Somewhere amongst our universe, between the earth and God, A prayer rises from a lonely man, and a Christmas story began.
Upon a star an angel sat, seeing wonder in these lights. Knowing each were bits of dreams carried on night's moonbeams.
Each one a prayer, a wish, or need from Sons of Adam, Daughters of Eve. This angel was assigned just one, to see what could be done.
Reaching deep inside the light, this angel took a prayer. And riding moonbeams through the night, this angel would appear.
A lonely man at a table sits, getting looks and often glares. But before he eats, he folds his hands, to God he offers prayers.
Giving thanks to God for his food, and asking one more thing, For love or just a simple hug, might this Christmas bring.
Gazing up across the way, He sees the baby child. With love, trust, and purity, and in heaven, God just smiled.
The couple and child approaching, this man he hangs his head. He saw the looks from others, and imagined what they said.
When at his side they pause a bit, and the child reaches out, For in this night was Christmas Eve and dreams were all about.
The man he stands and reaches back, for a child to not deny. For love and just a simple hug, were in a child's heart nearby.
Now when angels come and move about, they rarely just appear. And sometimes they only whisper, talking softly in one's ear.
But on this night, to a lonely man, an angel was revealed. Through a child's heart, an angel's voice, God's love was unconcealed.
After this man had thought awhile, again, to God he prayed, And thanked Him for the son He gave, and love that God displays.
So remember that, in each one's heart, God places something there, We each hold someone's Christmas gift...a dream, a need, a prayer.
King Caspian
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