Date: 12/3/2003 12:39:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62476 I personally think it should'nt be 18 because so people that are 15 are looking forward to driving and if they raise it to 18 their going to have to wait 3 more years and that's not right. |
Date: 12/3/2003 12:46:00 PM From Authorid: 25756 Wow, scary...this is EXACTLY the debate our group chose to debate in my public speaking and debate class. weird. Lol! I'm on the side that says driving age should be age 18. (I didn't choose to be though lol). There are a lot of good reasons why it should be 18 - such as the crah rate of 16 year olds is 3 times that of 17 year olds and 5 times that of 18 year olds. and also, laws allowing 16 year olds to drive were passed before WWII when 16 year olds were in general more responsible than they are now. Of course, I can also see the other side to this-I'm 16 and I want to learn how to drive! Lol! But considering the crash rates...and that 1 out of 3 teens have their first crash within the first year of driving....*shrugs* It would make a lot of sense. |
Date: 12/3/2003 12:48:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62476 Yeah, Agent Q your right about the crash rate because my cousin crashed his first crash when he was 17 |
Date: 12/3/2003 12:56:00 PM
From Authorid: 58334
I live in Pa and the thign is they are doign it for kids born 89 and under. Those of us who are 15 don't have to worry because I think they may have already passed this law, I'm not sure. Part of me thinks it shouldn't be because I know some very responsible people but then again I know some not so very responsible people. |
Date: 12/3/2003 12:59:00 PM From Authorid: 35720 Sure why not? I don't care.. I'm almost 18 anyway. |
Date: 12/3/2003 1:16:00 PM From Authorid: 58611 I dont think it would make that much of a difference really, I mean its only 2 years difference, and a person will be just as dangerous being a new driver at 16 as well as 18, they will still be new and in-experienced at it. |
Date: 12/3/2003 1:32:00 PM From Authorid: 62410 I think maybe a compromise would be better. Like full driving privilege at 18 but restricted to daytime driving only until then. Scall |
Date: 12/3/2003 1:37:00 PM From Authorid: 62401 When i was under 18 i thought that was very unfair... but now that i am over 18 and i have a child i think it is a good idea. It isnt neccesarily that i think teens under 18 go out and get drunk and drive, i just think they *MAY* be more responsible. Lindsay |
Date: 12/3/2003 1:38:00 PM From Authorid: 23319 I don't think it should be. I have my permit and I'm 16. I love my car and I'm not a reckless driver at all. I'm sending out for my license in about a week or two. |
Date: 12/3/2003 1:39:00 PM From Authorid: 23319 There are adults drinking and driving home too. |
Date: 12/3/2003 1:41:00 PM From Authorid: 62222 I think it is a great idea to limit their priviledges, I do not think kids, in general, at that age are mature enough to handle the full responsibility of driving. But, on of the reasons the crash rate goes down is because at 18, the kids who have been driving since 16 have better instincts about driving by now. They should limit their driving but not take it away. Now all that's going to happen in PA is the crash rate for 18 is going to go up, because kids are going to lose those years of acclimation. Limit them YES, eliminate all priviledges.....probably not.<RegretfulHalo> |
Date: 12/3/2003 1:52:00 PM From Authorid: 13283 Im okay with it being 18 . Kids grow up too fast and want to be driving right away . My stepdaughter is already driving and shes only 15. She has a driving permit and I prefer she get a lot more safer practice somewhere else rather than the actual highway . It should be like 17 or 18 . Razzy aka |
Date: 12/3/2003 2:01:00 PM From Authorid: 55297 OH NO! I DONT THINK SO! im 16 and if they raise the driving age... OOOOO! O_o i'll be p'oed! i cant wait to drive. i dont think htey should up the age, just up the tests and maybe have pee tests and random blow-alcohal tests... for ppl under 21. but other than that, NO WAY should they raise the age. if they are reckless at 16, imagine with 2 years of NO res[onsibility will do to them by the time they reach 18. it would just cause more problems. *MY OPINION ENTIRELY* |
Date: 12/3/2003 2:06:00 PM From Authorid: 53284 People need to remember that driving is a privilage, not a right. I would support an age of 18 for most teens with the possibility of getting your license at 16 if there is a family need. I know that some 16 year olds need to drive family members for hospital appointments etc. Without a demonstrated family need, I think that it should be raised to 18. Think of all the energy that could save as well as all the car crashes etc. |
Date: 12/3/2003 2:15:00 PM From Authorid: 22080 raising the age of driving wont do anything for drinking and driving, not allowing somone to drive till their 18 really screws up their chances of getting a job |
Date: 12/3/2003 2:25:00 PM From Authorid: 55386 Well, I live in Canada, but I don't really think this will help much...Like, yes, young drivers 15 and so are driving and drinking...But when you're 18, here in Canada you are old enough to buy beer, so it doesn't really fix anything....There are a lot of 18 year olds that are as immature as 15 year olds, not that I would know, I mean, I am only 13...But I dunno.... |
