Date: 1/21/2005 11:37:00 PM From Authorid: 53360 ive heard about something like this, and no, i dont think they should take any more of my taxes and pay people who blame my ace for "holding them back" they are holdingthemselves back! my family was once subjected to slavery, wheres my compensation? oh, thats right, im white, i dont count...no offense to you, this subject just gets me going. |
Date: 1/21/2005 11:44:00 PM From Authorid: 48250 I don't see the point in doing something like that, myself.Most of us do not even know who the majority of our descendents were, let alone requiring our race pay back something we do not owe neither had a part in. Although I would like to know who my ancestors were---->that would be like Demanding others to pay restitution for crimes that others have committed.. Doesn't make sense and I I don't know who the African American was who said this, but it sounds like he needs to live in the "Real" World...Talk about starting another war, right here on our Homeland...Pople like this only want to stir dead bones...I |
Date: 1/21/2005 11:45:00 PM From Authorid: 48250 Opps I clicked too soon....I was going to say, Interesting post....T/C |
Date: 1/21/2005 11:45:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57074 Yeah I know. In school they say we hold them back when thats not the case..and no one can offend me on this debate just for the record because im more white than anything, even though I have a little Native American in me I dont get special treatmen(even though I could) which im glad for because I dont need to live blaming anyone..if that law passed MY money would go to someone who was not even a slave |
Date: 1/21/2005 11:46:00 PM From Authorid: 53360 its nothing new here in texas KB. to me its just another excuse for people to be lazy and live off of others... |
Date: 1/21/2005 11:47:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57074 I say people should just stop blaming people..cause when you blame people it holds you back more..People need to get over what happend in the past and worry about their futures! |
Date: 1/21/2005 11:48:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57074 Stuff like this seems to happen more in Southern Sates( I live in NC) like if a white couple comes into a resturant and a Afrcan American couple comes after them..were suppost to wait on the African Americans first because they sometimes say were racist when its not like that..its first come first serve |
Date: 1/22/2005 12:01:00 AM
From Authorid: 59385
Like I say to many It's called we Conquered them and used them as slaves,oh well time to get over it,and like you said what about native americans, but like people say they were conqured that stuff happens,everyone needs to stop blaming whites for all there problems and actually do something for themselves.I'm part of a race that was partially destoyed worse than any in history you don't hear me saying Give me money for the suffering.I grew up around blacks all mylife they went to good friends to worst enimies that do nothing but blame . |
Date: 1/22/2005 12:13:00 AM From Authorid: 59385 Me and my wife were wlaking down the street to the store living in my old neighborhood that is now all black,so were walking and the next thing i see is a bottle just miss her head and they yelled out free O.J. and ran like the cowards they are.grrrr |
Date: 1/22/2005 12:18:00 AM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57074 Yeah..some people are so disrespectful. I believe people are like that sometimes because they place blame on certian kinds of people. I was walking down the road one time in a neighborhood with some African American people living their and one of them had a gun and pointed it at me and said something like "whitey" |
Date: 1/22/2005 12:29:00 AM
From Authorid: 59385
1 of my favorite cowardly traits that they often show is watch them when they are together in a big grop they think we can do and say anything because we are soo bad but see that same one alone and you awill see the true coward that he is.This is one of there favorite things to do big group were bad ,when alone I'm terrified |
Date: 1/22/2005 12:35:00 AM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57074 Yeah I know what you mean. I would like an African American would reply to this..Im just wondering what they think about this too. |
Date: 1/22/2005 12:41:00 AM From Authorid: 59385 My wife thinks i go overboard with my anger sometimes but i tell her for instance Look what they did almost to you and she is now seeing how things are she got into an argument on the bus with a woman that all she kept saying was you were bustin another famous quote,and when i get mad i say lets Look at everything made besides peanut butter what has a black contributed to in america besides riots |
Date: 1/22/2005 12:41:00 AM From Authorid: 7830 well at this points native americans and the japanese have all been given money for the wrongs done to them by this country, african americans have received something like this in only small amounts in college scholarship opportunities which is minut. Now I dont think people of this generation should be held responsible for something that our ancestors took part in, but if native americans get money for what happened, why shouldnt everyone else who's had a wrong done to them? It's a very fine line between what's logical and emotions of who's feeling hurt from stories of their ancestors being treated so badly, and then there's people who truly dont like to put any effort into making something out of their lives and blaming it on someone else. I can see everyone's point of view and I truly believe there's no right answer. |
Date: 1/22/2005 12:42:00 AM From Authorid: 7830 i hope I made sense lol |
Date: 1/22/2005 12:44:00 AM From Authorid: 59385 1st off Native Americans originated here ,african americans originated in africa and by the way were sold by there own people so if they want money for the past they need to go to the original place of it all Africa Not america |
Date: 1/22/2005 12:45:00 AM From Authorid: 7830 actually native americans originated in Asia, not America. they migrated here when there was a landbridge that is now covered by the Atlantic ocean. |
Date: 1/22/2005 12:53:00 AM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57074 But Native Americans were the first to be here...No body else had their land taken from them like that and people purposely gave them diseases and the trail of tears....If you dont know anything about that then maybe you should read some on it. and im not trying to be rude..sorry if i sound rude here. |
Date: 1/22/2005 12:56:00 AM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57074 But only thing I see Native Americans having is reservations..in which we dont have to pay tax if we live their but look at mexicans..they are illegal and dont have to pay taxes so it means nothing to not pay taxes..and I dont see Native Americans going around blaming people..they mind their own business...And were talking about African Americans..not Native Americans..lets get back on subject here |
Date: 1/22/2005 12:58:00 AM
From Authorid: 7830
It's cool Im native American myself from the Blackfoot tribe, Im pretty well educated on our history. I just try to come into debates bringing all sides into it. Everyone who has a point of view truly believes theirs is the right one. But what makes what happened to us any worse than what happened to the africans? The Natives maintaned some sense of original culture. Africans lost theirs and now there's more black on black crime and anger and poverty in the black community than in any other community. Just because natives we here first and africans were brought here doest mean they deserve less. They were people too. And just because Africans took slaves doesnt mean they deserved to be taken as slaves. the Natives constantly had wars with neighbooring trives and killed off the weakers tribes. Does it mean the Natives deserved what the europeans did to them? No. |
