I think i have secend most sisters, starchazer is ahead of me, its not no competition or anything, but here is my family, and siblings and stuff.<Father Demon Devastator> <mothers Texas Angi, Dream Web Weaver> <uncle is Enki> <bros Rocketman, 8ball (I asked him in chat, although i dont think he is a he or she??) Overseer, toronto sundin and Myst> (sisters Flaming Beauty, StarChazer, Tiffany, Scrappy Doo, Erik Michael, Wadsworth, Dolphin Witch, Hazel Eyed Fairy,Tiffany, JarJarGungan, Kitti,X! Rock Goddess,Snowy Owl,Hockey Girl,Mystic Gurl, Shadow Girl, Tre Shadow,Rose Princess,Holly Love Bug,Nicole, Stepanie,Emi,Sunshine,StarChazer, PinkAngel, Babyjay, Stephanie, Mysticalme> That is 29 sisters, My family tree is pretty big! I would espescially sya Hi to icyfire, who is at skateboarding camp, me and her plan to get married soon.!! Not to put any of my family down Here are my favs brothers and sisters #1 Stephanie #2 Sunshine #3 Starchazer #4 Jar Jar Gungan These 4 Including Icyfire helped me out with the first time i arrived, and the admins helped me too much, i can never thank them for helping me out, and kaing all the thousands of name tags. My Favorite bro is Rocketman, because he is the funniest brother i have. I hope i have not offended anyone bye this, thanks USM family, and friends. Blizz You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 12828 ( Click here )
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