Fear (promoted as MTV's Fear) is an American paranormal reality television series that originally aired from 2000 to 2002 on MTV. The program follows a group of 5 or more contestants being left at an allegedly haunted location and led them on a series of dares over two nights to explore and confirm whether or not the place is haunted. The show was created by Martin Kunert and Eric Manes. The pilot episode was Co-Executive Produced and directed by George Verschoor. The series aired the first two episodes in a pilot run, which received outstanding reviews and a full season was ordered.[citation needed] After eight more episodes, another season was ordered. The second season ended after 6 episodes aired. The series was not cancelled due to a lack of interest (the show was the second most popular on MTV at the time of its cancellation), but due to the high cost of producing each episode. A DVD, MTV's Inside Fear, was released on November 6, 2001. Fear was named #6 on Entertainment Weekly's "15 Taboo-Breaking TV Moments." The show brought several innovations to the reality show genre, including having contestants film their own experience as no video crew followed them into the 'haunted' locations, use of night vision cameras, and use of body mounted cameras to have contestants film their own close-ups.
Contestants were led by guides to the haunted area. They were then instructed to remove their blindfolds after a predetermined amount of time, allowing the guides to slip out unseen. The area where they are taken is known as the 'safe house', which is usually a large room somewhere within the haunted location where no hauntings are reported to have taken place. This location serves as the group's base and is the only part of the haunted location with lighting. Every member of group chooses a color at random from a predefined list. During daylight hours, the group is allowed to sleep and eat, as dares only take place at night. Once night arrives, a computer terminal will usually pick one or two colors and assign a dare. This computer also provides the group with background information about the area. A member of the group, not assigned to the current dare, provides instructions from the computer via two-way radios. Each contestant is given the option, at any time during the dare, to abort. However, doing so will cause the contestant to forfeit their share of the winnings, and they will be required to leave the group. Another contestant will then be chosen by the computer to complete the dare. After two nights, any contestants remaining in the game will be directed to the location of their monetary prize, and each would collect $5,000 (in the pilot episode, the survivors only received $3,000 each). The dares themselves ranged in difficulty, often starting out easy and close to the safe house, eventually getting more difficult and further from the group's base. While most relied on simple observation (radio silence, EMF Detector), some of the dares relied on specific re-enactments of haunting events, and a few even dabbled in occult or paranormal possession (séance, automatic drawing, spirit channeling). For a complete list of dares, see Dares of MTV's Fear.
The hard rock band Godsmack's song "Voodoo" was used as the theme song. For much of the second season, the song "First Day of Nowhere" by Sinisstar was used in the end credits.
I used to really like this show. I absolutely loved the Godsmack theme song Voo Doo. I can't believe it only lasted two years. There had to be a lot more people watching then they think. How do they know how many people are watching shows and who isn't?
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Date: 10/14/2012 10:10:00 PM
From Authorid: 42945I don't remember ever seeing or hearing about that show over here in Australia...sounds like it would have been great!!
Date: 10/15/2012 1:05:00 AM
From Authorid: 8024Godsmack can rock with the best of them..very interesting game/show..
Date: 10/15/2012 1:56:00 PM
From Authorid: 998That was a cool video. I like to think that if I were in that sanitarium, I would not freak out. However, I think the emotions might override. Spooky stuff.
Date: 10/29/2012 7:11:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 65040I remember seeing a few episodes and to be honest I thought in one episode I remember little of a woman was to sit out in a woods in some type of very small shed where I guess someone died for a certain amount of time. I thought she was just being overly paranoid about sitting in the shed. Then again I am a country farm girl I would be used to that type of thing. But still I guess depending on knowing what these contestants know about what happened where they are it creeps them out to he point they can't help but panic over little things.