Scariest Places on Earth is an American paranormal documentary reality television series that originally aired from October 23, 2000 to October 29, 2006. The program was produced by Triage Entertainment for the Fox Family Channel, which is now ABC Family and owns the rights to the show. The show featured reported cases of the paranormal by sending an ordinary family to visit the location in a reality TV-style vigil.
"Scariest Places On Earth" is a fun little spookfest television show that's been running for about five years now, on and off. Each episode features usually one to three segments on some supposedly haunted, extremely creepy locations. In each segment, we are given the grim history of the haunted location, and one family or group of people goes to visit the haunted area at night, and see what they can experience, and if the place is really haunted. Well, scary stuff happens on every episode, so it has me questioning whether or not it could be rigged, but nonetheless, these creepy locations and the disturbing history behind them are good enough to be featured on television. I have to admit though, I'm pretty sure a lot of events that occur are staged. Besides that though, this show is pretty scary. I remember watching this back when it first aired in 2001, and it scared the hell out of me.
Hosted by legendary horror actress Linda Blair ("The Exorcist", "Hell Night") and narrated by Zelda Rubenstein (in her creepy, raspy voice), "Scariest Places On Earth" is an all-around fun and scary television show that is worth watching solely for the creepy locations that are displayed and the history behind them. Everything from haunted castles, prisons, old houses, asylums, college campuses, amusement parks, catacombs, and many more creepy locations are featured on the show, and each of the segments are very well done. It's too bad they haven't continued the show on much anymore, I'm glad that ABC Family makes it part of their "13 Nights of Halloween" special, but I wish that it was still a regular show. One thing is for sure though, this show has done a good job at rounding up some genuinely scary places.
Host Linda Blair and Narrator Zelda Rubinstien go world wide to interview several people who they claim have been in haunted houses, haunted castles and ritual grounds and graveyards.
I used to love watching this show. Too bad also another show no longer on anymore. Some how I keep thinking there was a nother simiar TV show on the same time as this. I may just have mistaken but if anyone else remembers any other paranormal show on the same time as this show please do share.
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Date: 10/15/2012 1:57:00 AM
From Authorid: 42945Another show that I never got to see...seems I missed out on all of them!!
Date: 10/16/2012 8:19:00 PM
From Authorid: 26598The only other show that was on at the same time, I can recall was "The X Files".
Date: 10/29/2012 7:12:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 65040It was another show very extremely similar to Scarest Placs on Earth. Oh well probably just something I made up in my head. X Files is a good show though.
Date: 5/7/2018 10:14:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 65040Maybe the other show I was thinking of was Fear. I don't know.