Ghost Adventures is an American paranormal television series that premiered on October 17, 2008, on the Travel Channel ( Produced by MY-Tupelo Entertainment Ghost Adventures began as an independent film produced in documentary style and made for television. It was filmed in 2004 and produced by 4Reel Productions in 2006. The Sci-Fi Channel premiered 4Reel's Ghost Adventures on July 25, 2007. The documentary centred on the trio's investigation of alleged paranormal activity in and around Virginia City, Nevada. The crew returned there during the series' fifth season. The film also featured Goldfield, Nevada, where the crew later returned to the Goldfield Hotel. Bagans, Groff, and Goodwin investigate reportedly haunted locations, hoping to collect visual or auditory evidence of paranormal activity. Each episode begins with the trio touring the investigation site with its owners or caretakers. These introductions typically include Bagans's voice-overs of the site's history as well as interviews with people who claim to have witnessed paranormal phenomena there. On the basis of these interviews, the crew place X's with black or gray tape at the sites of alleged activity. They later return to these hotspots in order to set up static night-vision cameras. After completing the walk-through, they plan their strategy for the lockdown, in which the investigators lock themselves into the location overnight to prevent audio contamination. They use a variety of equipment, including digital thermometers, electromagnetic field (EMF) meters, handheld digital video cameras, audio recorders, the Ovilus device, and infrared night-vision cameras in an effort to document paranormal events. During some investigations, the members use techniques such as "trigger" objects, which a putative ghost might move or change. Bagans employs aggressive language in an attempt to provoke the phenomena. At the end of the episodes, the investigators analyze their audio, spirit photographs, and video footage (often with the assistance of paranormal experts). They present any unexplained phenomena that were captured. During the series, the crew claims to have captured and experienced various anomalous Fortean phenomena, some of which occurred almost simultaneously. These include equipment malfunctions such as battery drain, voltage spikes, fluctuations in electromagnetic fields, sudden changes in temperature (such as cold spots), unexplained noises, electronic voice phenomena (EVP), and apparitions. The investigators claim to have filmed three apparent possessions. Bagans believes that he was possessed twice: first at the Preston School of Industry and second at Poveglia Island in Italy. Groff, who admitted that he had never believed in possession, now claims that he was overtaken by a "dark energy" once at the Moon River Brewing Company. Goodwin reported being under the influence of a dark spirit (not necessarily possession): once at the return to Bobby Mackey's Music World and another time at the Winchester Mystery House.VIDEO Ghost Lab is a weekly American paranormal documentary television series that premiered on October 6, 2009, on the Discovery Channel. Produced by Paper Route Productions and Go Go Luckey Entertainment, the program is narrated by Mike Rowe. It follows ghost-hunting brothers Brad and Barry Klinge, who founded Everyday Paranormal (EP) in October 2007. Everyday Paranormal is a paranormal investigation team whose stated mission is to "visit the most haunted places in America, find evidence, and test new theories to probe the existence of the afterlife" using a fringe-scientific approach. In addition to Brad and Barry, the team included members Steve Harris, Hector Cisneros, and Katie Burr. Other members included Jason Worden, Ashlee Lehman (Formerly Ashlee Hillhouse), and Steve Hock. Ghost Lab remains the name of EP's mobile command center. On October 14, 2009, Brad and Barry Klinge were interviewed on The Pat & Brian Show about the origins of Everyday Paranormal, current investigations, and equipment use. On October 30, 2009, Larry King interviewed the brothers via satellite on CNN's Larry King Live. Ghost Lab originally aired on the Discovery Channel Thursday nights at 10:00 p.m. until it was moved to Friday late-nights/Saturday early-mornings due to low viewer ratings. Each episode started out with a text stating: "The Klinge brothers are investigating..." with Brad and Barry conducting a "head-cam" walkthrough around reportedly haunted locations before they continued with the whole team investigation. In 2010, Discovery had canceled Ghost Lab due to low viewer ratings. Ghost Lab appears on the compilation DVD entitled: Paranormal: Haunts and Horrors. This DVD is produced by the Discovery Channel. The episode is "If Walls Could Talk" (S1-E13) where the Kling Brothers investigated the Lemp Mansion; it is the first episode on this DVD. Discovery Channel also released two more DVD titles Ghost Lab: Volume 1 which features the first three episodes of season one ("Disturbing the Peace", "Tombstone" and "Smell of Fear"). And Ghost Lab: Pursuit Of The Paranormal which features more epsiodes from season one. Everyday Paranormal (E.P.) founders and presidents Brad and Barry Klinge investigated alongside their "on-air" Ghost Lab team which included: Katie Burr (Investigator), Hector Cisneros (Investigator-season 1), Steve Harris (Tech Manager) Steve Hock (Ghost Lab Ops), and newest member Cory Lamey (Team Trainee). Other Everday Paranormal members included: Ashlee Hillhouse (Investigator), Jason Worden (Investigator/Affiliate Ops Director), and Jenn Hitt (Website/PR Events). During investigations, the team used various investigation equipment, including thermographic cameras, infrared cameras, digital audio recorders, data loggers, EMF meters, laser thermometers, motion detectors, and EVP recorders, as well as a mobile command center called the Ghost Lab, which featured interactive computer monitors, noise filtering audio programs, and various high tech gear. The team also used a variety of paranormal theories to test out some of their techniques during an investigation.VIDEO
How it changed my life: It didn't change my life. Just a interesting show. Real or fake? I don't know but it does seem strange everything happens for them so quick and so often it's kinda hard to believe it's real. Ghost Hunters never got that much reaction from spirits. Ghost Hunters gets barely anything. Ghost lab I never watched. It just wasn't something that just didn't interest me right away.
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