Date: 1/22/2005 1:00:00 AM From Authorid: 7830 But Native americans get money and college tuitions paid when they hit 18, plus they get health insurance. Thats a heck of alot more than african americans. We're talking about natives now because it's a valid point to bring into this debate. |
Date: 1/22/2005 1:01:00 AM From Authorid: 7830 and you brought up natives too. |
Date: 1/22/2005 1:03:00 AM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57074 Well Africans were sold to us..they should blame their own background for what happend. its not like we went in and just took them like "oh HEY! I want that person..and that one" but anyways Im Cherokee but im not getting special treatment cause really NO ONE should cause we have to get over what happend in the past. |
Date: 1/22/2005 1:11:00 AM From Authorid: 59385 Untited negro college fund ring a bell and afric americans get a hell of alot more from what i see because i live around them compared to what I saw native americans getting when i lived in the midwest |
Date: 1/22/2005 1:12:00 AM From Authorid: 7830 If youve done any research (besides what typical american highschools teach us) youd realize that not all africans were sold to the americans by other africans. The europeans went and ambushed villages and TOOK the slaves. Yes many were sold by other africans, just like our country is pawning our soldiers in Iraq, but the majority were taken. I think people need to take a more compassionate view of slavery and not so much of a defensive view. Understand why blacks of today still feel so hurt. My ex husband's great grandpa was born a slave and freed in his lifetime. That wasnt that long ago. Just 70 years ago black were being lynched down south for just looking at a white woman. Not even 5 years ago was a black man drug to his death by some redneck teens in texas. So theres still alot of that attitude still out there and we need to understand that it's not just gonna go away. Some people deal with hurt better than others. |
Date: 1/22/2005 1:16:00 AM From Authorid: 7830 Yes theres a United Negro College fund, but if it were so great and if blacks received so much, why isnt every black in the country well educated and out of poverty? Not everyone has open doors, alot of people have to work to make doors open for themselves, and depending onwhere you live the situation is different. My ex's mother has a Bachelor's degree in accounting, and she applied to many places in the small area that she lives down south, but always lost the position to lesser qualified white women. When my ex was younger he and his friend drove a white girl home from school and was chased down the road byher father. He was in his pickup with a shotgun and was a leader of the local KKK. |
Date: 1/22/2005 1:18:00 AM From Authorid: 7830 If people have the view of "it was my ancestors, not me who did these things." then dont stress yourself out about them! Just make sure attitudes like that dont continue to go on. Dont be so defensive. |
Date: 1/22/2005 1:25:00 AM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57074 So Shai..you think we should use tax money to pay them for something they didnt do? |
Date: 1/22/2005 1:30:00 AM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57074 Alright..Its bed time..I will reply to anymore comments tomorrow. :-) |
Date: 1/22/2005 1:31:00 AM From Authorid: 7830 Nope personally I dont think anyone should get special treatment, people should be equal. |
Date: 1/22/2005 4:33:00 AM From Authorid: 47296 I recently got into a converstaion concerning some new projects that are being built in a city near me. One of the blacks in the conversation said that the new homes would give the blacks that moved there more motivation and desire to do better. Huh????? The projects that are being destroyed are less than 30 years old. They are having to be torn down long before their planned destruction because the people living there did not care about their condition. That is one of the problems, handouts have led to handouts, and too many believe more handouts will solve all the problems. If they do pass such a tax, then put me in jail because I will refuse to pay any taxes. |
Date: 1/22/2005 4:41:00 AM From Authorid: 54111 Most black people in america today are descendants of some of your ancestors. No nobody should have to pay for the past. Lets keep it in the past. The government made it so that everyone is treated equal we as americans need to stop labeling by color and simply state we are americans. And as Shai pointed out it wasn't that long ago that blacks were treated differently. Segregation. Remember some older people did live in that time and remember how they were treated. Some scars don't heal. |
Date: 1/22/2005 5:03:00 AM From Authorid: 49101 While I believe that restitution is a bit on the unreasonable side, you must consider that it isn't always about restituion and slavery which has held black Americans back for years, it is society to some degree. Do you know that if you are born in poverty, lets say a "Lower Class" you are something like 90% likely to die in that "Lower Class"? Look at statistics and you will see that even today, most black Americans are paid lower wages for the same jobs as anglo Americans. As are women, hispanics, and other minorities. You are more likely to recieve that high raise if you are an anglo American from a good neighborhood who knew all the right people as you were growing up, and went to all the right schools, rather than if you are a black, or hispanic American who pulled yourself up by the shirt tales and worked hard to get your education. However, in that same aspect there are also anglo Americans who are in the poorer classes, and they recieve "handouts" just as much as any other race of people, and they too - make up that angry class of people who become destructive of thier surroundings and themselves. |
Date: 1/22/2005 5:05:00 AM From Authorid: 7830 everyone is making great points. there are so many fine lines of whats appropriate. |
Date: 1/22/2005 5:25:00 AM From Authorid: 59385 well i guess the answer is to pity them,and give them everything they want so then if that is the answer then we/me in part the jewish deserve before all |
Date: 1/22/2005 5:27:00 AM From Authorid: 36967 This is total stupidity. To make all whites pay taxes to the blacks is just wrong. My ancestors did not come here until the early 1900's, well after slavery. So I should not have to take blame for something that is not even my fault. There are many blacks who came here, who were not slaves and neither were their ancestors. So why should all whites give tax dollars to the blacks. Also affirmative Action is a form of racism. |
Date: 1/22/2005 5:37:00 AM From Authorid: 36967 Poverty, does not hold water, there are just as many whites in poverty than blacks. |
Date: 1/22/2005 5:49:00 AM From Authorid: 53961 Just food for thought - How would white America feel if the tables were turned and whites were the ones who were slaves against their will? Just a thought - Neutral on this one... |
Date: 1/22/2005 5:57:00 AM From Authorid: 49498 The only thing I dont like is when people pull the race card. I just want to smack them and say, "Its not color, its you" |
Date: 1/22/2005 6:30:00 AM From Authorid: 62753 You know, this world is full of ignorance. It was NOT ONLY African Americans that were held as slaves, but there were WHITE peolpe, as well that were slaves, perhaps not here on American Land, but in other countries.... so should everyone do a back ground check, and seek out retribution from the country that held their families as slaves. This is a great post, but i think that if people were more educated on slavery they would understand that slavery has always exsisted through out time. We even have slaves today in other countries, so why not address that issue instead of bringing up America's dirty past! How about we pay off some Irish that were underpaid, and treeated with harshness for when thier families came to America????? Why not pay off the Jewish families who lost families because of World War 1. I mean come on people need to get a life, and an education! PERIOD. |
