I was just reading some things on sasquatch, and i just wanted to share a couple of stories some friends of mine told me.
This guy was driving along a dirt road, and saw three deer run across the road and go down this little hill.. he stopped the car, and when he looked down the bank of the road, a sasquatch was standing right infront of a small pond staring right back up at him. After a moment, the sasquatch made this loud noise, and took on after the guy and he remembers how large the creature was, and how bad it smelt..
another story is one that happened right around where i live.
this guy was training for an outdoor adventure race, and he was jogging on this path that ran up into the woods and he stopped when he heard a couple of rocks being banged together. When he started to look for what was causing the noise, he saw a sasquatch bent over hitting a rock with another big rock, and at the same time the sasquatch saw him and got up and walked away from the guy deeper into the woods. The guy started following him, and soon the sasquatch started hitting the rocks together again. The guy stopped, and the sasquatch still had his eye on the guy following him, so the sasquatch gets up and starts walking again, and this time he starts hitting a tree with a rock and the guy is still following. All of a sudden it turns around and throws the rock at the guy, and lets out this grunt and starts running after him! The guy starts to run.. A short while later the sasquatch stops, and starts throwing rocks again in the guy's direction, but the guy decided to play it smart and got out of there. How it changed my life:well.. i will tell you this much.. If i ever saw a sasquatch.. alone or not.. I think i would just die, because its something that i have feared since i was just a little boy.. i honestly wouldn't know what to do if i saw one, i would be dead frozen in my tracks, i couldnt imagine how scared i would be... i dont know, lol You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 12828 ( Click here )
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