Well it has been a bad week for me, my luck is not so wonderful. I lost my spare wedding ring (I have two a titanium one that says "forever love" that I wear whenever I am working and my real ring which is the gold and diamond one that at this point I only wear for non-work days. The titanium one is the one i lost :( So I am hopefully going to replace it soon.
I had a lot of business to take care of yesterday and ended up forgetting to have breakfast and didn't get around to lunch until 3:30. Not a smart move talk about killer heart burn. Lesson learned.
Went to Planet Fitness last night did the work out but made a small change because I couldn't hold the side planks for 30 seconds only 15 seconds. On the way home though totally sucked I got a flat tire at night in the dark and snow. Not fun! I hate flat tires.
Today was a Crossfit day. The WOD (workout of the day)
Warm up:
100 jumps (single)
2 sets of: 20 squats, 15 sit ups, 10 push ups
5 x 3 OH Squat at 43 lbs
3 Rounds
300m Row
30 KB Swings (10 lbs)
For time: 9 mins 26 second
Foam Roll – Back, Lats, Glutes, Hams, Quads, IT Bands
It was a good workout. The Over Head squats were rough but I pushed through and felt great.
Heading to Planet Fitness later to doing a good workout:
4 mile bike
50 crunches
15 push ups
1 min plank
50 crunches
15 push ups
1 min plank
50 crunches
1 min plank
50 crunches
:) Should be a good workout. Feeling pretty good.
Today, already had breakfast, started a nice warm fire since its 6 degrees out, took the dog for a walk, and showered :)
Hope everyone has a great day! Thanks for reading.