Date: 1/22/2005 6:32:00 AM From Authorid: 49101 Seems to me, there are a few people on this post who may feel intimidated by the "race Card". If it isn't about race, why get so deffensive about it? There will always be lobbyists trying to legalize or illegalize one thing or another, so why get all huffy about THIS subject? Restitution would NEVER happen and I can tell you one reason, TOO MANY Anglo's in positions of high power and not enough minorities, not to bring about that kind of change. SHOULD it happen? I don't feel that it should, and btw HeyHey Paula, EXCELLENT point. |
Date: 1/22/2005 6:34:00 AM From Authorid: 62753 Oh and, I am not going to get too worked up about it, PAYING money to African families will NEVER happen! NOT in my lifetime... and i think I'd rather move before I paid money for such a thing... Hey Hey Paula, As far as I know, some of my family might have been African American. There are not very many people like me that live in the south that could swear what thier bloodline is! |
Date: 1/22/2005 6:37:00 AM From Authorid: 49101 Lizard, don't be fooled, there is still slavery in this country, I posted about it a looong time ago, but there are still people bought and sold right here in the good ole USA. There was a ring of slave traders busted in Miami not more than four or five years ago. (If that) So why not address that issue I sy. What gives people the right to think they can OWN another person? Lets address that issue. Let us also address the issue of underpaid people, like the uys from Mexico that pick Oranges, and dig potatoes for inhumane hours at pathetic wages. If you ask me, even THAT is a form of slavery. |
Date: 1/22/2005 6:41:00 AM From Authorid: 62753 I very much agree Miss C ..... but see unfortunately people only learn what they want to learn to help them get ahead..... Sad. |
Date: 1/22/2005 6:44:00 AM From Authorid: 62753 I can honestly say that personally i have never owned a slave, NOR have I been given any money by family, so I don't feel I should have to pay any money to anyone. My family was poor white trash! Would I be added to the list of peolpe who should pay??? What about people who are half African American and half white, do they get a discount? |
Date: 1/22/2005 6:46:00 AM From Authorid: 49101 I think I am going to start posting some paradigm shifts, and see what reactions I get. I know how you feel about people learning what they want to learn, because I used to feel the same way. I fall in the class of people who normally feel that way, because we have done well for ourselves by working very hard for it, and practicing good will towards others. But not everyone has that, not everyone CAN get out of the "Rut" just by educating themselves. Some people simply do not have that option no matter how hard they try. And yes it is sand, and it is hard to understand, I only recently started to understand it myself, and afte speaking to a friend last night on the phone, I came to understand even more. Some people, simply are stuck in that place. Wow, I think I am getting WAY off subject LOL! |
Date: 1/22/2005 6:50:00 AM From Authorid: 62753 Miss C ... I understand what you are saying, and it isnt off subject.... thats why we have Pell grants to help everyone go to school.... now if you have five kids before your 21, and make bad choices you may not be able to take advantage of free education, but i know where i live, there is free day care, and pell grants for college.... usually the ones who cant help themselves have a issue that is holding them back that is thier fault, not mine or yours. There are all kinds of excuses people can use, but only a very small amount of people can truely say they can't help themselves! |
Date: 1/22/2005 6:51:00 AM From Authorid: 56489 For god sakes it's 2005, slavery went out when? I think the race card ran out when they now have it better than us. |
Date: 1/22/2005 6:52:00 AM From Authorid: 62753 ^ I agree with that! |
Date: 1/22/2005 7:04:00 AM From Authorid: 18527 sweet! My mom is from South America so I am going to Spain to sue the spaniards for what they did to the Chibca tribe in Colombia! (note sarcasm) :P |
Date: 1/22/2005 7:06:00 AM From Authorid: 52155 white people suck. |
Date: 1/22/2005 7:22:00 AM From Authorid: 4144 EDDO! you crack me up! |
Date: 1/22/2005 7:43:00 AM From Authorid: 4144 OOPS! sorry....about the post! eddo always makes my mind wonder!! (thanks man!) anyway......i think it's a load of crap. how can one person blame another person for what their ancestors did a hundred years ago. it's stupid. that's like blamming me if my kid goes out and gets drunk. if i don't pour it down her throat it aint my fault. another thing, i have actually heard white people say they didn't get a job because they were not black. i've heard that three times in the last few years. i couldn't help but think they didn't get it because they were idiots. a lot of this crap is just an excuse for some people not to have to get off their butts and work. and then there's the people that want everything handed to them on a silver platter at no charge (2 of my cousins). i'm like 1/4 cherokee, or something like that. does that mean i should have my hand out for something that happened a zillion years ago? i don't think so. |
Date: 1/22/2005 7:48:00 AM From Authorid: 48809 I agree with you author..this old thing with the "slavery" has been beaten to death... I say "get a life" and go out and earn a living like the rest of us have to! None of them were ever slaves , it is just some way to try and "get something for nothing!" |
Date: 1/22/2005 7:56:00 AM From Authorid: 16916 Okay, African Americans are NOT being affected by slavery right now. I dont think that they deserve reparations for anything. They definately arent suffering. |
Date: 1/22/2005 7:59:00 AM From Authorid: 62881 I don't think we should have to pay reparations to anyone for what happened so long ago. Things happen that we, many decades later, had nothing to do with. It is over. Let it go....Green Eyed Froggy |
Date: 1/22/2005 8:08:00 AM From Authorid: 47218 I do not agree with slavery reparations. I do agree that system, as it is now constituted, intentionally or not, favors caucasions (upper and middle-class). I mean, look at the disproportianate percentage of african americans who live in poverty, never attend college, etc. You don't actually believe that there is something inherently inferior about the black race, do you? Unless you believe that premise, you have to accept that there is *something* else going on here. Studies of certain aspects of the educational system have shown that things are set up to favor caucasions: school is taught in caucasion dialect, tests are administered in caucasion dialect, narrative strategies required to write essays and make arguments (event-based rather than topic-based) are acquired early on by caucasion children through interactions with their families at home and are completely foreign to african american children. So, when they come to school they have to learn in a language and culture that is foreign and this makes their task more difficult, especially since no one recognizes that this is the case. It is no coincidence that a higher proportion of african americans get pushed into special education classes early on-- the tests are language-based, in a different dialect-- this automatically puts them at a disadvantage going in. Studies have shown this. Furthermore, one of the professors in my program conducted a study with a group of her students where they had someone with a caucasion dialect, and someone with a african american dialect call around inquiring about apartments. Consistently, the person with the african american dialect was quoted higher prices or was told that there were no apartments available. |
