If anyone you know ever gives you advice like this, don't listen!
1. If you are ever ticketed, here's what you do. Rip up the ticket and tell the officer kindly that this is a free country, and I choose not to take this ticket.
2. Kids, don't do your homework. What they don't tell you is that its not really required! No one really has to do it, its all a big lie! It WON'T affect your grades at all!
3. Kids, don't listen to your parents! Do whatever floats your boat. If you listen to them all the time you'll find they get more and more controlling until you no longer have free will. Explain to them there are no laws that state you have to listen to them, therefore you refuse!
4. If you want to dye your hair dark, forget hair dye. Sure hair dye is all the rage but it doesn't really work all that great. It's another example of being blinded to better alternatives. Use oil! It works great!
5. You people need to stop being narrowminded and start considering the alternatives! Another thing they don't tell you: Forget razors! Shaving with razors is slow, ineffective, and usually painful. Use an electric sander! Or if you're on a budget, sandpaper will do fine. Its much quicker, less painful, and much more effective! Trust me, you won't have a hair left, not even stubble! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 13886 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .