Haunted Collector is an American television reality series which airs on the Syfy cable television channel. The first season premiered on June 1, 2011, and ended on July 6, 2011. Syfy renewed the program for a second season, to be aired beginning in June, 2012. The series features a team of paranormal investigators led by demonologist John Zaffis, who investigates alleged haunted locations with the hopes of identifying and removing any on-site artifacts or trigger objects that may be the source of the supposed paranormal or poltergeist activity. According to Zaffis, an artifact itself may either be of a paranormal nature such as a religious object once used in occult rituals or a non-paranormal nature such as an antique purchased at an estate sale or garage sale. Once an artifact is deemed to be a possible source of paranormal activity, it is removed from the premises in hopes that the activity in the location being investigated will be mitigated or cease altogether. The artifact is then housed in John Zaffis' paranormal artifact museum. Do you ever feel like the eyes of a portrait might be following you across the room? Or, did you notice that a pen has mysteriously shifted from the location you last placed it? Sure, it could be a coincidence...or it could be paranormal. Ghosts and spirits inhabit more than just homes and buildings - they can live in objects, too. This summer, John Zaffis and his family are on a mission to ease your suspicions. The Zaffis family are renowned paranormal investigators, tracking down haunted items like paintings, guns, jewelry and dolls. Once identified, these obscure items are collected and stored in the family's museum, helping John's clients bring normalcy back to their lives. http://www.syfy.com/hauntedcollector
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Date: 10/29/2012 7:26:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 65040Good show but sometimes makes you wonder. It just seems like the same thing happenes in every episode. In every episode they find hidden objects they say is haunted then take it away from the location, put in in the museum, and the haunting stops. Just strange to me. But good show as I said.
Date: 10/29/2012 7:06:00 PM
From Authorid: 15228I saw that show once and it was interesting. They were at a museum in Kentucky and they began having trouble with a haunting when a real KKK robe and hood was donated...it wasn't displayed, it was kept down in the basement storage. Apparently the ghost of the slave that still resided there didn't appreciate the robe. It was removed and supposedly the haunting stopped.
Date: 11/27/2012 10:31:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 65040Thank you for the information I didn't know. lol I don't know why anyone would want to keep haunted items.
Date: 11/27/2012 10:32:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 65040I mean anyone is crazy to have all those haunted items. Could you imagine how many ghost you'd have haunting the museum from all those items? lol