Date: 1/19/2011 7:45:00 PM
From Authorid: 52489
Always remember to put things in perspective, because then it all begins to make sense. Who did Alex tell his story to, initially? Who was the editor of the Alex's story? does the publisher put out book of a similarly fundamentalist tone or theme? If so, then that puts the allegedly "true" account in doubt, as the publisher has an ulterior motive. Also, other Near-Death accounts do not jibe with that interpretation. "Return from Tomorrow", by Guy Ritchie, stresses the need for compassion for your fellow human beings, not endless praise of God. "Life After Life", by Raymond Moody, relates that each human being on Earth is charged with a "mission" to perform; i.e., the purpose of existence is Earthbound, not heavenly. Likewise, "Embraced by the Light", by Betty J. Eadie, talks of the need for more love among everyday people; again, talking about human needs rather than divine ones. The world of the hereafter is an intriguing mystery, but don't let one account of it convince you that existence is a Divine Puppet-Show. One of the regular themes that runs through all Near-Death Experiences is thateach human being is on a journey of understanding, a sort of mental and spiritual evolution. That is why there are different religions, each person or culture represents a different stage. As one theologian put it, "There are many paths to the center." If Alex's case is genuine, then endless praises to God may be all that his young mind could understand. Hope that sets your mind at ease a bit. |
Date: 1/19/2011 8:04:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62798 Wow, Thank you so much for the time and thought you put into that response. It really did get me thinking and you brought up many great points. FYI Embraced is one of my all time favorite books. |
Date: 1/20/2011 9:01:00 AM From Authorid: 51876 Arion made some great points.I would add that he is a child and his NDE or OBE comes from the consciousness of a child.There are many angelic hosts, sounds like seraphim.The praises to god could be interperted as "breath of life" or the "Word". Vibrations and resonance are creative forces of the universe.really it makes sense to me. |
Date: 1/20/2011 9:06:00 AM
From Authorid: 11240
Your take on this story seems to be that God is commanding the heavenly beings to sing His Praise constantly. Might I suggest that they are singing His Praises because they understand that Without Him they wouldn't BE. JMHO. God Bless. |
Date: 1/20/2011 3:02:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62798 Deb, I appreciate your input. That idea of indentured servitude is what I am talking about. Kinda like when an Earthly parent says " I brought you into this world, I can take you out." Because they are responsible for our life, we are supposed to owe them something. always have to be subservient and submit to their will. I am not saying I would ever want to be equal to God, if He exists I never would be. But I also would not wish to spend my eternity singing and weeping at the foot of a throne either. I know I have more potential |
Date: 1/21/2011 10:53:00 AM
From Authorid: 11240
Indentured servitude means, to me, an obligatory relationship. I believe in today's world that we are indentured to the government in a circular motion which, IMO, is spiraling into full slavery. But I digress. The difference between the relationship I have used above (i.e., citizens/government) and the human/God relationship is something you have mentioned, free will. In my belief, free will means only the ability for humans to choose whether or not they believe in God. I do not believe that anybody's life experiences are different based on whether they believe in God or not. In other words, whatever happens to any individual in their given life would happen whether or not they believe in God. The difference arises once the human body expires; it is my belief that we are then given knowledge as to why everything we did as humans on this earth had to happen just as it happened in order for God's Plan to be fulfilled. The realization that everything one did was purposeful, even if it did not feel right to that person at the time, is a huge burden that can be lifted from one's spirit. Likewise, the guilt some may experience at seeing the rippling effects of their life's experiences may be too much for them to overcome. Whether or not one is able to Give Up to God All that happens determines one's state of being in eternity. Thus, the idea of perfection does not lie with us as humans to determine. It is not perfection in how we as individuals live as a determining factor of our eternity, but rather the embracing of the perfection of the totality of All of God's Plan -- which I believe heavenly beings have realized -- which are the impetus of the praise and glory . . . not Him demanding same. God Bless. |
Date: 1/21/2011 8:24:00 PM
From Authorid: 16671
Oh gee, where to start? WE do have freewill. Free will in our lives and free will also to accept Jesus as Gods begotton son. WE make the choices. I've heard lots of people from all walks of denominations claim some really strange things that we as Christians must do. Like don't smoke your body is the temple of God. Yes in fact it is, but if they would read that scripture they would see the Lord was talking about sexual incounters and not smoking. Some say don't drink. I don't believe Jesus would have made the water into wine if it was a big no no. It does say do not practice drunkeness and to me that is being drunk everyday. Not just having a drink now and again. We will praise His name when we get to heaven, but NOT just to be forced into doing it as that too would be going against our will. It makes me mad when people say things like, "well it was Gods will" when PEOPLE die or are hurt badly or a miscarriage happens, and that is all BULL!! God doesn't do those things just so people can say it was done so God could get the glory. Nope no way. The god of this earth, and yes legally this earth belongs to satan, God tells us that satan comes to kill, steal and destroy. So it is satan not God. One thing do NOT form your opinions based on a book or film that someone makes. The only way a person can know what God is, what God wants, How God can help us in times of need, is to Pray and ask God to enlighten you in the ways of HIs understanding so that you will have a personal fellowship with God. NEVER let anyone tell you what God expects, its something one has to learn for themselves. I will leave my email addy for author only and feel free to email me and ask any questions you might have. Or just to talk to me. Look up the tv show called "I survived, beyond and back" You will love these stories of people that died and came back. I know I do, they give me much peace. |
Date: 1/21/2011 8:28:00 PM From Authorid: 16671 OH and my stuff in "caps" isn't hollering at you hon, its just like putting a POINT that can be seen easily in my comment. HUGS |
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