Most Terrifying Places in America is an American paranormal documentary television series that premiered on October 9, 2009 on the Travel Channel as a stand alone special. This special was then broken down into a parted series. The series is exactly what its title implies, traveling the country in search of the "most terrifying places in America". Each episode or special features the legends and stories of several different haunted locations throughout America. The series is narrated by Mason Pettit. Each parted episode starts off with a haunted hotspot on a map of the United States. A particular haunted location is selected in a state and thus begins the journey into the unknown. Parnormal investigators, Historians, psychics, and mediums all discover the secrets behind these hotspots. Plus historical footage and interviews from eyewitness reports on the paranormal is told from personal encounters with ghosts, spirits, and everything that is supernatural. New parts/specials mainly aired in October 2009 for Halloween on the Travel Channel Friday nights at 8pm or 9pm EST A Halloween special named "Most Terrifying Places in America: Top 13" aired on Friday October 29, 2010. This special episode will count down the 13 most terrifying places from past espisodes. Basically it recaps all of the parted specials for the most terrifying of the terrifying reportedly haunted locations in America.
Part 1 Locations Stanley Hotel, Estes Park, Colorado Ohio State Reformatory, Mansfield, Ohio Lincoln Theater, Decatur, Illinois Myrtles Plantation, St. Francisville, Louisiana Waverly Hills Sanitorium, Louisville, Kentucky St. Louis Cemetery No. 1, New Orleans, Louisiana Axe Murder House, Villisca, Iowa
Part 2 Locations Shanghai Tunnels, Portland, Oregon Old Town Tatu, (haunted tattoo parlor), Chicago, Illinois Lemp Mansion, St Louis, Missouri Bobby Mackey's Music World, Wilder, Kentucky Winchester Mystery House, San Jose, California The Whaley House, San Diego, California Clinton Road, West Milford, New Jersey Part 3 Locations Cheesman Park, Denver, Colorado Fort Mifflin, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania The Devil's Tree, Bernard Township, New Jersey Manresa Castle, Port Townsend, Washington Slater Mill, Pawtucket, Rhode Island Archer Avenue, Justice, Illinois Stone's Puplic House, Ashland, Massachusetts Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast, Fall River, Massachusetts
Part 4 Locations Liar's Club, Chicago, Illinois Watseka Wonder (Roff Family Homestead), Watseka, Illinois Manteno State Hospital, Manteno, Illinois Miss Molly's Bed & Breakfast, Fort Worth, Texas Georgetown Castle, Seattle, Washington USS Lexington, Corpus Christi, Texas Oak Alley Plantation, Vacherie, Louisiana Cohoes Music Hall, Cohoes, New York
Part 5 Locations Lake Shawnee Amusement Park, Lake Shawnee, West Virginia Sorrel Weed House, Savannah, Georgia Mount Misery, Long Island, Huntington, New York Whispers Estate Bed & Breakfest, Mitchell, Indiana Stepney Cemetery, Monroe, Connecticut St. Augustine Lighthouse, St. Augustine, Florida Willard Library, Evansville, Indiana Jerome Grand Hotel, Jerome, Arizona Presidio La Bahia, Goliad, Texas
Part 6 Locations Mineral Springs Hotel, Alton, Illinois Lake Ronkonkoma, Long Island, New York Morse Mill Hotel, Morse Mill, Missouri Lotz House, Franklin, Tennessee The Holly Hotel, Holly, Michigan Burlington County Prison, Mount Holly, New Jersey St. Paul's Church, Key West, Florida Hull House, Chicago, Illinois
Part 7 Locations Route 44, Rehoboth, Massachusetts Octagon Hall, Franklin, Kentucky Orpheum Theater, Memphis, Tennessee Bachelor's Grove Cemetery, Midlothian, Illinois Cincinnati Music Hall, Cincinnati, Ohio Marjim Manor, Appleton, New York Captain Grant's Inn, Preston, Connecticut White Eagle Saloon& Hotel, Portland, Oregon One If By Land, Two If By Sea Restaurant, New York City, New York
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Date: 10/11/2012 9:26:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 65040Ok that looked much better and different when I edited this. Sorry if it is confusing to read. It didn't look like this when I entered it. I really liked this show and they music and narrator makes it pretty creepy if you ask me. Wish they still made new episodes but I know it was just for Halloween one year. They will probably be reairing them this year again.
Date: 10/11/2012 10:52:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 65040They showed quite a lot of great haunted locations. This show has got me making a long big list of every haunted location I see on paranormal tv shows.
Date: 10/12/2012 12:05:00 AM
From Authorid: 48250There used to be a show that aired several yrs ago that James Brolin narrated...It was called, Truth or "Something" I can never remember the name of it but Debbie Firstborn once mentioned it to me in fact I think it's in one of my earlier posts, but anyway, James Brolin would tell the stories, as they were being reenacted and the viewer would determine whether the story was truth or fiction., it was an interesting show & fascinating when some stories you thought were simply fantastic figments of some writer/editor's imagination but turned out to be true... Thanks for sharing!....T/C
Date: 10/12/2012 7:39:00 AM
From Authorid: 5940Washington, D.C. is pretty terrifying these days....