Date: 1/22/2005 8:14:00 AM From Authorid: 17081 Bill Cosby has said that the blacks should stop making excuses. It's the excuses that keep holding them back. Alot of blacks have the attitude: We were done wrong, so you white people need to carry us now. ..That doesn't give the black person much incentive to go out and make it. Cosby alos said instead of buying $500 sneakers, they should buy Hooked on Phonics. THE EXCUSES DONT GIVE MUCH INCENTIVE |
Date: 1/22/2005 8:14:00 AM From Authorid: 18527 Mollycat they did a study here too, only they also had a white person use a "hillybilly" accent and they too were charged more. I think it has more to do with education levels than race. |
Date: 1/22/2005 8:15:00 AM From Authorid: 10344 I'd like to say two words.....Wah Wah! |
Date: 1/22/2005 8:27:00 AM From Authorid: 47218 yes, Kethria, southern dialect is also subject to bias. Really, it has to do with the status of the group that the dialect is associated with. Because people hear the southern dialect and assume that the person is uneducated because they come from an uneducated class. But, black dialect is rather unique in that it isn't associated with a class of people, but rather a race of people. |
Date: 1/22/2005 8:30:00 AM From Authorid: 47218 I want to take Bill Cosby to task for his uneducated remarks about language. |
Date: 1/22/2005 8:33:00 AM From Authorid: 62599 These people have never been enslaved, their trying to fix problems in their lives by complaining |
Date: 1/22/2005 8:47:00 AM From Authorid: 47218 here's a thought (still not defending slavery reparations)-- why is it okay for people in the south to cry and moan over a war that happened 140 years ago, but when another group of people complain about their ancestors being enslaved by these people's ancestors at that same time, they're a bunch of whiners? |
Date: 1/22/2005 8:49:00 AM From Authorid: 49101 See, this is where folks gotta try to understand that it is not possible for EVERYONE to get educated. It just isn't going to happen, ever. YES there are people who are looking for a free ride, I a am fully aware of that, but there are people who earnestly can not do it. As I said, (and Mollycat I am in full agreement with your comments) the chances of an African American child, who lives in poverty succeeding at becomeing the top CEO of a company are slim to NONE. Why? Lets look at the background of a poor white, black, or hispanic child. you are living in a home where MOST LIKELY you have a sinlge parent, or MAYBE two, both work fulltime jobs for minimum wage because they also lack the education. If it is a single parent home, the chances are that your parent works TWO jobs, sometimes three. What time does that leave a parent to study at home with thier child? Who makles sure that you are reading everynight before you go to bed, who making sure you get up and make it to school on time, with a full tummy? Who checks your homework? Who looks and praises you and encourages you when you make good grades? Kids NEED these things to succeed. That is a gvien. They NEED a parent at home, they need a parent who can help them learn how important an education is. But if that parent is doing what they can to make sure there is food on the table, then that is what the child will learn. "Life is work, living from paycheck to paycheck, and that is how Grandma did it, and her grandma before her, and before that we were slaves, this is the BEST I can hope for." It really isn't a matter of Go to college, get educated, it is a matter of having the means to break that cycle. Not everyone can have that. |
Date: 1/22/2005 8:49:00 AM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57074 Well, a comment to hey hey paula, If the tables were turned around, we would proabaly feel like us White Americans were done wrong but that still does not give us an excuse to go around and say people need to pay us. I would never expect someone from the moder day time to pay me for something thats done and over with. People just need to get over the fact that America has had a bad past in one point and just focus on the future that will happen. Here we have colleges that are only for blacks and whites can not get in but what if a college did that for only whites? Wouldnt they consider that a racist thing? I believe they proabaly would. And everyone here is making good points about this and I appreciate all replies. |
Date: 1/22/2005 8:54:00 AM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57074 Mollycat, to me..its not ok for the south to cry and moan over a war that happened 140 years ago. I just think we should all realize that something bad has proabaly happend to every race in the past and we should get over it and stop this whole race thing because were all equal here..just cause someone is black or another race does not mean they are more of a person than me or less of a person |
Date: 1/22/2005 9:01:00 AM From Authorid: 48250 Native American had their homes destroyed, their children were butchered, "Read Trail of Tears and Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee" This was their land to begin with.. I have a very dear friend whom is African American, OI love her very much and she has a wonderful family, and although she treats me as though I am part of her family, she never once behaved as though she thinks we owe she or her family something.. While I will admit the African Americans' ancestors were not treated well at all, we do not owe them a livinhg, they need to make a living just as we do every day.. Their are white children who need education just as much as an African American child.....There are children running the streets with gangs or kids going hungry every day just as there are kids of every race.., no race is better than the other but we certainly should not be made to feel terrible guilt or responsibility for what our ancestors of years gone by., did to their ancestors.... |
Date: 1/22/2005 9:30:00 AM From Authorid: 22080 i dont think anyone should dip their paws into my taxes for something that happened to them, my family in the US at that time was NATIVE AMERICANS, my family didnt get off the boat until the 1870's and they landed in canada, they didnt come here until 1910, thats on my dads said, my moms family came from italy in the 1920's. so noone should dip their paws into my taxes. |
Date: 1/22/2005 9:30:00 AM From Authorid: 22080 also id like to add that the US is clear about not punishing the family of people who commit treason yet they continue to punish families generations later for slavery, yeah real bright eh? |
Date: 1/22/2005 10:20:00 AM From Authorid: 37101 Out of all this discussion, I find myself sticking by what MFroompa said most in paraphrasing what Bill Cosby has said. - |
Date: 1/22/2005 10:40:00 AM From Authorid: 40881 I have to say to BlueEyesWhiteDragon.. I find what you said off the subject and extreemly offensive.""When they are together in a big group they think we can do and say anything because we are soo bad but see that same one alone and you will see the true coward that he is"". What do you mean by "THEY"? It seems like you are grouping a whole race because you grew up in a poor black neighborhood... let me tell you, I grew up in the south and there is the same thing going on in the poor white neck of the woods too in redneck vill USA. I think you are a racest and need to be educated. Not all black people are the way you say "they" are. *rolls eyes* And as far as the topic.. no I don't think blacks should get taxes from whites because of slavery. I doubt with the cross breeding that anyone can really even pinpoint who is black, white and other. |
Date: 1/22/2005 11:56:00 AM From Authorid: 62267 Well, some white people blame the blacks for taking all the good jobs. Ya see it goes both ways lol. As for the taxes being taken from white people to give to the black, IT IS IN THE PAST!!!! Get over it!! LoL. |
