otay....I have several repeating dreams about my adoptive mother MArge whom I haven't spoken to in about 8 yrs. I dream of a wonderful reunion...with her and al the others. (meaning sibs and dad). I would love to know why and what they mean. Then I dream about having conversatons with my birth grandmother and mother. Weird...help? A..(cb)Okay I don't know....I can sya only that there is history... My mom and I haven't spoken in years, she disowned me over abuse. The dreams are what I said..maybe I need to have them again to remembr more. My mom and grandmother have passed....I also feel someone's presence nightly especially around 1am.. Amanda (cb) How it changed my life:it didn't...i don't know how to deal with them or what they mean.. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 15279 ( Click here )
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