Starchazer gave me this title, if you see her, thank her!Anywayz i need 6 people for my story, so far i have Mighty Blizz of the north... leader of the super heros.Good Guy, and morphs into a polar Bear. his powers are Telekonetic. IcyFire.....Good Guy Starchazer....Bad Guy Stephanie...Good Guy Rocketman...Leader of the baddies. Anyway I need 6 more people, also you have to be a registered USMER, To be init you have to leave' Your Super Powers only One, like Flying, or Telekonetic, ect. Also leave what your morph is, like a danger purpose thing, and finally, if you want to be good or bad, 3 good, and 3 bad. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 12828 ( Click here )
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