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Bloodstone. --Underground Tiger

  Author:  28899  Category:(Ancient Beliefs) Created:(2/28/2003 6:13:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (1998 times)

A Bloodstone gives it's wearer an extra burst of energy and vitality, sharpens the mind, strengthens the body and emotions, and helps relieve stress. It is very clearing, and is said to heal eyesight, lungs, the heart, and all blood disorders. It blocks psychic perception (and thus psychic attack), and brings it's wearer back to solid ground, which helps them stay in the moment and overcome obstacles. It is also thought to ease pain, stop the bleeding of a wound, and ease all sorts of cramps and blood pressure problems by getting the blood back to it's healthy flow. Expecting mothers used to wear to it in the belief that it could prevent miscarriage and excess loss of blood during childbirth.

The red varieties of Bloodstone are thought lucky for soldiers and athletes since it is thought to bring courage, strength, and force to it's wearer.

The green varieties are mainly associated with wealth. Keeping a green bloodstone in your wallet, or in a cash register, is an excellent charm for drawing money. It is also considered helpful in drawing wealth when worn as a pendant.

In mystical practice, it was thought to make it's wearer inconspicuous, even invisible, when it is rubbed with crushed Heliotrope flowers. Perhaps this is why the stone itself is sometimes referred to as Heliotrope -the word in Greek means "to follow the sun". Bloodstone was also once called St. Stephen's Stone, as the 'blood' in it was thought to be his. I find that last bit particularly interesting because Stephen is the patron saint of Hungary, my mother's native country.

Bloodstone is associated with the sign Aries, and the planet Mars, and may be more potent for people with that sign and planet strong in their natal charts.

* Thanks for the suggestion, Bloodstone.. After looking into it, I thought it was interesting enough for it's own post :)

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Date: 2/28/2003 6:15:00 AM  From Authorid: 25828    cool info 8-)  
Date: 2/28/2003 6:16:00 AM  From Authorid: 53478    Very interesting.  
Date: 2/28/2003 6:23:00 AM  From Authorid: 59418    Very cool post! metal princess  
Date: 2/28/2003 6:44:00 AM  From Authorid: 38278    Cool. I could use something like that.  
Date: 2/28/2003 6:48:00 AM  From Authorid: 25828    i couldn't resist..i ordered a bloodstone and silver ring from ebay for 4 dollars..isn't that cool and cheap? and it's cute too 8-)  
Date: 2/28/2003 6:57:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 28899    That's cool, Heather.. I've read that, in India, it's thought that wearing a ring on the left side of the body (hand or foot) is only going to bring out the worst in the stone, and wearing it on the right will bring out it's best   
Date: 2/28/2003 7:00:00 AM  From Authorid: 25828    that's neat too 8-) i love learning new things..thanks!  
Date: 2/28/2003 7:09:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 28899    Oh, and silver is supposed to purify and magnify the energy of any stone set in it, and increase the body's absortion of those energies..  
Date: 2/28/2003 7:12:00 AM  From Authorid: 25828    woohoo..i know who to ask if i have a question on stones..i love that kind of jewelry..all of mine is silver or silver and some stone..i like hematite because it's supposed to be stress relieving..  
Date: 2/28/2003 7:19:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 28899    Hematite is my favorite of all stones and metals. It gives courage, yet subdues that irrational survival instinct, increases confidence, yet is very grounding.. I've done a few of these types of posts, and Hematite must be on at least one of them   
Date: 2/28/2003 7:26:00 AM  From Authorid: 25828    woohoo..i'll be reading your posts to find them 8-)  
Date: 2/28/2003 10:11:00 AM  From Authorid: 18155    Interesting information.Thanks  
Date: 2/28/2003 10:15:00 AM  From Authorid: 28946    That's cool info. I'd like to find out more about the different stones.  
Date: 2/28/2003 10:19:00 AM  From Authorid: 26049    wow...that's really interesting. Great post.   
Date: 3/1/2003 12:10:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 28899    Any stones in particular, Penny?  
Date: 3/1/2003 12:28:00 AM  From Authorid: 28946    Any stones UT. I've bookmarked each of these posts. I didn't know that about the right side and silver intensifying the properties. I had heard that if an emerald is your birststone and you wear it during childbirth and surgeries, you will have an easier time. That might be true for I wear emeralds all the time. I gave my other stones away but need to get more for my chakra. I need to do a thorough research on me again.  
Date: 3/1/2003 12:34:00 AM  From Authorid: 28946    Have you ever tried this shop?http://www.firemtn.com/

Date: 3/1/2003 2:21:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 28899    Hehe, I actually woke up today wondering if hemp cord is availible, and there it is! Thanks for the link, I've never come across that site before. I usually start at http://www.luckygemstones.com/ because they have some info on all the stones they carry, and lists of stones sorted by metaphysical properties, including chakras. I haven't shopped there yet though. That's interesting about emeralds.. In ancient Rome they were associated with Aphrodite and everything young and female, so I can see how it would help in those circumstances. I think stones offer more help to those born under their influence. Peridot is my birthstone, and it seems to have an unusually strong effect on me. It may also be that conscious awareness of that connection helps charge the stones, or at least makes us adopt their supposed properties.. I'm not sure how it all works, but it's fun to look into every now and then   
Date: 3/2/2003 12:16:00 AM  From Authorid: 26598    Thanks for the post this has got me in the mind to add a bloodstone to my collection. I was wondering if I may ask a question? I am a leo what stone is very lucky for leos to have?  
Date: 3/2/2003 4:22:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 28899    Pale Knight, Sunstone, Ruby, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Zircon (Jacinth), Amber, Red Tourmaline, Tiger Iron, and Gold are associated with Leo and it's ruling planet, the Sun. So, any of those set in gold will help you be more confident, optimistic, and expressive -Leo's trademarks. Sunstone and Red or Pink Tourmaline in particular should bring you luck in love, and Amber should protect you from harm. Thanks for stopping by   
Date: 3/2/2003 9:39:00 PM  From Authorid: 53055    Hey, kewl post. No problem on the suggestion. I chose a good name.   
Date: 3/30/2003 8:47:00 AM  From Authorid: 56176    i enyoy your posts; they always seem to have great info,keep writing  
Date: 5/20/2003 6:37:00 AM  From Authorid: 51876    Soul in the Stone theme is facinating......  

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