Date: 1/22/2005 12:22:00 PM From Authorid: 62267 Oh, something else. Talking about cross breeding is completely off topic too and offensive so try to refrain from saying things like that also. |
Date: 1/22/2005 12:36:00 PM From Authorid: 40881 Freaq. I don't see anything wrong with saying cross breeding so I won't stop saying it. I'm trying to prove a point that taxes will never be taken away from whits and given to the blacks because most of the population would have to take a DNA test first..lol.. It's funny how you think thats so wrong to say but don't take offence to the other racial slurs going on in here. Like ... "Look at everything made besides peanut butter what has a black contributed to in america besides riots" Please.. My husband is educated and own's a company, we have 3 beautiful kids that came from "cross breeding" The doctor that deliverd my kids was a balck doctor.. I wonder if bewd was ever in need of blood or needed to be operated on if he would think a black person saving his life was a contribution.. |
Date: 1/22/2005 12:47:00 PM From Authorid: 62267 NOTICE: I said off topic TOO not singling you out. Ya some of the other comments are offensive. I don't think there is anything wrong with cross breeding but I wouldn't do it. I hear stuff around here alot worse than what is going on in this debate, trust me. If anyone around here saw a black man in this neck of the woods he'd be a DEAD black man because people around here are so racist and I was raised TO be racist but I am not like those people. I have nothing against black people and I think they DO sometimes get jobs over white people because of law suits but that's just life I guess. All of it is juuuuuust life. |
Date: 1/22/2005 1:04:00 PM
From Authorid: 40881
One more thing to bewd.. then I wont come back to this post because it makes my blood boil... Alexander Mils, a black man, invented the elevator.. Richard Spikes, a black man, invented the automatic gear shift, Joseph Gammell, also black, invented the Super Charge System for Internal Combustion Engines, and Garrett .Morgan invented the traffic signals. The electric trolley, which was invented by another black man, Elbert R. Robinson. African American, Charles Brooks, invented the street sweeper. John Love invented the pencil sharpener, William Purvis invented the fountain pen, Lee Burridge invented the Type Writing Machine and W. A Lovette invented the Advanced Printing Press. They were all, you guessed it, black. Even if Americans could write their letters, articles and books, they would not have been transported by mail because William Barry invented the Postmarking and Canceling Machine, William Purvis invented the Hand Stamp and Phillip Downing invented the Letter Drop. Joseph Smith invented the Lawn Sprinkler and John Burr the Lawn Mower. Frederick Jones invented the Air Conditioner and Alice Parker the Heating Furnace. Their homes were also dim. But of course, stupid, Lewis Latimer invented the Electric Lamp, Michael Harvey invented the Lantern and Granville T. Woods invented the Automatic Cut-off Switch. Thomas W. Steward invented the Mop and Lloyd P. Ray, the Dust Pan. Jan E.Matzelinger invented the Shoe Lasting Machine, Walter Sammons invented the Comb, Sarah Boone invented the Ironing Board and George T. Samon invented the Clothes Dryer. I could go on.. Blacks invented alot more then peanutbutter. |
Date: 1/22/2005 1:17:00 PM From Authorid: 62267 Why does it matter what they invented? LoL. What your point, come back one more time, I don't understand why you wrote all that.... |
Date: 1/22/2005 1:19:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57074 Freaq, I was raised to be the same way..Racist..My granparents would disown me if I ever dated anyone out of my race, but im glad I didnt turn out racist even though all my friends seem to be..but this post in nothing about being racist and I dont want peeople to get the wrong idea because I..myself am not a racist..my friends and family are..but not me. I just thought I would let everyone know that. |
Date: 1/22/2005 1:22:00 PM From Authorid: 62267 Oh, I see. Same here. My grandparents parents and all my family and friends would disown me so don't feel bad...but I'm gonna leave this post for now too I may check back later. Bye Bye! |
Date: 1/22/2005 1:28:00 PM From Authorid: 36704 whoa Daijha, you just jipped a heck of a lot of people out of their actual inventions with your list |
Date: 1/22/2005 1:39:00 PM From Authorid: 16671 Your right we had nothing to do with it, they were not even involved in it, should the Indian want taxes taken out for what the white people did? No. Should the white people want a tax taken out because so many indians killed them? No. The past is the past, leave it there. If after all these years they are still not doing anything with their lives, then they are to blame and no one else. |
Date: 1/22/2005 3:01:00 PM From Authorid: 12118 Heyyyy..my comment disappeared.and it wasn't even bad! Oh well..I won't go through and write it all again. |
Date: 1/22/2005 3:08:00 PM
From Authorid: 40881
I said I wasn't comming back but I couldn't help myself..lol. Freaq. I named some of the inventions because of the comment bewd made about the peanutbutter.. quote from him "besides peanut butter what has a black contributed to in america" ... Base.. I got my information from a book called Black Inventors (American Profiles) by Nathan Aaseng. If my information is wrong then inlighten me, my 12 year old son read the book last year for a report and got an A. I would be intrested in knowing what you mean by your comment, so if anything my son doesn't walk around with false information. |
Date: 1/22/2005 4:31:00 PM From Authorid: 47296 For the record, blacks were not the only people enslaved in America. American Indians were enslaved for years, but the practice became costly because the Indian would fight back. There were also whites who came here in servitude from England. A lot of black slaves would go to Florida if they escaped, because the Seminoles would take them in and help them. This led to many Seminoles themselves being taken as slaves. Now, since I am a descendent of Seminoles, does that mean I can get reparations money also. No, because I am not black. Mollycat, you are becoming very good at sterotyping people. I speak with a pronounced southern twang. That being the case, I am anything but uneducated, and have never had my being from the south held against me. In fact, during my time in Wisconsin, I had no problem gettting a job, and was well respected by those in my community. You also speak about southerners whining about a war that was fought 145 years ago. No, we do not whine. We do still talk about the injustice served upon the south prior to, during, and after the war. The south did not start that war, Abraham Lincoln is the one that made sure war would happen by his own actions. |
Date: 1/22/2005 4:33:00 PM From Authorid: 36704 The lawn mover was invented in Britain by Edwin Budding almost 60 years before Burrs improved version, he didn't invent it he improved upon it. Traffic signals were used in civilations dating back to the Romans. The modern day traffic signal came from a design by James Hoge in Utah, nine years before Morgan's traffic signal, but was used in Germany before then. Garret Morgan patented a type of traffic signal he did not invent the traffic signal. Sir Humphrey Davy of England was the inventor of the first electic carbon arc lamp in 1801. Sir Joseph Swann from England also invented a type of electric lamp. Lewis Latimer improved the incandescent lightbulb. Elevators, what type they've been used throughout history, the first electric elevator was built by Ernest Werner von Siemens a German. Air conditioners date back to ancient Persia, the electric version came from Willis Carrier. Ironing boards, I think the Chinese might have a problem with that one, since they had an ironing system including boards that date back to 1 BC. The comb? Combs are dug up from ancient civilizations all the time, they're thousands of years old. Philip Downing patented the first hinged door mailbox he didn't invent the first mailbox. The potato chip, yes, the medical stuff is pretty accurate, the rest no. America is a young country. The first clock ever built entirely in the US was by a black man. Although he built the first in the US he didn't invent the clock. they were imported before then. Blacks have contributed a lot especially in the medical and scientific fields and while they may not have invented them they have improved on a lot of earlier inventions. However, America is a young country most of the inventions you mentioned weren't American inventions, no American regardless of race invented them. |
