Date: 8/28/2007 6:05:00 PM
From Authorid: 63449
Go to the pharmacy and ask the pharmacist or a tech for "cure-a-sore". (You have to get it from the pharmacy because it's not carried OTC.) It's good stuff! (And CHEAP!) |
Date: 8/28/2007 6:18:00 PM
From Authorid: 5301
...I'd suggest Polysporin if you can get it in the states. |
Date: 8/28/2007 6:19:00 PM
From Authorid: 64365
Abreva is supposed to be pretty good, and camphophenique dabbed onto it when it first starts will stop it quick. |
Date: 8/28/2007 6:30:00 PM
From Authorid: 43991
I have never had a fever blister thank goodness, but I have used abreva on my cold sores inside my mouth. They are not caused by the herpes simplex virus, and are not contagious. Anyhow, abreva has worked for me.. but it's pretty expensive. But if the pain on your lips is anything like the pain inside my mouth from them, then it is def worth the money! |
Date: 8/28/2007 9:53:00 PM
From Authorid: 7830
i get these a whole lot. sugar makes them worse so no sugar while theyre there. take L-lysine supplements and it'll make them go away quicker. |
Date: 8/28/2007 9:54:00 PM
From Authorid: 7830
FYI you need to let them dry hold off on he blistex till they dry out and scab up. |
Date: 8/29/2007 4:57:00 AM
From Authorid: 64414
it is painful for a few seconds, but if you dab a little bit of alcohol on it, it will dry up really fast. I usually alternate between alcohol and Blistex. That way it dries up, but not to the point of cracking and all. |
Date: 8/29/2007 5:56:00 AM
From Authorid: 31765
Abreva works wonderfully. I can't stand to let them dry out, because then they crack, bleed and scab over. I keep them moist with something such as Blistex and they heal much faster. |
Date: 8/29/2007 6:23:00 AM
From Authorid: 27403
Abreva is really the best, though about $15. Love and Light |
Date: 8/29/2007 7:34:00 AM
From Authorid: 8024
I have always used a product called Campho Phenic and combined with L-lysine, it works great for reducing pain and taking care of the sore at its earliest stages.. I hope you heal quickly |
Date: 8/29/2007 8:32:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 4887
Thanks everyone =) |
Date: 8/29/2007 1:40:00 PM
From Authorid: 37150
read the blistex it says to use it only 4 times a day. u don't want to hurt ur lips. just go into your local drugstore and get an analgesic or coating for it at night. Hope you heal up! |
Date: 8/29/2007 7:57:00 PM
From Authorid: 18928
muwaahh I hope you feel better very soon. |