Date: 12/3/2003 3:10:00 PM From Authorid: 58078 I think in Jersey they already did change it to 18 or they were going to...don't know if they went through with it or not yet. Personally when I was 16 and got my permit and when I turend 17 I was so excited..but I think another year at the same times is alot. I don't think that if you don't have your permit for a year that you should just get your license. I think everyone should have a permit for at least a year so that they can practice, etc. Now that I'm older and I see how 17 year olds are...some of them...I think maybe they should wait till 18...driving is a very very big responsibility. Your eyes have to be everywhere. |
Date: 12/3/2003 3:10:00 PM From Authorid: 16845 I don't know....I like what colorado did...it's a 'graduated' license program....they 'earn' different licenses...like in the begining their only allowed out when it's light and no friends allowed with them....and they gradually get more privledges added on....and when their 18 they've got a full blown license then. |
Date: 12/3/2003 3:11:00 PM From Authorid: 58078 15 is wayyyyyyyyyyyy to young to be driving. |
Date: 12/3/2003 3:57:00 PM
From Authorid: 43807
it will never be 18 in south dakota, or any other farming states. |
Date: 12/3/2003 4:08:00 PM From Authorid: 62344 no. If you are a reckless driver you are a reckless driver regardless of age. |
Date: 12/3/2003 4:31:00 PM From Authorid: 54968 They were saying something about doing this in Tx too. I do NOT think they should do this. It's not fair for the younger people who have to wait even LONGER to be able to drive. |
Date: 12/3/2003 4:33:00 PM From Authorid: 54968 And another thing, not EVERY 16 year old is irresponsible. |
Date: 12/3/2003 5:14:00 PM From Authorid: 47296 I believe the legal driving age should be raised to 21, and that a driver's education course be manadatory before driving. Also, raise the cost of a driver's license to several hundred dollars for a lifetime license, It would mean having to upgrade public transportation, but that would be a plus. Countries in Europe have had a similiar system for years, and it works great. Also, the roads are less congested, and in better repair. |
Date: 12/3/2003 6:03:00 PM From Authorid: 43652 it's not juast age however. one of the reasons that the crash rate is so high is because of inexpierienced drivers. 18 year olds are not going to be automaticly more expirienced than a 16 year old. maybe a little more mature but that isn't fair to the mature minors. i am definetly against raiseing the driving age, but restrictions beyond the ones already in place maybe a good idea. |
Date: 12/3/2003 7:17:00 PM From Authorid: 60052 If the problem is crashes. I think they should have mandatory driver's ed for everyone, and people should have to take a road test every four years in order to keep their driver's liscence. (This would keep people from forgetting the rules, the older people who can't see or drive too slow off the roads, and the youngsters would have more practice before being let out on their own.) |
Date: 12/3/2003 9:48:00 PM From Authorid: 62226 why not ,I didn't even learn to drive till I was 18 |
Date: 12/3/2003 11:39:00 PM From Authorid: 7830 I defenitly think driving age should be 18. SOme 16 year olds are mature enough to drive but not alot. Although they think they are lol I know I thought I was the best driver in the world at 16. Either that or at age 16 a psychological test given to determine whether or not the kid is mature enough. But shoot, on the other hand there are many adults who arent even mature enough to drive. |
Date: 12/4/2003 2:46:00 AM From Authorid: 53054 i dont think that some 18 year olds should be driving...and neither should some middle age people...we should be giving younger people more of a go, thats what i think anyways! |
Date: 12/4/2003 7:25:00 AM From Authorid: 51635 I heard the here in Illinois they want to make it so that you still get your license at 16, but after dark there can only be one person under 18 in the car, that person being the driver if the driver is under 18...I guess they're thinking is that kids will be less likely to show off then and less kids will go to parties in groups and it will also cut down on gang activity...I think driving for a while in the daylight gives people some "practice time", not a bad idea to me... |
Date: 12/4/2003 8:43:00 AM From Authorid: 47296 One of the biggest problems I see with young drivers is wanting to try and impress people. Recent "car" movies make teens want to go out an immulate what they see. When one drives down the road, they hear stereo systems blaring, loud exhaust systems (often on four bangers which make them sound like hyped up sewing machines), 4x4s jacked up so hugh you need a ladder to get in, frames lowered to the ground and oversized wheels which drastically effect handing and overstress frame parts, and often see teens with an attitude of "I can drive like I want, and you need to get use to it". Yes, growing up we had muscle cars and hot rods, and we had the latest in sound systems. We also knew that we had to obey the rules of the road, or risk our parents taking our rides from us. All it took back then was a neighbor to complain about our driving, and we lost driving privileges. My father helped me fix up my first vehicle, which was a 71' Ford Explorer pickup, capable of doing 90mph in second gear. I knew though that if I got caught hotrodding it on the street that it would get parked. It also had a great Pioneer sound sytem. Once again, I knew if someone could hear it playing as I drove down the street, that my folks would take it out, and I would be stuck with the factory AM radio. We often puched the limits, but we were smart enough to know when and where we could do it. We also had mandatory driver's education. It was required in the 10th grade. No driver's ed, no advancement to 11th grade. It also meant we got a good rate on our insurance. Back then, not every kid drove. Not all could afford a car of their own, and many parents