Date: 1/22/2005 4:40:00 PM From Authorid: 53961 Why does the injustice that has been done to America's Vietnam Veterans come to mind...? |
Date: 1/22/2005 4:45:00 PM From Authorid: 53961 My daughter and husband both served in the Air Force. Their last duty station was in Alabama. My daughter chose not to re-enlist after her six years and my SIL retired at 20. They chose to stay in Alabama where they both hold down full time jobs and my daughter goes to colleage, as well. One thing that surprised us all, when she applied for financial aid, she was told that she could qualify for a minority scholarship, because in Alabama she, as a white, female, was considered a minority. |
Date: 1/22/2005 5:01:00 PM From Authorid: 18527 Base is correct, there is a difference between inventing something and improving upon an invention! |
Date: 1/22/2005 8:55:00 PM From Authorid: 47218 two spirit, you misread my comment. I did not say that people from the south were uneducated. I said that the southern accent is indexed with a class of people that is stereotyped as being uneducated. My second point was, the civil war is obviously still quite personal to some people in the south. How can these southerners then go on and complain about african americans being hung up on something that didn't happen to them directly? |
Date: 1/22/2005 9:27:00 PM From Authorid: 47296 Mollycat, the south is only sterotyped because of their dialect in the minds of some who do not care to learn the truth. Take a look at the fastest growing regions of the country industrially and you will find the south is doing better than most. Alabama has been called by some the Detroit of the south, because of the number of automotive manufacturers and suppliers in the state, including Mercedes. Is it really a sterotype, or is it just you that wish to sterotype? I have family in Oklahoma. My uncle owned a business in Oklahome City, which he was looking to move back to Alabama before his death in order to hire more qualified people. Now, would I be right in saying that the people there are dumb? No. If people understood the truth about slavery, the Civil War, and a lot of other things that have gone on in the history of this country, then there would never even be a debate over this issue. The fact is that people have accepted the school textbook version of history, without bothering to see if it is accurate. Who started slavery in the New World? The Spanish. Who continued the practice of slavery in America? The British. They later outlawed slave trading for various reasons, none having to do with humanitarian reasons. Although slavery in America was basically a southern deal, the ships that carried slaves were in fact built up north, and owned primarily by interests in Boston. Many of the crews for slave vessels also came from up north. Most northerners up to the time of the Civil War cared not if the slaves were freed. They actually saw them as a burden, since freed slaves often came north in search of jobs, which was one reason for the large number of carpetbaggers in the south after the Civil War. The Civil War was not fought over slavery, but fought over state's rights, and the burden placed on southern farmers by tariffs and taxes imposed on them to transport cotton and other materials to the north. A study of American history since the Civil War will show that the state's have continued to lose their autonomous rights, both through the passig of federal laws, and supreme court decisions. To put it simple, Americans have been dumbed down to the point that they no longer see what is happening to them, and issues like reparations and the such are allowed to loom over the heads of all, including those whose ancestors themselves were enslaved or endentured. |
Date: 1/22/2005 10:41:00 PM From Authorid: 40881 I checked .. you're right base. Even if blacks didn't invent some of the things I listed..(I admit I was wrong) it still makes me mad that in this day and age blacks are still being sterotyped this way by people. It's a shock.. maybe alot more people feel this way and I just don't see it because people don't say it to my face because my family is black.. |
Date: 1/22/2005 11:03:00 PM From Authorid: 36704 I can understand why it would make you upset but blacks have contributed a lot, an amazing amount just in the medical field. |
Date: 1/22/2005 11:04:00 PM From Authorid: 47218 no, Two Spirit, the southern dialect actually is co-indexed by many people with a few negative stereotypes-- mental slowness (because of the drawl), lack of education, cultural backwarndess. Studies of language attitudes have proven this to be so. As for your defensiveness towards the intelligence of people in the south, this is totally unecessary with me. I realize that these are just stereotypes. Hence, my pointing out that they are stereotypes. |
Date: 1/23/2005 7:16:00 AM From Authorid: 8817 ya know Bill Cosby said something about this and he respectfully yelled at black americans and told them that they were holding themselves back. |
Date: 1/24/2005 5:31:00 PM From Authorid: 10915 Well, since you want an african american to respond to your post, I will be more than happy to and I will say this, I believe you really need to do a bit more history reading and really take off those rose colored glasses of yours and get some reality. Not all blacks blame a race of folks for anything. We work and live just like you do. With so much that is going on in the world today, racism is the very least of my concern. And I am paying for school with my own money, work and take care of me. So I don't have time panhandling on the streets to a white man to spare a dollar |
Date: 1/24/2005 6:04:00 PM From Authorid: 49101 Girlie, you are 100% RIGHT. People on this post are claiming that they are not racist, and yet they have lumped ALL black people into a group. THAT is RACISM. Maybe it isn't using profane language, or holding anyone back... but it is hurtful and insulting just the same. As for Mollycat getting on your back BV, she didn't get excited or angry, she made two simple replies without any !!! or BOLD BOLD BOLD stuff. What's wrong? Why are you getting so upset? |
Date: 1/25/2005 3:52:00 AM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57074 I didnt say ALL of the African Americans so I would suggest you look a little more and MollyCat was unable to leave the situation alone..I wasnt getting mad or anything and if I sounded rude I truely did not mean too |
Date: 1/25/2005 12:15:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57074 My apologies to you MollyCat if I sounded rude. |
Date: 1/25/2005 4:55:00 PM
From Authorid: 62983
Diva Girlie, I said the same thing about people needing to do some research on their history. Unfortunately someone didn't like my comments and deleted them. Which is fine with me, that just tells me someone was offended by the truth. I do disagree with the members of the African American community that have the view that whites owe them something, and I don't think it's right to try and take tax payers money for whatever wasn't done with regards to restitution for slavery. I believe that our wonderful government should take responsibility for what was done and rectify the situation. As for people lumping all African Americans together, YES that is a form of racism. But I do find it strange that my comments were deleted eventhough they were not directly insulting anyone, yet White Dragon's obvious offensive grouping and stereotyping was okay. Hmmmmmm...Curious ~WanderingGurl~ |
