Good morning all. Sorry I haven't been posting abotu the workouts on here, they have been on my facebook though. I won't lie, lol, I kind of got lazy with posting on here the last week or so. Things are going well and I continue to get stronger and expand my abilities each day. Did my weigh in for day 30 (Saturday). One month of doing this. I am down 7 lbs in the first month. Which is nice. A long road ahead but it is a start and I feel great and really am enjoying myself.
I hope I continue to improve in my abilities, get stronger and drop some weight.
Today was Crossfit day where I had a lot of acheivement so I am excited and happy today.
Workout of the day:
Warm up:
100 jumps
30 kettle bell swings (15 lbs)
5x5 DL (deadlifts) My previous accomplishment was 93 lbs. This time around I did 123 lbs. :) I am very proud of myself. Great improvement!
200 SU’s (jump rope single jumps)
80 squats
60 sit ups
40 push ups
20 pull ups (with assistance of a band- which is big for me because whenever there have been pull ups before I haven't been able to do anything.)
Time: 13 minutes 56 seconds.
Hardest part for me squats and push ups. Man will I be feeling this in the morning :)
Midline to end the day: 4×10 hip extension on GHD (Glute Ham Developer)
I have never done hip extensions before and once I looked at the equipement you use I was kind of nervous, but I did it and it felt great. I am a lot stronger than I think most of the time.
It was a really good work out. They have moved the time though from 5:30am to 5am. So I will need to start getting up a little earlier but that is fine :)
So far I have improved my dead lift, pull ups, front squats, back squats, and i can now do the duck walks and crab walks without falling over. LoL It is the little things in life that make me happy.
Taking it one day at a time. And so far it is awesome! Made it past day 30, so I can officially say I am proud of myself. Now to continue the routine and keep kicking butt!
Well that is all for now. Thanks for reading. :) Hope I continue to have positive news as I continue on my journey.