From it's original discovery by the Ancient Egyptians around 1500 BC, Peridot has been considered both magickal and precious. It was believed to have a subtle light within it's own structure; too dim to illuminate the darkness, but bright enough to make it invisible under additional light from the Sun.
In the first mine, on the island of Zabargad in the Red Sea, rough Peridot would only become apparant in those hours between the light of day and darkness of night. Miners would search for it by the light of a single candle each. On top of the fact that the stones could only be found during certain hours, the island was infested with venomous snaks. To remedy this, all the snakes were ordered destroyed, and almost all traffic to and from the island stopped. The workers were not allowed to leave. Because Peridot was then more valuable than Diamonds are now, anyone who approached the island unexpectedly was to be killed.
Peridot has been found as ancient jewelry in Greece and Italy tracing back to the Zabargad mine. The Romans recorded Peridot as the Evening Emerald, because it's colour remained true, even in fading light.
On another side of the world, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Peridot erupts from the belly of the Earth. Because it forms in molten rock, Peridot has a very high melting point, and tiny perfect gems exist in the flowing lava of Mount Kilauea, on the Big Island of Hawaii. To native Hawaiians, Peridot gems are the tears of Pele, the goddess of fire, destruction, and rebirth.
This sweet little stone has always been considered one of the best gems for protection from evil spirits and enchantments. Egyptians, Hawaiians, and even viscious pirates knew Peridot would protect them. It's energy is pure, it's effect is balancing. It has a very subtle resonance, and needs to be 'sought' before it will share it's gifts. The deeper green stones are used to aid digestion, as well as heal ulcers and nervous disorders. The lighter, more yellowish stones are used to boost eloquence of speech. Attuning with Peridot is also believed to give confidence.
A Peridot engraved with the image of a vulture is said to make an amulet that gives it's wearer control over demons, and no evil entity can exist near it. To just get rid of an evil spirit, drill a small hole in a Peridot, string it on hair from a donkey, and wear this amulet on your left arm. Whether it's for an amulet, or regular jewelry, Peridot seems to prefer gold over all other metals, which is unusual for a peaceful and calming stone. Simply wearing a Peridot set in gold has been known to eliminate night terrors.
And finally, as if all this weren't enough, Peridot is the only precious gem that is both native to Earth, and found in meteorites.
Peridot is the birthstone for August and is associated with Virgo. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 28899 ( Click here )
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