Date: 1/25/2005 5:23:00 PM From Authorid: 10915 LOL@WG. The same. And I want to apologize to the author of this post as well. Having re-read this post, I believe I may have jumped the gun a bit. So I do hope you will accept my humble apologies. Just like you said and I repeat, no, not all blacks blame white society for holding them back. If you want me to be even more truthful, not all blacks care enough about white society to start a blame game. Having Mr. Cosby airing our dirty laundry to the masses, most of us are far to busy trying to survive the daily affairs of life as well as trying to work on some of what Mr. Cosby so eloquently brought out. Some of us don't even fit Mr. Cosby's speech. However, having said that, it would be a bold-faced lie if I say that discrimination, prejudicism and racism are things of the past. No they are very real and very much alive. And yes, everyone is guilty of such acts. I agree too WG. I am not and have never been one to look for a handout, so this restitution issue needs to lay to rest. Of what benefit is that to me? And I am sure many college educated as well as hard working blacks would agree. |
Date: 1/25/2005 6:15:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57074 WG I got a msg saying they deleted your comments and mine but I have no idea why..I didnt think they should have deleted because if I remember correctly you really didnt say anything offensie..Girlie thats and easy mistake to make but if i sounded mad my apologies to you..I dont mean to sound mad on here..it always comes out wrong, But I really dont think this is really a big matter on raceism..Atlease I did not entend for this post to become about racism..I was just trying to see if anyone really knew about it and what their views were on this |
Date: 1/25/2005 6:18:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57074 And just for the record. I believe not all blacks blame people for things that happend..their are just still a few who are dewelling on what happend a while back kinda..If we thought about it..everyone could blame someone else so we just need to look at the future on things instead of our bad past |
Date: 1/25/2005 6:30:00 PM From Authorid: 47296 WG, your comments as well as the cooments of those who responded to you, inlcuding my comment, were all deleted. Your comments were insults, which is why they were deleted. The other comments were deleted to maintain the continuity of the post. You talk of other people educating themsleves, maybe you should do the same. Spend time in Tuskegee, Alabama, or around the Alabama State University campus. Get an idea how a cross section of blacks feel on various subjects. Spend time in the projects. See how the people live, what they fear, and learn what they really want. Working in construction, I have spent numerous months in all three places. I have talked with students at Tuskegee and Alabama State. I have had people from the projects come over and talk to me when we were working on a new shopping center going in adjacent to the projects. A man I know and have high respect for is a black legislator for the same district as where those projects are. I have heard him talk of what blakcs really want, and what they need, and cannot argue with his points one bit. If you really want to learn something though, find a member of the Tuskegee Airmen that is still alive. Do not ask questions, just let them tell you what their lives were like, and how they overcame all they did. I had the opportunity to do just that several years ago, to sit and listen to one of them talk. It is an experience I will never forget. Diva, racism and discrimination are still very real today, and the fact is, it cuts both ways. If I were to tell someone I was colorblind to a person's skin color, I would be lieing, because I am not color blind. However, I do not let the color of a person's skin influence me. I have worked with many blacks, and also served with them. One of the members of my fire team was black. He was also my patrol partner. Having worked with that man for as long as I did, I would trust my life to him before I would trust it to many whites. I also learned years ago from a very wise black man the true meaning of the "n" word. It does not apply to just blacks, but to whites too. Most people though call the whites in that category "white trash". They are no different, regardless of their skin color, or what they are called. They are the dregs that think everyone owes them something. |
Date: 1/25/2005 7:26:00 PM From Authorid: 10915 Nor did I take this post as one of racism. I am just speaking my perspective. Two Spirits, I know that racism can be played out on both sides of the spectrum. I love people. Skin color is of no importance to me. Most who cry racism (and that goes for anyone regardless of race) or who is looking to shift the blame on someone else are exactly what you call them, dregs of society who wish for others to do for them what they should be doing for themselves. |
Date: 1/25/2005 9:03:00 PM From Authorid: 62983 Now, just for the record I do apologize to those who were offended by my comments. However, TS I have lived in the projects, with the gang violence, drug dealers and the senior citizens who are afraid to go out of their house, where the kids don’t have new books or enough of them in the class room because the school is in a low income area. And what I’ve learned is that there are many African American people who are angry and who want to blame whites, when the blame should be placed on the government because it didn’t hold up to the promise that was made. (Thirty Acres and a Mule). But that does not mean that all African Americans still hold that anger and most folks just want to live and let live. It is an unfortunate reality, that this issue hasn’t been put to rest. So far as spending time in Alabama, my family is from Louisiana and yes I’ve been there,it's a small town if you blink you’ll miss it. And as for the Tuskegee Airmen I know who they are and what they accompished because I have studied African American History and Literature . ~WG~ |
Date: 1/26/2005 5:29:00 AM From Authorid: 47296 WG, I would challenge your statements. You say you have lived in the projects, yet you say you are from a small town. It is funny that I have never seen projects in small towns. Drugs are a problem in the projects, but in the south, except for the major cities, gangs are a joke, nothing more than a bunch of wannabes, and there are few of the older blacks that are afraid of them. In fact, I have watched before as some of the older people in the projects helped police locate wannabe gang members and drug dealers so they could be arrested. As for the promises the government made, if even half the promises were true, then few would have any place to argue over since the descendents of my ancestors would still own much of this land called America. You see, I am American Indian, a a group of people who to this day are very much discriminated against. In fact, many today still live in conditions far worse than any projects, and have even less to work with in the schools than do the "low income rural schools". You do not see me yelling though for reparations. I do not care for the way my people were treated, and openly voice that fact. As for the Tuskegee Airmen, their history is well documented. One does not totally appreciate that history though until they have the opportunity to hear one of those gentlemen tell the stories themselves. |
Date: 1/26/2005 5:41:00 AM From Authorid: 49101 Two Spirit, I live ina VERY VERY VERY Small toen, and even WE have projects. I was a precinct volunteer in one of those area's. Government housing was about 6 blocks away from the pole. |
