Little brother, can't you hear me? I'm trying so hard to get through, but you don't seem to notice, that your breaking my heart in two.
Little brother, I am worried I must admit that I am scared, You run around in circles, ignoring those who care.
Little brother, open your eyes, is this where you wanted to be? in this sunless, soundless void, maybe it's just too dark for you to see.
Theres no rope long enough to reach, but we try dropping a light it goes out as it hits the ground, what more can we do besides fight?
You want someone to come after you, You don't understand, this hole was dug by you. Little brother, please give it another try, climb up the sides, back into the light.
Don't accuse me of not loving you, I'm not the one using you, I'm not the one holding you down, I'm not the one whose against you.
I'm not the one whose digger deeper, making your climb back up even steeper. Little brother, please come back, I don't wanna hear "SMACK" when you hit the bottom, of that hole you fell into.
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