The Demon screamed at starchazer making her hair fly behind her, and starchazer ran away from the demon, and by the group, Banner arrived in the parking lot, and everyone ran toward banner, and they drove off leaving the fair. StarChazer said she would by everyone a Ice cream cone, at Dairy Queen. They all got out of the car, and went inside. Admin and Admin2 were standing at the counter waiting for them. Admin2 took there order, and Admin made the Icecream. The only problem it tasted like cheese. They were sitting on the benches, and Flaming Beauty came in. She sat and talked to everyone, then she ordered a Sunday with hot fudge! They all finished, and banner drove everyone back to Blizz's House, and they all went to bed. Starchazer woke everyone up at 8:00 in the morning, because she had puked earlier, Blizz ran in the bathroom and puked to, Icyfire, Pinkangel, Hazel eyed-fairy,Banner,Flaming Beauty,Nelly,Stephanie,and Emi all stepped out of the house, and puked outside, all of them came wearly walking back, They all sat on the couch not feeling well at all. All of them passed out, and Never woke up, Blizz died holding icyfires hand. Stay Tuned for the final chapter.!!!!!!!! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 12828 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .