I am searching for my birth fathers kids. Their mom was Bonita Schmidt and the kids were lost to adoption. There were other reasons I can't talk about for privacy reasons. I am looking for Bobbie born in june 1983, and william born in november 1984. William had a nick name "buddy". I am ahalf sibling and our birthfathers name is William C schmidt. Both parents are alive and living in Neenah and two rivers wisconsin. I have had contact with both and that was in order to get info about my half sibs. If you know about these kids or anythinglet me know.
**Side note..anyone that knows my broher Sean Hoffman please email me at [email protected] as well.
again thanks for looking!
hugs Amanda Why we are looking for them:to find lost siblings...put back the pieces.. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 15279 ( Click here )
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