3.1 Vector and Scalar Quantities.
A quantity that requires both magnitude and direction for a complete descripstion is a vector quantity. Recall from the previous chapter that velocity differs from speed in that velocity differs from speed in that velocity inclueds direction in its description.
3.2 Velocity Vectors
We call an arrow a Vector. A velocity is sometimes the result of combining two or more other velocities.
3.3 Components of Vectors
Often we will need to change a single vector into an equivalent set of two component vectors at right angles to each other. Any vector can be “reslved” into two component vectors at right angles to each other. This pair of vectors are known as the components of the given vector they replace.
3.4 Projectile Motion
Projectiles near the earth follow a curved path that at first seems rather complicated. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62200 ( Click here )
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