this earth for millions of years.
Date: 2/24/2001 5:23:00 PM  From Authorid: 25209    No I dont think man and dinosaurs lived together. tenderheart  
Date: 2/24/2001 7:05:00 PM  From Authorid: 17561    I think I am glad the the dinosaurs becam extinct!!!LOL..Otherwise you and I would not be having this conversation..LOL..But life perfectly balances itself out...hugs  
Date: 2/24/2001 7:23:00 PM  From Authorid: 8428    what have these guides told her?also there needs to be some hard facts to convince the average reader that something might be up.it cant just be something someone heard from another  
Date: 2/24/2001 8:18:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 23956    PePe, I appreciate your comments, but I'm just giving you some food for thought, Ruth Montgomery has published thousands of copies of her books, so appearently someone had enough faith in her to publish all those books along with a whole lot of readers. One of the things that I like to do is throw some info out there and see who has some deep spiritual knowledge, and I have found a few.
thanks for your comments pepe. Logan51
Date: 2/24/2001 8:49:00 PM  From Authorid: 8428    well alot of books are being published of every nature.the publisher doesnt have to believe all it has to do is make money which it will becuase it involves dinos and ancient humans very mysterious topics.but like i stated earlier does this book mention of any facts supporting this belief or is this something she believes is true thru her spiritual mind  
Date: 2/24/2001 9:23:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 23956    PePe, she trusts her spirit guides for the correct info, that is the proof she is going by, even though many other philosophys agree that man has been around for a very long time. You are right to be skeptical about any book!, it takes awareness from God, thru his grace, once you have this awareness, you have no doubts, yhen you know. God Bless, Logan51..
Date: 2/24/2001 9:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 14571    Like Pepe I want more proof than just a couple of spirit guides. With dinosaurs wandering the Earth how would man even evolve with dinosaurs wandering the world? Before early man learned tools and fire they would have been slaughtered. And while we have many early mammals preserved in tar pits there are no dinosaurs in them. We should at least have some preserved in them. And why would the dinosaurs go extinct but not the mammals?  
Date: 2/25/2001 1:41:00 PM  From Authorid: 13861    no I havn't read that book but I really don't think that men lived at the same time as dino's  
Date: 2/25/2001 4:03:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 23956    very good comments, everyone, glad to see your intrest, did you know that the shark has been around longer than the dinos. What a survivor. alligators too. Logan51..
Date: 2/25/2001 4:29:00 PM  From Authorid: 10534    thats interesting. itd be interesting to read that book .. hehe  
Date: 2/25/2001 5:23:00 PM  From Authorid: 177    I accept the belief that the dinosaurs lived millions of years before Man evolved from mammals which developed into the first primates, leading to humans. I believe there is more scientific evidence supporting this. I have read a number of Ruth Montgomerys books. The first one that I read 25 years ago, was influential in my developing my belief in reincarnation & karma. But many of her other notions I don't subscribe to.  
Date: 2/25/2001 5:32:00 PM  From Authorid: 177    I think that spiritual beliefs, including the probable existance of reincarnation & karma (the evolution of the soul) CAN be reconciled with the mainstream concept of physical evolution.  
Date: 2/25/2001 5:43:00 PM  From Authorid: 177    Montgomery along with Edgar Cayce put forth the notion that in early "human" history, people literally had the physical attributes of many of the mythical creatures: feathers, hooves, gills, and other things of that nature, which gave rise to legendary images of griffins, centaurs, the sphynx and many others. I find this very far fetched, and not supported by science.  
Date: 2/25/2001 6:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 14986    interesting. i dont agree with her though.  
Date: 2/25/2001 8:33:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 23956    very interesting comments, but do you realize that all soul were created at the same time, which is when God seperated himself from himself, I still expect at least one person to know how long man has been around, and how they reall came to arrive here. Logan51
Date: 2/25/2001 9:40:00 PM  From Authorid: 177    I think all Souls came into being at the time of the Big Bang. I believe at this time all physical matter, as well as spiritual energy came into being. From that point on physical as well as spiritual evolution began and has more or less proceeded as mainstream science tells us. God released his energy (an ejaculation is a good allegory) and we are the individualized offspring of this divine cosmic orgasm.  
