There is a new universal checklist to see if you are heading to relapse in the rehabilitation community. It is called the F A S T E R scale. It relates to those who have gained control of their lives again but shows the path to relapsing.
I will begin by defining it and then detail the actions, thoughts and motivations involved with each one.
F - Forget Priorities
A - Anxiety
S - Speeding Up
T - Ticked Off
E - Exausted
R - Relapse
I will begin with "Forget Priorities"- Denial; Flight; a change in what is important, how you spend you time and thoughts. Secrets; bored; less time/ energy for God, meetings or church; avoiding support and accountability towards people; superficial conversations; sarcasm; isolating yourself; changes in goals, obsessed with relationships; over flirting; breaking promises/ commitments; neglecting family; preoccupation with material things; too much television or entertainment, procrastination; lying; overconfidence; hiding money.
Now this relates too All addictions and our struggles to gain control of our lives and past the point of using to function. Some may just accept addiction as a part of life but those who want to live free from the shackles and chains that addiction brings, noticing these triggers is the first step in the road to relapse.
I will do this in 3 parts because of time constraints. I hope this helps anyone in their struggles.