Ok perfect dark is a N64 game, the object is to kill sims, or other player, and it is really realistic, and kind of freaky, its hard to quit also so anywayx Last night i spent the night at my friends house, and there sister is 9 years old, and she played perfect dark with us alot, and just last night she couldnt sleep or anything, and she was scared that someone might shoot her, that is how the game is, its hard to face the perfect sims on it, we played the perfect sims, and well we lost misrably, and then it turned 1 o clock, and it was time for bed, my friend went to go to the bathroom downstairs, and my friends mom was reading her stories, and my friends sister was crying, i could hear it a little upstairs, so i am just saying, i dont think the game is for 10 or under, and she doesnt like to play it anymore. thanks for your time! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 12828 ( Click here )
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