could nto afford to buy one for their kids. Most of us worked to get our first vehicle. The responsibility of holding a job and maintaining good grades often influenced our driving. We became more repsonsible earlier. By my senior year, I was working full time, going to school full time, and was driving a brand new car, which I paid for myself, as well as paying for fuel and insurance. I also had a motorcylce which I bought and paid for running a paper route, as well as the truck my dad helped me fix up. I did have one speeding ticket back then. I was involved in several accidents as a teen, none of which I was at fault in. All but one was someone rearending me due to inattention. The other was a driver under the influence who suddenly decided to stop right in the middle of a busy intersection after he forgot where he was going. One thing I have noticed is that most teens who do not learn good driving skills early, carry their bad driving habits over as they get older. Also, parents are quick to let their kids off for bad driving, because they are too lazy to drive Junior or Missy wherever it is they need to go. For example, one family I know had their son stopped for doing 120 in a 70 zone. That was automatically a wreckless driving and endangerment charge. The parents went and got it reduced to simple speeding. Why? It was the kids 5th ticket, and would have revocation of driver's license, as well as loss of job, and getting kicked out of the National Guard (early elistee). If he had hit someone though, at that speed, it would have meant probable death for him, his passenger (neither wearing a seat belt), and possible death for whoever he hit. If teens want the driving age to reamin as it is, then they need to show responsibility. If they do not, then with time, the age will be raised, and initial license may get even higher. |
Date: 12/5/2003 4:39:00 PM From Authorid: 26452 I don't think so, this is probably because I'm not 18 yet though lol. But here there are ALOT more accidents caused by people too old to drive then younger people. Everyone is mainly concentrating on some stupid teen drivers, while 60+ year olds are getting 25 year lisences. I think it also helps teaches more responsiblility, (some) people have to buy the car, pay for their insurance, keep it well maintained, or at least keep gas in it. And alot of 16 year olds have jobs, most cant get rides to and from work and need their car to have a job, which also helps teach more resonsibility. |
Date: 12/5/2003 4:44:00 PM From Authorid: 26452 Besides, hopefully parents will help teach their kids, and teach them what is right and wrong. Noone is going to do that to an 18 year old. I know if I did something stupid while driving, I'd most likely get my car taken away, and I would know not to do that again. But if an 18 year old does something stupid, no one is going to take their car away, and they wont learn until its either too late, or until they get caught by a cop, who most likely isn't gonna take their car away:P |
Date: 12/6/2003 4:28:00 AM From Authorid: 47296 Moon Angel, statistics show the worse drivers are those 25 years and younger, and have shown such for as long as I can remember. |
Date: 12/6/2003 2:13:00 PM From Authorid: 22080 but doesnt it have to do with experience? |
Date: 12/6/2003 6:07:00 PM From Authorid: 1225 The legal age for everything should be exactly one year lower than my actual age. |
Date: 12/7/2003 5:46:00 PM From Authorid: 60685 Sure, there are lots of reckless 16 year olds out there but believe it or not some of the kids are good drivers. And unfortunately there are drunk drivers of all ages so I don't think it should be changed. What I do think would be a good idea is to lower the limit of violations before they take your license away and don't kill me for this, I don't want to start a new debate but I think it should be mandatory for people over 60 to renew their license every two years. I'M NOT SAYING THAT ALL PEOPLE OVER 60 ARE UNFIT TO DRIVE, but some are and their driving can be as dangerous as any 16 year old. |
Date: 12/9/2003 7:58:00 PM From Authorid: 6860 I honestly wouldn't mind, and driving is too far of a serious matter than to just say "Making us wait is not fair". Life isn't fair, and it is not always right. Driving is more than just sitting and going, you really have to pay attention. While I do agree than teenagers are reckless drivers, I have to say that elderly people are reckless drivers too. Everyone tends to blame the teenagers because they haven't had a lot of experience, but I've seen plenty of elderly people get in accidents too. I think that after the age of 65, an annual driving test should be mandatory. After that age, a person's hearing, eyesight, reflexes, etc. begin to not be as good as they might have been in the past. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen elderly drivers pull out in front of cars, run stop signs, fail to brake, fail to use a turn signal, etc. I think that if we're going to make it tougher for teenagers to drive, then we should make it tougher for elderly people to drive too. And probably even for people in between; there are some terrible drivers who are in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. Why do teenagers get all of the blame? Make driving more serious and tougher for everyone, not just those "at risk drivers". |
Date: 12/9/2003 8:01:00 PM From Authorid: 6860 Ooh great point WildBob! Driving IS a privelage, not a right! Everyone thinks that as soon as I hit 16 they have the RIGHT to drive; well you don't! As my mom always says: Just because the state of ________ gives you permission to drive doesn't mean you should! |
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