Date: 1/26/2005 6:35:00 AM From Authorid: 44321 I have talked to my husband about what I found here... I think if other comments were deleted his should have gone too, his comments were in no way a part of the debate,in my opinion they were ugly.. I have said before when he joined that he is responsible for himself,But reading what he has said has really embarrassed me. You can't lump a whole race of people into one category just because you ran into a few rotten apples, rotten apples are all over in this world of all colors. Myself and the rest of us in my home do NOT share his views, and in the future hope he will not venture into another debate like this one. In my talk I let him know just how many folks he offended, myself included !! |
Date: 1/26/2005 9:05:00 AM From Authorid: 28946 (I wrote out a good reply and then the system rebooted and it got lost. Grrrrr.) Racism is still racism no matter who is doing it. There will always be some people that feel the world owes them a living for whatever past event that happened. African Americans did get treated atrociously in the past but so did Native Americans, Asian Americans and Irish Americans. People were sold like cattle into slavery and as indentured servitude (still slavery), and families were ripped apart and in many cases never heard from again. Thank God that this has been outlawed here in America! The only thing we can do though to rectify the horrors done to the different races is to NOT repeat the same mistakes and to treat everyone equal. No special consideration is to be given to one single race! Some ethnic groups claim they want to be treated equal or better but then they want to declare their own speech and want their difference to stand out - that part I don't understand as it's contradictory. There are always going to be some idiots that will condemn a man only because he looks or talks different and that must be a human fault. |
Date: 1/26/2005 9:09:00 AM From Authorid: 28946 Medusa, BEWD didn't offend me as he's intitled to his opinions and it doesn't make him a bad guy. He has his reasons I'm sure to feel the way he does and maybe someday he will be able to over look the few jerks that made him feel this way towards Blacks. I like the idea of everyone doing a DNA test in America to just see how much of a blend we have become. The perfect America to me would be a blend of all so that we would be a united nation by blood. |
Date: 1/26/2005 9:44:00 AM From Authorid: 44321 Hiya Penny, I just thought some of the things he started in with really should not have been mentioned in here. He let his anger speak for him and it got ugly , in my opinion any way... I know he is a good guy deep down, I would not have stayed with him for so many years now if he wasn't sometimes though when he or heck any of us that sees a debate that stirs up nasty feelings in us maybe it is the time to just walk away from it. |
Date: 1/26/2005 2:31:00 PM From Authorid: 28946 I agree with that Medusa and that's good advice for everyone. I am going to try to stay out of the debates and some other blood boiling issues in the future cause stress ain't good. |
Date: 1/28/2005 3:58:00 PM From Authorid: 53284 One of the things that I love about the internet is that it is blind to race as well as most other features. You read what someone has written and judge the person by their words, not some superficial physical characteristics. As for race relations in the US, they've come a long way in my lifetime. Many institutional barriers that used to exist ( excluding non-whites from jobs, schools, areas of cities in which they could live etc) have been torn down by the court system and the Federal government. Are things perfect? LOL (things will never be perfect) I work with people from a variey of backgrounds and cultures. People are just people. You can learn alot from people just by taking to them. It was interesting to read all the comments on this post. |
Date: 2/1/2005 4:28:00 PM From Authorid: 62983 TS, I think that you misread my statement. I never said I was from a small town, I said my family is and that I have spent a lot of time there. Now as for living in the projects, I didn't say they were located in a small town I said that I lived in the projects. And I mentioned MY experiences while living there. You can take my statements and challenge them if you like, however since you and I don't know each other personally it is difficult to take what I've said as truth because you haven't lived in my situation and I haven't lived in yours. I do agree with you on one point though, hearing one of the Airmen talk would give one an appreciation for what they accomplished. You are very fortunate to have had that opportunity. I’m not sure where you got that the government’s promises were untrue but as you know, there are many sources that can be used to find out about the history regarding restitution for slavery. Here are a few sources that anyone can check out if they wish; Forty Acres and a Mule: The Freedmen’s Bureau and Black Land Ownership by C. F. Oubre, Before the Mayflower: A History of the American Negro in America 1619-1964 by Lerone Bennet, The Civil Rights Record: Black Americans and the Law 1849-1970 by Richard Bardolph. And yes our Ancestors would own much of this land, but it still doesn’t mean that its right that there isn’t adequate shelter or access to education. My opinion is just that both situations are wrong and the government should do something to rectify it. ~WG~ |
Date: 2/3/2005 3:10:00 AM From Authorid: 62146 I have noticed if a black person dose not get a job and the employer is white they somtimes tend to use the "it's because I am balck isent it" line I personaly Am very fed up with it, belive it or not not all us whites are racist. they technicly have the right though due to slavery but it dose not make matters any better by holding a grudge. |
Date: 2/7/2005 10:01:00 AM From Authorid: 51070 Okay, I am extremely anti-racism and pro-tolerance and acceptance, but why should we pay taxes for something we had nothing to do with? None of my ancestors ever had a plantation or owned slaves, therefore, why should I have to pay the price for some other shmuck's evildoings? And nobody today has ever held a slave, nor been a slave, so people need to loosen up and get over the past. It's been a hundred and forty years, for crying out loud! |
Date: 2/7/2005 10:04:00 AM From Authorid: 51070 My ancestors didn't come over here till the 1870's, I think, which is definitely after the days of the plantations and slavery. And none of them ever lived down in the deep south. |
Date: 2/7/2005 12:13:00 PM From Authorid: 52155 the deep south isn't the only place where slavery existed, nor is it American only. |
Date: 2/8/2005 1:03:00 PM From Authorid: 52612 Well white ppl did do a lot of baAad things in the past, like slavery stealing the Native Americans their land, and stealing Mexico's land, lyke TX, CA, AZ and who knows how many more states, but i mean thats all been done, we can't go and blame random white ppl today, b/c they had nothing to do with it, although racism still exists here today everyone should ignore most of it and try to make the best out of something,.. thats all i have to say,. |
Date: 2/11/2005 3:44:00 PM From Authorid: 62146 if black people were not slaves they could be in africa that is a 3rd world country right now. |
Date: 2/11/2005 8:13:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57074 Yeah I know..My mom says the same thing..If Whites didnt enslave them then they wouldnt be here at all..not that I have a problem with them being here..Im just saying |
Date: 2/11/2005 9:50:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57074 Im glad to see you decided to come to my crap post and replie evil16..If its such crap to you then why did you reply?? |
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