GOOD GUYS.....Blizz can morph into a polar bear, and he has telekenesis, and he is leader of the good guys.Dolphin Witch can morph into a Dolphin, and she can Breath underwater, also she is a good guy.
Moon of star, he can morph into a space creature, and his powers are to become invisible., and is also a good guy.
Icyfire will be playing as Blizz's G/F, and her powers are to grow 15 feet, and flying, and her morph is to a German SHepard Dog with wings, and she is a good guy.
BAD GUYS...Rocketman, has a robot that is 12 feet tall, he lives in, and when out of the thing, he is weak.
Aphrdite really bad, pure evil, she plans on taking over the baddies, her powers are when she touches someone she has complete control with their body, she can control her own, and the victems body at the same time,and she can morph into a hawk.
Starchazer's powers are psychic which she can levitate, and teleport, she can morph into a dragon that cant fly. She is a bad guy.
MsUnforgiven She is a Serious fighter, when aphy or Rocketman tell her to do something she does it immediantly, she has super power, and she can morph into an elephant.
Fleur Delacour: The Amy Jo Johnson/Pink Power Ranger of the bunch. Morphs into a White Tiger, and is VERY psychic.
Heckler is a Double Agent, and he has a rare ability, he can travel through space, and he can morph into the koolaide man, and run through brick walls.
There is the list, Stephanie Put your morph,spuerpower when you read this meessage. The First chapter will be today, around noon.