Date: 2/25/2001 10:00:00 PM  From Authorid: 177    I don't really know how anyone can say precisely how long Man has been around. As fully developed homo sapiens, perhaps between a few ten thousand years and a hundred thousand. Our souls which God "ejaculated" seeded the first of the hominids that lead in the evolutionary lineage to modern Man. I think all life physical life is physically connected through evolutionary links, and that all animal life has spiritual life as well. I think all though we are the seed of God we are actually still apart of him/her. It is our goal to reunite with the SOURCE.  
Date: 2/26/2001 6:25:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 23956    Hey TC there are those who know how o0ld mankind is, mankind has been here since the dawn of creation. have you ever heard of a yuga, or mahayuga these are periods of time in hindu terms, these you can look up on the internet.
I have read many texts that refer to man having had millions of incarnations, when in India this is common knowledge of anyone you talk to on the streets there. When I was in India I talked to many different people on this subject as well as the subject of Jesus spending many years in India himself, it's part of their history. There is so much wisdom that comes from India, it takes years of research and meditation to realize some of these things. Logan51
Date: 2/26/2001 6:29:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 23956    By the way TC we are never apart from God, there is God and nothing else. that includes animate and inantimate. Even the atoms that holds together a stone is god. Logan51
Date: 2/26/2001 10:38:00 PM  From Authorid: 24221    there seems to be alot of options but the beleif in more deaper things takes one imprtant thing a belief in the unkown or unseen,thus the beif in god or the devil that is one reasoning most people cant argue with. if you can think of it this way you can go deaper and become closer with aLL unsoved misterys. the unknown will always cause conterversy,beleave in what your heart and soul tells you thats where you are,that you can except and help other people understand us better.keep up the good work logan51 lots of love pinkstar88.
Date: 2/27/2001 12:52:00 AM  From Authorid: 177    Thanks for the site. I will surely have a look at it. I agree with what you say about everything animate and inanimate being PART of God, or BEING God (if there is a difference).  
Date: 2/27/2001 2:49:00 AM    Where (if anywhere) does evolution come into the picture? Although I accept the concept of reincarnation & karma, I have been a long time believer in mainstream science when it comes to the natural world. I only split with them when it comes to my belief in non-physical life and the paranormal. *AMRAK*
Date: 3/2/2001 1:47:00 PM  From Authorid: 12637    That's an interesting theory, it makes you wonder because obviously scientists have not found every artifact available in the world, so the ages and theories of man's history will continue to grow as we explore the depths of the earth. Also if the hunters did leave the caves and got eaten, then wouldn't their bones be digested by the dinosaurs, so there would be no artifacts, and if they died in the caverns, you think that would make their bones easier to find, unless those caverns are long since gone, being shifted by the the plates of the earth. I like this one. And Hey PEPE, long time no see! Ryphis  
Date: 3/3/2001 12:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 23252    i dought this SO much because if this was true the scientists would have seen it for sure!!!!!!!! Red*
Date: 3/3/2001 1:19:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 23956    scientist doesnt even believe in God, how can they see anything, they dont even have a clue..
Date: 3/3/2001 4:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 17259    I think so but I don't know it for a fact  
Date: 3/10/2001 6:44:00 PM  From Authorid: 29513    cool question...Can I add something from my perspective? Man and dinos Did live together.
But not as we know it.First I'm not some wacko,but a believer in all things JESUS.Yes,I usually go to the spiritual site but I was browsing.Anyway,In the begining,Things werent as small as we think.There are excavations that show huge firefly,alligators,other insects even man was not an average 6 ft. then.Dinosaurs were not that big in comparison to man and the other living creatures.Of course they had a size advantage,but they were not fierce at all.See, there is a species of monkey somewhere on the western world,who has a very vicious mug.Teeth and everything.But it is one of the most harmless alive.Another point is that The dinosaur is not such an extended family as we think.As there are truly only 11 or so kinds.Many of these new findings are of the same dino,but researchers need funding so they say "Look,we've found something new!"Last point that if you are a believer,you will agree.Death did not exist until the fall of man.So,you know where I'm going with this.Yes, it seems crazy but you have to BELIEVE the same thing I believe to accept it.That God,Jesus,made everything in 7 days.Even T-rex.
Oh yeah, man was not clueless about what it took to survive then,either.
Date: 3/10/2001 7:24:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 23956    Stellar, great answer, I can see you have had glimpses of deeper awareness, thanks for the comment. Logan51
Date: 3/13/2001 3:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 20361    Christian Fundamentalism, Hindu Fundamentalism, Scientific Fundamentalism! I think we should keep our minds open. As far as I'm concerned, nothing is written in stone. *AMRAK*

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