F - Forget Priorities
A - Anxiety
S - Speeding up
T - Ticked Off
E -Exausted
R - Relapse
Anxiety- (Getting Energy From Emotions)
Worry; using profanity; being fearful; being resentful; replaying old,negative thoughts; perfectionism; judging other's motives; making goals and lists you cannot complete; poor planning; mind reading; fantasy; masturbation; pornography; co-dependent rescuing; sleep problems; trouble concentrating; seeking/ creating drama; gossip; using over the counter medication for pain, sleep and weight control.
Speeding Up
Superbusy; workaholic; can't relax; driving too fast; avoiding slowing down; feeling driven; in a hurry; cannot turn off thoughts; skipping meals; binge eating (usually at night); overspending; cannot identify own feelings/needs; repetitive negative thoughts; irratable; making excuses "for having to do it all"; dramatic mood swings; lust; too much caffeine; over excercising; nervousness; difficulty being alone /or with people; difficulty listening to others; avoiding support.
"Ticked Off" (Getting High on Anger/Aggression)
Procrastination causes crises in money,work, or relationships; sarcasm; black and white, all or nothing thinking; feeling alone; feeling that no one understands; over reacting; road rage; constant resentments; pushing others away; increased isolation; blaming; self pity; arguing; irrationality; can't handle criticism; defensive; people are avoiding you; having to always be right; digestive problems; headaches; obsessive (stuck) thoughts; can't forgive; feeling grandiose (superior); intimidation; feeling aggresive.
People can probably see alot of these behaviors even while using. Addiction creates all sorts of negativity in our lives.
Too Be Continued.